
Chapter 5

Vincenzo's POV

I stood on my balcony, having a view of my Garden and puffing my cigar, when my phone in my pocket rang jolting me from my thoughts.

I placed my hand inside my pocket and brought out my phone. Upon seeing the caller my eyebrows furrowed, because this caller only called when something was wrong.

I slid to the accept icon as I took the call, “Hello, Detective James,” I greeted.

“Good day, Vincenzo, you have a big problem, it's about your Dad. I can't say it on the phone but come to Livingston Hospital and meet me,” Detective James spoke briefly, his Voice tinged with urgency, which could only mean that my father was in trouble.

I had only my pants on, so I went into the room to wear something better, I didn't bother since it concerned my father. I was scared because he had health issues.

I didn't want to lose him yet as he was the only family I had except my cousin, Virgilio and both uncles, Uncle Erico and Uncle Gilberto.

I wanted to step out and I saw my fiancée sleeping on my bed. I decided to cover her properly, I wanted to leave a note for her but I couldn't waste another minute at the house so I hurriedly left the room.

Coming out of my room my guards saw me and bowed their heads and I nodded briefly.

“Where's Riccardo?” I asked one of my workers.

But before he could speak Riccardo's voice came through, “Yes Boss,” he bowed.

“Drive me to Livingston Hospital,” I said, my voice showing how urgent it was for me.

Riccardo's puzzled expression didn't go unnoticed by me, he would probably wonder what we would be going to in a hospital, “Boss, is there a problem?” He was politely cautious of his words.

“Detective James called, and that could only mean there's bad news, we need to leave this minute,” 

“Okay Boss,” Riccardo replied, quickly getting into one of the SUVs, one guard rushed to open the back seat for me and I entered inside.

He sits in the front passenger seat while Riccardo amplifies his speed as we leave the compound with the convoy following closely behind us.

In a short time, we get to the hospital, and I quickly place a call for Detective James immediately.

He picks up the call immediately and it rings, he was certainly waiting for my call.

“Mr Vincenzo, where are you?” His voice comes immediately.

“I'm at the hospital’s parking lot,” I replied to him, tucking my hand in my suit pants.

“Alright, one minute,” Detective James says hurriedly, dropping the call.

In less than three minutes I see him walking towards where I am, “Good day, Mr Vincenzo,” Detective James greets me putting up a smile that barely reaches his eyes.

I notice it and it makes my heart quicken. Wondering what may be the problem this time?

“Good day, James, why am I here?” I ask with a stern expression, I don't have time to waste.

“Okay, umm follow me,” Detective James stutters, leading the way as we follow him into the hospital.

We walk through the hallways and get to a room. He opens the door for us and stands at the door.

I glance at him and enter the room with my men following behind me.

I see a body covered with white clothing, And I feel my heart skip a beat, “Is that my Father?” I ask, my voice shaking.

He nods, unable to speak, I am tempted to do something to him but I decide to check if the body is actually my Father's body.

I take short steps towards the body and slowly open the body, and my blood immediately runs Cold, I stiffen in my position as I was very unprepared for what I saw, my Father was a well-known wealthy man in New York, also a man people greatly feared but seeing that his ear was dismembered from his body and his face covered in blood as he sustained severe injuries on his body part.

I could feel my blood boiling so fast that I was tempted to kill. I quickly pulled out my gun from my belly band holster and pointed at him.

“Hey, man, what are you doing?” He asked, quivering as he almost peed on his pants, raising his hands and looking around to see everyone in the room was pointing a gun at him.

“What the fuck happened to my father?” I barked not minding that my voice might call the attention of people.

“Look Vincenzo, I called you here because I didn't know how to tell you myself, I and my crew were going on the road when we saw an accident, the car your father was in got hit by a trailer, your father's body was the only body at the scene, the driver of the truck and every other person that may be involved wasn't there.” Detective James spilled in one breath.

“That's all you've got?” I creased my eyebrow at him.

“We are investigating the case, the truck that hit his car didn't have a plate number, the accident was very bad, when we rushed him to the hospital the Doctor proclaimed him dead at our arrival,” Detective James explained more and somehow the explanation calmed my growing anger for him, I put my gun down so did the rest of my boys.

I looked at my father's body again, and held his bloody hands, gripping them tightly as a lone tear escaped my eyes, “I will avenge your death, Dad, I will make sure they all pay with their families and loved ones, I will wipe out their generations and there will be no trace of their existence,” I said, my voice dripped with the depth of anger, revenge, and bloodthirst.

“Mr Vincenzo there's something strange about the accident, who was driving your father? Because I know he wasn't driving himself,” Detective James’s question rang a bell in my heart and I remembered that our consigliere drove him to the board meeting earlier this morning.

“It was our Consigliere, Thomas Philip,” I say, realizing what may have happened.

Nobody messes with the Dante's and goes Scott free, he'll surely pay.

Girlie dearie

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