
Chapter 71

Damian’s POV

I tried to place where I’ve seen her before but I got nothing. She looked awfully familiar but I still had no idea where I knew her from.

I knew it couldn’t possibly be one of my subs, I paid them off already and they all knew better than to show up unannounced in my house.

“Take one more step and you really don’t want to know what might happen to you.” I growled when she walked towards me.

She stopped when I spoke and I could see the fear boldly written all over her face as she clutched her purse tightly.

“Now tell me, who the fuck are you?” I asked and she sighed before bracing herself to answer me.

“It’s me…” she was still talking when I made my hand into a fist as I turned to look up the stairs. She was really lucky that Hazel was around or she would have had no tongue to speak.

“Lillian.” She answered and even the name rang no bell.

“And what the fuck are you doing here?” I asked, I tried so hard to be civilized and gentle with her. Anything for Hazel not to witness
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