
84 A Survivor


A momentary silence and then a rough cough.

“Did you give me some medication aside from the hot soup?” She finally asked with coffee eyes that could not hide their weariness and I chuckled.

“No, Becca, the medication was the soup. It is something we usually take in my family for fever relief and I added a little bit to your soup to help you get better sooner.” I offered an explanation.

“But how? When you came here you didn't even know I was sick.” She cried softly and I was pleasantly surprised.

It is good to know even in sickness, this woman’s brain is working properly and alertly. Shows she is a true survivor.

“You are right, I did not know and I was not prepared for that, but after seeing your state of health, I immediately called one of my men to bring it for me. Which if you ask your housekeeper, she would confirm to you, Madam Thomas.” I chided softly, unwilling to admit that a part of me is seriously hurt that she seemed not to trust me, even now.

“Oh—I see. I did not
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