
Chapter 3

Violet pov

“Where's my phone??” I ask with a straight face, as I turn and my gaze meets with that of my sister.

She scurried towards where I lay and put her hand under my pillow, brought out the phone and handed it to me, without saying a word.

As she gives me the phone I feel something strange but not being able to place a name on it I decide to let it go with a shrug.

I figured out that she's ashamed of her actions but that was way too far, I don't even want to think about the part my eye caught in John's house.

He'll have to triple his earnings now so he doesn't get kicked out, a smug smile crept its way to my face. 

My sister makes short steps to her previous position, the nurse clears her throat reminding us of her presence in the room.

“Hello, Miss Violet,” The Doctor greets me with a friendly smile.

I just smile and I don't say a word to her.

“You're responding fast to treatment and that's nice, thanks to God you didn't sustain a fracture,” The Doctor remarks.

A lot has happened in just a two days, “thanks,” I say with a faint smile.

“You can be discharged tomorrow if everything continues like this,” The doctor informs me, that's good news because I can't stand this place anymore.

“Okay,” I say nodding, and the Doctor gives me some medication and leaves.

I look through my phone call log and I see my mother's call. She would wonder why I didn't return last night and how I managed to go to work.

Now it's just me and my sister, “Come here,” I command her with an authoritative tone.

She walks slowly, her head still buried to the ground.

 “Anna, why are you a stripper? And when did that begin in the first place?” I ask, my face perplexed.

“I-i-it was my friends, they lured me, they said it was fun,” Anna Stuttered, I and my sister shared a lot of secrets our parents didn't know but she never for once told me about this part of her, telling me about this now only makes me wonder how many things she was keeping away from me.

I don't even want to talk about the part I saw in John's house, I don't even know how to say those words from my mouth, but I'm really hurt inside, there's nothing more to do, the relationship over now.

When did she even lose her virginity? Because I don't recall her telling me anything of that sort.

She was seriously nervous and I could see it all over her expression as she was fidgeting and facing down.

I wouldn't be the one that would expose her to my parents but she better find a way to cover up her mess and make a new turn.

I didn't want to interrogate her with more questions but I was so pissed.

“Pack everything I have here and call the doctor. I can take my treatment from home, I want to leave this place.” I say.

She goes ahead to do as I said, she informs the doctor about what I said and the doctor comes to me herself.

“Miss Violet, are you sure you want to leave, I suggest you stay back for at least tomorrow,” The Doctor insisted.

“I can't stay here till tomorrow for some personal reasons, I can come back for checkups, I need to see my mother,” I protest and the doctor shrugs in resignation, “Okay then,” 

All the processes I needed to leave the hospital were met, my sister and I left the hospital for home.

She wasn't supposed to be following me home but she had to.

“Welcome my dearie,” My mother says with her euphonious voice as she sees me entering the house.

“Hey Mom,” I greeted her with a warm smile, “You almost got me worried yesterday when you didn't take my calls,” she whined but while talking she got a better look at my face and no one needed to tell her that something was going on with me.

She touches the side of my face, What's wrong with you my Dear? You look pale,” she looks at my sister wondering why she's here when she should be at school.

“What's going on?” She asks, her gaze flickering from my sister to me, “You didn't tell me you were coming home?” She says facing my sister.

“Mom, you don't need to worry about anything, I and Anna went for a friend's birthday yesterday, and I had a hangover and a little migraine, that's all, I got medications anyway, isn't that true, Anna?” I say throwing my gaze to my sister whose eyes almost sprung out at my impromptu lie.

“Y..yes..yes, we went to a friend's party, we had a lot of drinks that's all,” Anna complied, clearing her throat.

My mother knew there was something we weren't telling her but she decided to shrug it off.

“You can go in and have some rest then,” My mother said, excusing us.

“Violet, try calling your Dad if he'll pick up, today is our 25th anniversary and he Isn't here yet,” My mother said with a frown.

I and Anna lied to my mother because she had a weak heart. Telling her bad news could cause more chaos. We may tell her later but not now, there's a lot of tension now, my heart is conflicting at the moment.

I nodded as my sister and I strode towards my room, after dropping all my stuff she left and I realized all over my room were pictures and memories of John and I.

And it made my heart start boiling uncontrollably.

Do you know what hurts more? I'm still crazy about him so crazy that I don't know how to move on from this situation, how to console myself from the fact that my blood sister hurt me in the deepest way possible, I don't know how to move on like it never happened.

I start tearing all the pictures and memories of him from my walls, but the pain doesn't go away, it's still there.

My eyes land on a sharp object on my table and I pick it up, “Let's end everything now, there's no way I can move on from him,” I say to myself glowering at the mirror in my room.

“Have you…..” my mother trails off seeing what I was about to do, “Violet!!!!” She yells with so much strength.

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