
Chapter Thirty Four - Preparing to Leave

Kari's POV

After everyone had calmed down, I made my way over to my family. Ma came and hugged me.

"So proud of you." She said. I felt tears in my eyes, no one had said that to me since before my father left. I finally felt like a part of a family again. I hugged her back tightly when I felt my father's hand on my back

"We are all so proud of you my little peppercorn." He said. "King Alex told us about how Hela fought, and how you respected the pack and made them feel part of the family. You are a true Lunaa. You were born to be one."

"She definitely way, I think she has surprised me all she can, but she keeps finding new ways," Grant said.

"Has the King told you anything else?" I asked, and I felt my cheeks warm.

"Just how well you have done over the last few days." He smiled. I looked at Grant who nodded at me.

"I am having a child," I said. both Ma's and Papa's faces looked at me in shock before both lit up with excitement before they both engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh my god, a new pu
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