
The Mafia Boss's ex convict wife
The Mafia Boss's ex convict wife
Author: Girlie dearie

Chapter 1

Violet's POV 

“Anna, I think you should stop stripping, I don't want to share you anymore, I want to have you all to myself,” John tells Annabelle.

“I don't want to stop, I like what I do” Annabelle said, a mischievous smirk curled up at the corner of her lips as she touched him coquettishly.

I close my eyes fighting back the tears that threaten to fall, I looked at the cake in my hand, the cake I spent my hard earned money to buy and surprise him for his birthday.

“I always knew you're a bad girl compared to your goody two shoes sister, ” John says, kissing her neck and she giggles, falling with her back on his bed, as John kept touching her inappropriately.

Betrayal at its peak, my blood sister and my boyfriend having a good time on his bed.

I shut my eyes as a way of suppressing the pain I felt, but I couldn't resist the urge not to open my eyes, 'What the fuck am I seeing?’ Tears took me unaware as they found their way down my cheeks.

I was so shocked, I couldn't move, I couldn't shake, I couldn't talk, I opened my mouth to speak but words didn't come out, there was a lot I was trying to process in my view, firstly, my sister is a stripper?

Looking at the outfit she wore, her body was barely clothed properly, and she looked like a stripper the way John addressed her, wasn't she supposed to be in school? I felt my heart break into a million pieces but that wasn't the problem because I was facing two things at the same time.

My 19-year-old sister who we thought was in college studying was a stripper and she isn't acting naive, she looks like she's been doing this for a while and she's already used to it.

On the other hand, is my infidel boyfriend who I blindly trusted because he was an FBI agent, and I thought he won't have the time to cheat but from the look of things I'm not wrong if I say he got plenty of that, I fucked up big time trusting a jerk like him.

He is telling my baby sister to be his, I wonder how long these two have been stabbing me. After all the help and support I gave him, I gave him my salary in full whenever I received my payments because without my salary I could still afford whatever I wanted, I was always there when he needed me. It wasn't enough for him to be faithful.

I'm engaged to him, and not just that, I'm faithful, isn't that enough for him already?

“Stop, stop, stop,” Annabelle giggled loudly, “isn't this the fifth round now,” she said as John was about to go down to give her oral.

“Doesn't matter, what matters is you're enjoying it,” John says, pressing her breasts as she was obviously getting pleasure from all he did.

“GET-AWAY-FROM-HER-THIS-MINUTE,” I strained, my voice was so loud that it resonated in the room, the sound of my fierce voice caused them to jump off the bed in fear, Annabelle quickly dragged the bedsheet and covered herself.

But John didn't get his hands on it quickly so he had to use his hands to hold his length.

I averted my gaze from him to my sister, my eyes blazing with so much anger that it could burn down her soul.

Even with the bedsheet she covered herself with, I saw how she was trembling beneath the fabric.

“What are you doing here?” I barked, my voice loud and authoritative, that she flinched and her hands trembled more, sweat was forming on her forehead, her eyes fearful and pleading but that shit wasn't working for me today, she does that face when she hurts me so I can forgive her, but this is more than I can take, because she knows how much I love John.

She opened her mouth to speak but I guess she didn't find words to justify her stupid act, I'm sure as hell the last person she was expecting to see here was me, I usually call John before coming as he claims to be busy almost all the time, since I had his spare key I wanted to decorate the house and surprise him for his birthday.

“I'm sorry, Sis, It was a coincidence,” she said, her expression showing how scared and vulnerable she felt at the moment.

But it didn't matter because she crossed the line, “Coincidence?? Did I just hear you say coincidence from that silly mouth of yours?” I vented in rage.

John's gaze kept flickering from me to my sister, looking like a dumbass.

But somehow that even irked me more, I averted my gaze to him giving him a mean glare just as if he read my mind.

“Look, I swear babe, it was a Coincidence, I don't know what got into me, I'm sorry I should have restrained myself from having anything to do with your sister, I will never cheat on you intentionally, I just got drunk last night,” John confessed but I think I'd had enough of his act, I'm not a child he can play around the way he likes.

I even feel more disgusted by that comment seeing what he displayed in front of me a few seconds ago, “Have you come back to your senses? you're telling me this is the first time you're making out with my sister? I can't believe that with what I saw with my eyes, what about the other girls you've been making out with?” I question, he thinks I don't know about his sly behavior which I chose to ignore.

“What are you talking about?” John asked, his face perplexed, trying to act clueless.

“Last week I went to the dry cleaners and they gave me a female underwear that they found in your pants, and that certainly didn't belong to me, so who owned it?” I chirped, my voice wasn't friendly and I made sure I was sounding the way I was feeling because I was so hurt inside.

“I-i, I don't, look I'm really sorry,okay,” he took his hands off his length, “It won't happen again,” he notices the sarcastic look on my face as I stare at his manhood.

He covers it again with his hand, “You really expect me to believe you?” I ask him.

He shrugs in displeasure as he finally says his mind, “What did you want me to do? I've been in a relationship with you for three years and we've never had sex for even a day, which couple does that?” He asks, not even ashamed of himself.

“Oh really? That's what you're holding onto? What fiancee gives her man all her salary and supports him, all the money I stole from my Dad to help you with your debts wasn't that enough?! This house you keep bringing all your whores to, I helped you pay for it,” I don't miss the surprised look on my sister's face as her hand clamped her mouth, “ Wasn't that enough for you to respect me?” 

“That wasn't enough! Violet, that wasn't enough, I'm a man, I have needs,” He gritted, this is where I drew the line there was no use arguing with him.

I turn to leave and he rushes to hold my hand, “Violet, I'm sorry,” I look at his hands disdainfully and no one tells him to take his hands off me.

My eyes went to the cake I brought for him. Today was his birthday. I wanted to surprise him but he surprised me instead.


I plaster the cake on his face, “Don't you ever come near me” I storm out of the room.

He was only here for the benefits, that's why he stayed this long. He can do whatever he likes now, I don't care anymore, I say to myself wiping the tears on my face.

I leave my sister there. I don't even know what to do with her yet. I wonder how my parents will feel when the news eventually gets to them that their 19-year-old daughter is a stripper.

I heard a loud screeching sound, I turned to see that a car was approaching me at a high speed, I tried to dodge it but I didn't make it, the car hit me.

Girlie dearie

Thanks for reading, your time is appreciated here.

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Cleo Lily
a really good and interesting start

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