


Getting in my car, trying to seem as unbothered as possible, I wave at my friends with a smile before we all drive away in our respective directions. 

As I arrive home, I park my car on the side of a field adjoining our house. 

Seeing the disgrace that we are, we live rather comfortably in a one-story house with a little bit of privacy, due to the fields that surround the house. 

It surely isn’t Buckingham Palace, but I don’t think we would be able to live in so much luxurious space rather than in a rat hole if it wasn‘t for the Bosses grace. 

He is granting my family this as well as a little pocket money as long as my father keeps his mouth shut in prison. 

My father was one of the territory’s high-ranked soldiers and would clearly dispose of some information that would have the Boss bathing in cold sweat. 

My brother, on the other hand, is a good for nothing. 

A little delinquent mastered in robbing people's houses and even a bank or two. But he is not particularly on the bright side and keeps getting in and out of prison regularly. Still, he is the light in our mother’s eyes, and as he is currently out and living with us, also my personal nightmare. 

I’m about to reach the entrance to my home heavy-hearted as my phone rings. 

Picking it up swiftly, Loredana‘s melodic voice reaches my ear. “You could come to my house and we could get ready for tonight’s party together if you want.” 

“No can do, mi amor. You know how my mother gets nervous if I’m out for too long.” I decline her tempting offer while my heart squeezes in my chest. 

I hear her sigh before she speaks again. “Ok, but please be careful, my love.” 

“I will.” 

I end the phone call and am about to open the door with my key as it is practically torn out of my hand, getting my palm ripped slightly by my key pendant. 

“What is all this noise? Can you not once be quiet? My head is killing me!” My mother retreats into the hallway, disappearing into a dark room while massaging her temples. 

“Well, hello to you too, mother.” 

A TV is blaring from another room in the back and I guess it’s my brother’s since that doesn’t get her head to explode. 

I slip off my shoes and retreat to my room quietly, not wanting to end up partying with bruises again. 

Since I have a touchy friend, it really isn’t the most comfortable way to spend an evening happily. 

I start preparing myself for the evening and freshen my hair up with a dry shampoo. 

I would prefer a shower, but my mother would kill me if I were to shower after 7 a.m. 

Been there, done that. 

After putting on some makeup while accentuating my dark brown eyes with some fake lashes, I put my long black hair up into a high ponytail. 

I would have locks, but God forbid I keep an attribute I got from my mother if I can prevent that. So, I straighten them out every morning and my ponytail falls smoothly straight, like a silky waterfall. 

I stand before my dresser to decide what to wear as my door opens slowly. 

Not that I would deserve any knocking because of privacy in this house. 

My mother stands in my doorway with disdain on her face as she eyes me up and down. 

“Why you keep getting out of the house to act as a whore for free is beyond me.” 

I keep silent, not wanting to anger her. 

You‘ll be out soon. 

You‘ll be out soon. 

“Anyone interesting you‘ll meet this evening?” 

I shake my head. “The usual friends, Mom.” 

She snorts while I keep my eyes glued to my clothes. “At least you could ask your whore-friend to get you a proper job. You could help financially, instead of just being a parasite.” 

I bite my tongue. 

Just another bit. 

Just another few weeks. 

I know exactly that she wants to provoke me because she knows better than anyone that I pay her a shitload of money every month to keep us running, not talking about the money she steals from me regularly. 

I have to get through this. My last bruises have nearly faded away. 

Keep it cool. 

Keep it cool. 

You will be out soon. 

“I’ll ask her, Mom,” I state dryly, and she snorts again. 

“Well, if anyone wants you. Seeing you this worn-out, I wouldn’t count on it.” She laughs meanly as she closes the door again, and I take a deep breath. 

Taking a short purple dress and black heels, I get ready for my bruise-less evening. 

Let‘s go.


The nightclub is already packed by the time I arrive. 

A long queue forms in front of it as Angelica and I skip the line to talk to the big bulky bouncer. 

Angelica is dressed in a short tight-fitting black dress with a glittering string around her waist that reaches her neckline opening to a red-coloured side of the bust. 

She waves at me, her blue eyes sparkling. As we climb up the stairs, I fill her in about what happened at the bar, and she gasps loudly, “Oh, no! He didn’t!” 

Even if Loredana is my oldest friend and I love her dearly, I would pinpoint Angelica as my best friend, as we share more or less the same past and have been bound by it since we were four or five years old. 

The only difference is that she got out of everything by marrying the love of her life and is now living happily as a housewife on the territory. 

Happily and carefree, I must add, as her husband is a big figure in the in- and export business on the territory and is about to take over his father's business. 

My turn will come soon, too.

Stepping into the lounge, we are greeted by several people who are already drinking and partying. 


I have just taken my seat as Valerio approaches us with a big smile, handing me a glass of chilled water. “There you go, Dani.” 

I take it, thanking him, and he hugs Angelica who got up from her seat to say hello. 

“You should get a better babysitter, Angé. We missed you.” 

I take a small sip, observing their interaction as I feel a set of dark eyes burning on my skin. 

I try my best to fight the feeling but eventually turn to look at him. 

As usual, Giovanni is sitting in a figure-four position staring at me with a frown. 

I put my hands up questioningly and mouth a “What now?”

Instead of answering me, he just directs his interest back at the girl sitting next to him, who seems to bore him even more than I usually do. 

But wow! 

My mother’s comment about my worn-out looks pops back into my mind, and I feel like I have been robbed of my air. 

Her fair skin as well as her golden locks contrast with the sun-kissed skin and dark hair Giovanni brings to the table. 

Her slender legs are crossed elegantly while her golden locks bounce as she speaks. 

Giovanni’s face wears his annoyed expression, and she gets him to smile lightly, even if it doesn’t reach his black eyes. 

His squared jaw seems to clench from time to time, maybe because my stare is annoying him, so I turn to my friends again.

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