
Chapter Twenty Nine

Vanessa’s pov.

“You are so beautiful Vanessa” he said to me again.

Wait, did I just hear him right? Did he just call me beautiful?

A blushed crept up to my face,making him smile at him.

“I wondered why any man would want to hurt a beauty like you instead of protecting” his words made me feel safe but also remembered Dominic.

Dominic would tell me I’m only yours to hurt no one can touch you except for me because you are mine Vanessa.

The way he called my name always brought an Unknown feeling to me that made my heart pound.

I felt a hand touch mine and I looked up to see Noah looking at me with eyes filled with care and gentleness.

“Stop thinking about the past, you are safe and free now Õk” he said to me smiling.

I nodded my head in approval and he hugged me totally shocking me but I snuggled him and hugged him back, deep down I was missing something but I shaked the feeling out of mind and focused on the present.

“It’s getting late,we should get some rest now” he said to
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