
Chapter 5: No Cancer


I should have been shocked looking at an alien reflection in the mirror, but I didn't. I should have been surprised seeing the face of the man I thought was a whore with a doctor's coat in front of me but Instead, all I could think of was the opportunities this new face in the mirror posed.

I was a totally different person, I thought to myself as I turned my head from side to side, inspecting my face.

My face was still sore, and there were stitches in some places, but apart from those, my new face looked okay.

I still had some tell tale looks of who I used to be; my striking green eyes and my distinct cupids bow which gave my lips the sensual curve it had, but apart from those, I was practically unrecognizable to anyone who used to know me.

"How long have I been here for?" I asked, my voice sounding foreign in my own ears.

"You have been in a coma for six weeks now." He replied so gently as if he was scared his voice would hurt me.

His voice sounded like warm honey. Like a cure for a bad flu or cancer.

"Your wounds were pretty bad. It is honestly a miracle you recuperated this fast, and your brain was undamaged." The doctor continued.

This time, when he spoke, I could sense some guilt in his voice, and I couldn't blame him. It must have been shocking to see the drunk woman he had a one night stand with as his patient.

But all that didn't matter. There was no point even talking about it.

I was as good as dead, but before I died, I would try my best to save my sister from my ex-husband.

I had always been a strong person. I had no choice but to be. When both my parents had died tragically on the same day, I had not shed a tear —Well, not in public.

I had been strong not for myself but for my little sister. I had not taken any time to grieve as I had to resume work as the head of the company my father had left in my care.

I had fought strong businessmen as a young, naive business owner and won, and I did all of these on my own. This time wouldn't be different.

I would fight Nicholas, and I would win.

"Can I be discharged today?" I asked, and the doctor stared at me in shock.

"No. You can't. We still have to check on your vitals and see how it improves—"

"How long will this take?" I asked, interrupting his explanation.

He blinked twice before moving to the tab in his hands. "Everything should take at least another six weeks—"

"Six weeks?" I cried out. "I don't have that much time!"

Panic seeped into my head as I began to calculate how long I had been in the hospital already. I already spent more than one month, staying for another six weeks meant I wouldn't get the chance to take my revenge before I died.

I sat up straighter and began pulling at the IVs connected to my arms. But before I could take the first one out, he rushed towards me and held back my hands.

"Tania, what are you doing?"

"I can't stay here. It is very important that I leave. There are things I need to do, and if I waste time, I wouldn't—"

"But you are sick. We can't let you just leave like this. Whatever it is you have to do, it can wait. But your life can not."

"You don't understand. I am dying!" I yelled as tears filled my eyes, the pain that had become my companion filling my bones. "I am dying, doctor... And if I don't get out of here now, my sister will be in big trouble."

His brows scrunched in confusion, and his deep blue eyes seemed to be boring a hole into me.

"Tania, you are not dying..." He whispered with worry filling his eyes.

It was touching to see a man I barely knew feel this much pain for me, but this was my life. I blinked away the tears threatening to stream down my face and looked into his eyes.

"I was diagnosed with stage four cancer some weeks before my accident and was given three months to live."

His worried expression slowly changed, but before he could speak, I continued.

"I have less than that six weeks to save my sister. Please, you have to discharge me." I concluded.

He shook his head as if trying to disprove something to himself.

"No, you do not have cancer!" He countered with such seriousness, my heart froze, and for the first time, a glimmer of hope filled me up.

"When I brought you in, we did all kinds of tests on you. There is no way you would have had cancer, and it would have gone unnoticed. Especially at the stage you say it's in." He explained.

It was now my turn to blink multiple times as I took in the information he was giving to me.

"But I do have cancer..." I whispered with less confidence.

Could my diagnosis have been a mistake?

"Tania, if you had cancer, it would have posed a major problem for us as we operated you, and you wouldn't have been here right now."

He moved to the far end of the room where a shelf sat and pulled out a file before returning to me.

"Here are your results. You can look at them again. It contains everything in your body and its state," he said, handing me the file.

As my eyes moved over the papers, a cloud of confusion filled me.

"Can you please redo the test, please..." I whispered, my voice too shaken up to go louder.

"Of course..." He moved to the table at the corner again and returned with a test box.

He took a sample of my blood before calling a nurse to run for a cancer test.

My mind was lost at that moment, and I couldn't tell how much time had passed before the nurse returned with the results.

"Dr. Ivan, the test is negative. There are no cancerous tissues in her system..."

As her response filled the air, my brain exploded with a thick blend of pain and anger.

It suddenly became clear what had truly happened. It was all a game controlled by Nicholas.

Doctor Philip had lied. They wanted me to think I was dying so that I would hand over the company to Nicholas. When I gave it to my sister instead, he activated his second game plan.

"That bastard!" I hissed, covering my face with my hands as rage bubbled through me.

Nicholas thought he was so smart, yet he had failed. The heavens had given me a second chance, and now, I was going to make sure that he paid dearly for all his crimes.

"Would you like to call anyone?"

I turned my eyes to him, my mind processing how I could hit Nicholas hard.

I was going to mention calling Marcus, but before I could say the word, the door to my ward opened, and an older woman stepped in with a large smile on her face.

"Grandmother, you shouldn't be here!" Ivan hissed, moving towards her.

"Oh, why not?" She moved away from him and came to sit on the corner of my bed. "My daughter-in-law is awake. I should be taking care of her..."

She beamed with such excitement, I was struck by confusion.

Was she referring to me?

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