
Chapter 36: Ice Rings and Memories

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Alright, I am coming!” Denug shouted as he walked to the door. He pressed a button and released the lock. Hank came barging in with A couple of security men and Tiboas.

“Where is she?” Hank said sternly.

“Slow down Hank, she is OK!” Denug said putting his hands up in a calming gesture.

“Never presume you can tell me what to do Denug, especially in my Boss’s territory!” Hank growled. Hank and Denug were starting to square up to each other.

“Hank!” Grace said shocked, she never seen Hank so aggressive. Grace’s voice must have snapped Hank out of it because he turned to look at her.

“Grace, thank God you are here! Dr Stevens, please check her out now!” Hank said. One of the security guards came forward with yet another Doctor’s bag.

“Miss, may I have permission to examine you?” Dr Stev

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