
Chapter 4

Violet's POV

“Violet!!!!” My mother screamed from the top of her voice, I was so carried away with my actions that I didn't know when she entered the room and this was certainly a bad one.

“Mom,” the object falls from my hand as I notice my mother trying to catch her breath holding her chest, Fuck!, She wasn't supposed to see that, “what are you trying to do?” She stutters while trying to make her breathe stable.

“Don't say anything,” I say, patting her, when her breath becomes more stable, I help her to her room to take her drugs.

“Violet, what were you doing?” Her voice filled with anger and disbelief.

“Mom please don't…..,” my mother shushed me before I got to finish my statement because no amount of excuse will justify the fact that I was trying to end my life.

“I knew there's certainly something bothering you, I knew you lied to me when I asked you but was it worth ending your own life?” She kept pouring out her mind and a lone tear escaped my eyes.

“Mother, you know I won't do anything to hurt you right?” I asked her.

“Yes,” I saw the reluctance in her eyes as she spoke, she believed that I couldn't hurt her before but after what she saw it would be hard to believe me.

“Mom, I'm heartbroken. I don't know where to start, but I'm going through a lot, I don't seem to be able to handle it,” I said crying out this time.

“It's okay my love, you can tell me anything If you need anyone to turn to, I'm always here for you,” My mother said, giving me a reassuring smile, but deep down I couldn't detail her what I was going through.

“My boyfriend cheated on me,” I opened up to her, I wish I could tell her the whole truth but her health was at stake here.

“What? Why would he do that? Oh sorry my dear,” My mother's voice had a way of soothing me as I sobbed in her arms.

She kissed me on the head, “It's okay my Dear, Don't worry you'll get someone, who will cherish you and be obsessed with you,” I don't know why but those words my mother said felt good to my ears, although she was worried as my Dad never missed their anniversary.

After letting me cry all I wanted, I decided to go to my room. As I stepped out of the door I saw my sister hugging her legs as she cried intensely.

It broke my heart to see her like that but she hurt me too, so bad that I can't even imagine my life after now.

I strode to my room without saying a word to her, after getting inside I decided to have some rest and forget my problems for the day.

I was able to get some good sleep.


I hear a knock on my door, “Come in,” I say audibly for the person on the other side to hear.

The doorknob turns and my sister walks in, the look on her face tells me she has been soaking her bed since last night.

“Good morning,” she said, her voice croaky, confirming my assumptions.

“Morning,” I reply, without looking at her as I pack my things inside my box.

“I didn't get to apologize to you for what happened the other day and…” I knew where she was going with that and I didn't want to open closed wounds, so I cut her off.

“spare me that this morning, I'm still trying to heal, the only reason you can still talk to me is because you're my sister, I'm still trying to get over everything that happened, just stay away from me for now, if you knew how much I loved you you won't think of betraying me,” I say genuinely from my heart.

I hold her, “Thanks for not telling Mom what I did, I know I don't deserve it but I'm going to change from now on,” she says as she playing with her fingers.

“You're welcome,” I say, as I get back to my packing, “Why are you packing?” She asks, wondering why I was so invested in what I was doing.

“I’m going to stay at my friend's place,” I say, taking the bag down from the bed as I roll it out of the room.

“Do you need to leave?” Anna asked.

“Yeah, I just want to cool my head for a bit, then I'll come back,” I tell her, giving her a convincing smile.

I walked down to see my worried mother in the sitting room, she swiveled her head and saw me coming down with my bag.

“Violet, where are you going?” My mother asks, her tone showing concern.

“I'm going to New York to see Brielle, I'll stay with her for a few days and after that, I'll go to Ava's house, she said her Dad is sick, after that, I'll return.” 

"Ava's father is sick?" 

"Yes, he developed a heart disease," I explained.

“What about your job?” My mother asked, reminding me that I'd been sacked, “My Boss fired me,” I said with a forced smile.

“Oh! My child,” my mother's hands clamped her mouth as she spoke, “Come here,” she opened her arms for me.

I stooped to her level and hugged her, as I disengaged from the hug I looked at her face and discovered something wasn't alright.

“Is something bothering you?” I asked.

“I'm beginning to worry about your Dad's safety, he hasn't called me for four days, and he didn't come for the anniversary party I prepared, I think something is wrong,” she complained, and I could see through her that she was worried.

“Don't worry Mom, your husband is fine, he'll come home, maybe he was caught up with work or something,” I assured her, even when I wasn't sure of my words.

“Mother, I have to go so I can catch up with my flight, see you when I come back,” I say, pecking at her and getting on my feet to leave.

I hear my sister say 'Bye' but I pretend not to hear.

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