
The Dog of Battling

“Disseus! You’re-” Lon’s elated shout was cut short by his friend’s liberal head shake which made him finish blandly. “Back.”

“You charmed the dogs.” Disseus commented. Eyes alight with pride.

How was she doing it?

“I charm most things.” Shouldering past him she hopped on Disseus’ stallion.

Except me, she means. His blue eyes shined silver as they narrowed on her.

What’s wrong with her this morning?

Lifting her chin impatiently she said nastily. “If you two are quite done, I’d like to save my son.”

She looked meaningfully from Almora to Disseus, her eyes lingering on the blanket wrapped around him.

All I could reach when I’d heard her shriek. But his jaw ticked, seeing now what she was thinking.

Blinking dully up at her realization dawned on Almora’s face. Straightening her gown she pulled a handful of hair out far enough to eye the twigs and brambles caught within.


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