
Chapter 2

Violet's POV 


“You're fired, get out of my office,” my Boss growled.

“Sir, I didn't do anything wrong!” I stutter my voice pleading.

“You can't continue working here if you are not of use to me,” My Boss said.

“I work for you, Sir, I do my best to help the company grow,” I clarify, but it doesn't help.

“It’s not your duty to help my company grow, I have what it takes to help my company grow, I told you I want to know what in there feels like, I can't keep you here if you can't secure your job properly,” My Boss insists, pointing in the direction of my p**sy.

“But you have a wife, I also have a boyfriend,” I protest.

“Well, that doesn't stop you from satisfying your Boss, or does it?” My Boss asked looking at me intently, I knew so well he had a sinister plan behind his carefully constructed facade.

I open my mouth to speak but this man is hellbent on seeing my panties, I get short of words to speak in my defense, it's his company after all.

“Get out of my company, you're no longer needed here,” My Boss yelled.


Despite how bad my morning went I still spent my money to surprise my man and this is how he pays me back.

As I'm about to cross the road and I hear my name from afar, I forget I'm in the middle of the road, and I look back and see my sister running after me.


That's the last thing I hear before my vision becomes blurry.


I open my eyes slightly to my surroundings, my eyes fall on the IV stand and IV connected to my hand, the beeping monitors, the small TV opposite me.

Then I remembered I was hit by a car, I facepalmed, what love has done to me again.

I look to my side to find John there sleeping beside me on the bed, “What the fuck?” I push him away with all my strength after which I feel pain because the IV reminds me I'm supposed to stay still, I just wince slightly and mask my face with an unreadable expression.

“Hey babe, are you awake?” John asked, pushing back the sleep in his eyes, as he blinked repeatedly, trying to ignore what I did to him.

“What are you doing here?” I retorted, rolling my eyes in disgust., “Hey babe, I know you got every single right in the world to be angry but I'm really sorry babe,” he apologizes with doe eyes, not that again, I can't afford to trust him again, he thinks I'm a fool to believe his cheap lies? 

“John, John, John,” I called, shaking his words out of my head, “Please I beg you, GET OUT,” I grit, with so much bitterness.

He was always with me for the benefits, if he couldn't love me when he had the chance there's no use.

“Violet, I'm sorry, for lying about everything I did that hurt you, just forgive me,” he continued apologizing despite my unyielding demeanor.

I scoff audibly, “Why are you begging me, John, So I can steal more money from my Dad and lie to him that I need something when I don't, so I can cover up for your broken ass? That's never happening again, you have taken me for a fool enough, all the wasted dates, the attention you didn't give me, all that is ending here and now, I thought you were busy with work but it's clear you've gotten an extra Job,” I spilled, letting out my heart because no amount of apologies could mend how I feel.

I see him trying to defend himself but he doesn't find words, do I love him? Yes, yes I love him but I can't be with a man who cheats on me.

I invested a lot to save my relationship with this scumbag, all my efforts are wasted fine but I never want to see him near me, ever.

Losing my job didn't hurt as much as this breakup.

I randomly looked at my hand and saw the ring he put there, I was deceived all along.

I chuckled bitterly, Pulled out the ring from my finger, and threw it at him, “That's your ring, the only expensive thing you bought for me, I'm giving you back because I want you out of my life permanently, Go find some else, some better than me that can offer you all you want, I'm done with you and that's final,” the rate at which I'm yelling kicks up a striking migraine and my head was hurting so bad.

I watched him pick up the cheap ring, yes it's cheap, I could buy twenty of it if I wanted, I chose to live moderately and not scare people away from myself.

He walked out of the room. That was when I realized that my sister was standing at the door fidgeting with her head fixed on her feet.

I roll my eyes not even knowing how to feel about her. If I should be angry or if I should forget about it, why was she stripping? For all I know she had more than she always asked for as the last child of the house.

John walks past her looking at her but she doesn't make eye contact with him, he stops at the door and turns to me.

“Violet, believe it or not, I'm really sorry.” 

“You already said that before, do I look like I care? I almost died because of you isn't that enough for you to know that you're a danger to me?” I barked, and I noticed a nurse coming in but at the sound of my voice, she flinched.

John Adams' apple went up and down and the next second he was out of sight, the nurse came in.

I realize my phone isn't beside me, “Where's my phone?” I ask myself, more likely everyone in the room.

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