
13. A light workout


I lounged, annoyed against the Palace wall in the foyer. I had sent Ash on a damn recon to check on Kayda in her apartment as she hadn't responded to my text messages or calls. I was even more pissed off when my moody brother grudgingly returned with no Kayda in tow.

"Well?" I snarled as he shrugged.

"Her dad said she got up early to go for a run. She's not picking up any calls from me either." he added as my anxiety kicked up another notch. "Come on, I need a coffee, and then I'll help you track her down." he grumbled as we moved toward the breakfast hall. I ate quickly and then made Ash so uncomfortable that he gave up begrudgingly on his breakfast. I allowed Jagger to rise to the surface to scent Kayda. It didn't take long before he caught her scent, and I peeled way from Ash to follow it. I found Kayda jogging slowly towards the training arena her skin glistened with sweat from her early morning run. She wore a tiny white sports bra and her little black yoga pants. Her hair
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