
The Omega's Fury
The Omega's Fury
Author: BeccaLove

Chapter 1: The beginning of my hell

Kassandra's POV:

First off let me tell you how I got to be an omega in my pack. It was one tragic night when I was 14 and I was at home with my parents, the alpha and luna of the Red river pack in texas. 

I had just got home from school and went to take a nap when I heard a noise from the living room.

 I went down to check it out and saw that three rogues had found their way into our house. Next thing I know my father was dead and my mother told me to run and that's what i did. 

My wolf was begging me to go back but I couldn't bring myself to and while I wasn't paying attention I ran straight into the Beta Peter. 

He kept asking why I was running and all I managed to say was rogue. He then asked where the Alpha and Luna were so I told him everything.

What happened next was shocking. 

He dragged me back to the house by my arm and what I saw when I got inside was horrifying my parents lay dead and the house was trashed, but what scared me more was there was no scent of a rogue being in the house. Beta peter turned to me and asked what happened and why i lied i kept telling him i didn't but he didn't believe me and since my parents were dead Beta peter became the alpha and he had the pack warriors take me to the interrogation room.  I sat quietly waiting for him and when he finally came he told me if I didn't tell the truth I would become the omega of the pack. He kept asking questions all night and by the end of it all he still didn't believe me even though I don't have a wolf.

 (i actually do but no one is to ever know that's what mom and dad told me.) 

By the time he was done he told me that i would become the omega of the pack and was not allowed to say no to anyone.

 I don't mind being the omega though I love cooking and cleaning. 

Then the worst thing happened he grabbed me roughly and took me to the cells and put me in one and he said i would be staying here until after my parents funeral. 

The day of the funeral he came down to the cells drunk and started yelling at me saying that if i would’ve just died with my parents he would be happy.

 What he did next shocked me. 

He smacked me and I hit the wall. 

This went on for days until he was happy that I had been beat enough. Sometimes he would even let others join and sometimes i wish i wasn't a wolf so i could die and be with my parents again. After every beating I would pass out from exhaustion.

Tonight was different though because as i slept a figure appeared in my dreams and i felt oddly safe. 

She was beautiful with silver hair and a fair complexion wearing a white gown. I asked her who she was and she said 'my beautiful child listens carefully you will have many struggles but i need you to stay strong i do everything for a reason'. 

At that moment i knew exactly who it was but what i didn't expect her to do is kiss my forehead.

The next thing i know is i am being awoken to freezing water being thrown on me. I wake up quickly and see the alpha staring at me with rage in his eyes. 

I quickly bow and ask what he needs and he tells me to get up and cook so I do. 

                                               (End of Flashback) 

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