
Chapter 30: Clueless

Xan watched the screen as he hung up.

“Well, how did she take it?” Denug asked from the other side of Xan’s office.

“How do you think?” Xan snapped

Denug put his hands up in a sign of surrender and said “Look, I won’t pretend I understand what you just did. Surely, it is easier just to tell her?”

“Kurt does not want to meet us for coffee and cakes, he is up to something. I can’t risk him finding out where she is at the moment!" Xan explained. 

Kurt was a genius when it came to technology, there was a slight chance he could trace from Xan’s phone. Kurt had managed to hack the Russian Gangs Network, well that what was presumed, as Kurt was canny enough to cover his electronic tracks.

“It might be what he said - he wants to open trade between our Syndicates!" Denug said with a shrug.

“Yes, but why now? We have been Syndicate Leaders for over half a decade!” Xan argued.

“I suppose along with all spies with been catching, you have got a point!” Denug said begrudgingly.

 Denug knew Xan had an excellent mind for strategy, one of his qualities that made him an excellent leader. If Xan’s gut was telling him something was up, then It was highly likely there was.

“We are leaving the day after tomorrow for Sheffield. He wants to meet us there for some reason!” Xan explained.

“Seems to be normal for him at the moment. Isn’t that where Grace studied and first met Kurt?” Denug asked. 

Xan growled and said, “The sooner we go, the sooner I can go to New York and fix things with Grace!” 

Denug looked sceptically at Xan. “What?” Xan asked

“You think you will be able to “fix things” with Grace? You just told her you wanted to break!” Denug said.

“Yes, why? She will understand when I talk to her.” Xan said confidently. 

“If she talks to you!” Denug said.

“Why wouldn’t she?” Xan said

“Xan, you are one of the smartest people I know, but when it comes to women you are clueless! You just rejected her for no good reason. She is not going to forgive and forget easily!” Denug explained.

“I think you are wrong, she will be fine!” Xan said.

“Oh my friend, you have so much to learn!” Denug said quietly.


“He did what?” Erin shouted 

“I know, right? No idea what is going on, so we are on a break. Whatever that means!” Grace said. 

Normally she was an enthusiastic student, but she had struggled and Erin had asked her what was wrong.

“Does Tony know?” Erin asked

“God no! Can you imagine? I don’t want to start a Gang War!” Grace said

“Very wise. It is so unlike Xan though!” Erin mused and Grace sighed.

“Well, whatever! He can go fuck himself for all I care!” Grace grumped.

“You don’t mean that, but I applaud your show of strength. Now shall we get on with the session?” Erin said.

“OK, but he best not contact me for a while!” Grace warned.


“Thank you so much for coming to Sheffield,  Chairman Lang!” Nancy said as she poured Xan’s Green Tea. 

She was leaning right over, so if Xan wished he could look right down her top. Xan tried not to show disgust, as he wanted to get this meeting over without incident!

“It is not a problem, though I am confused why this meeting has been called!” Xan said looking directly at Kurt.

 Kurt had lost weight and had bags under his eyes. Still, Xan would be careful not to underestimate him.

“I thought it was time to meet, we are both relatively young Chairman!” Said Kurt.

“We been Chairman for a while, why now?” Xan pushed.

Kurt chuckled and said “I like your directness! Makes life so much simpler, does it not? Fine, I will put my cards on the table. My contacts have informed me of something quite interesting!” 

“Oh? Please expand ?” Xan said stone-faced.

“That you are Mr Anderson are getting very cosy!" Kurt said

“Cosy?” Xan said confused

“It means close Chairman Lang!” Nancy said sweetly, fluttering her lashes. Xan mentally rolled his eyes, his English was perfectly fine.

“Yes, we have shared business interests, that is all!l Xan said.

“Like a dog that is worth over $2 million?” Kurt said with a raised eyebrow.

“In my culture, giving animals is perfectly normal. I am a bit confused why I should be justifying it to you though Kurt!" Xan said in a warning tone.

“You don’t Xan, please forgive my curiosity!” Kurt said.

“I guessing you did not call me here to talk about dogs?” Xan said

“Indeed not. I would like to open negotiations for a potential trade deal between our Syndicates. But for tonight, why don’t you join us for dinner as our honoured guest?” Kurt said.

“It sounds like a good plan to me!"Xan said. 

Even though it was possibly the last thing in the world he wanted to do. He wanted to see Grace, he had missed her more than he cared to admit.

“Oh, how simply delightful! It will give us a chance to get to know each other better!" Nancy said seductively.

“Excellent! We will continue this conversation later. Nancy would care to show them to their hotels?“ Kurt said 

“It would be my pleasure!” Nancy said with a smile.

“This is going to be a long fucking trip!” Xan cursed silently.


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