
Chapter 42: Amazing Grace!*

Tobias was not impressed with the situation, in fact, he was extremely worried! He had gone to sniff out a new smell when he heard his Mistress’s voice raised, he had turned to raced to her side. When he got there, he saw his Mistress fallen and smelled her blood. Now a strange man was wanting to touch his Mistress! Not on his watch!

Tobias stood over his mistress, the urge to protect was overwhelming. Tobias barked loudly at Kurt to warn him to stay the fuck away! 

“Get out of the way you stupid mutt! Can’t you see she is hurt and I am trying to help her?!” Kurt shouted at Tobias.

Suddenly, Kurt heard a female voice call “Tobias! Tobias, have you got shut out again?” 

“Kitty?!” Grace tried to say but was drowned out by Tobias’s barking.

Suddenly, Kitty walked over and saw Grace lying on the floor with Kurt standing over her.

“Oh my God Grace! Tobias, you stay right there, I am getting help!” Kitty said as she ran back into t

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