
Chapter 3

It's been three weeks since they have found me. I've stayed in my room for a lot of the time while the guys worked. Thankfully when they were home Cassius would bring me downstairs and we would find something to do. They are actually pretty cool and we get along well. Ace is still a dick face and doesn't say much to me so I've been hanging out with Cassius and Grayson. They were really fun to be around and were extremely flirty. Always touching me discreetly. Just a caress here and there and always saying sexual things. They made it their mission to make me blush but I never did. Instead when they would make a slide comment I returned it with blunt innuendos. Grayson once asked me if I wanted some of his sausage during breakfast one night and I replied with ‘Depends, I prefer big cocks that push up against my cervix’. Ace literally spit his food out across the island and it landed on my plate. Now we said things like that at every meal we had with him. Surprisingly he kept coming to eat with us, I was expecting and slightly hoping that he would stay away from me but at the same time I wanted to get to know my brother that I didn’t know existed. He knew about me but never found me and I’m sure s

He’s regretting making me stay.

I was about to take a nap, today was pretty boring and I was cleared by the doctor. He said that I could resume normal activities. But the guys have been working all day and I don't want to wander around by myself in case someone tries to kill me because they don't know me. As soon as I close my eyes the door opens and Cassius walks in. I sit up in bed excited to get out of this room. At least that's what I tell myself. He sits on the edge of my bed and places his hand on my covered leg innocently. But we both knew that was not the case, the two of them found any excuse to touch me. I didn’t mind it, which was strange. I hated being touched but I was completely calm when they did.

"How are you feeling?" He asked this question every day and wouldn’t leave me alone about it until I answered truthfully. He always made sure I took my pain meds and brought me down for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If I don't feel like getting out of bed he would bring it up to me while he and Grayson would sit on my bed keeping me company.

"Great but what would be better is if I got out of this fucking room." He laughs and shakes his head. His smile was contagious and I could stop one from forming on myself. Not that I even wanted to. I liked the sound of his laugh and did just about anything to hear it. Thank God for him finding my attitude and sarcasm hilarious.

"You are something else, luckily for you came up to bring you down stairs." He confessed as his green eyes sparked with micheaviousness. For a moment he looked like Grayson. Grayson tended to bring out that side of him so I know that they both have something up their sleeves.

"And where are we going?" I asked flirtatiously. He held his hand out for me to take and I stared at it cautiously.

"It's time for lunch." I grab his hand and he helps me up.We walk out of the door and into the hallway. I love this house, Grayson gave me a tour a few days after I got here. I was finally able to walk on my own so I wandered around that day with him.We strolled down the stairs and came to the kitchen. Grayson and Ace were leaning against the counter.

"Good morning Princess." I catch myself staring at him before I blink myself back into reality, both Grayson and Ace are shirtless. He was sexier than I imagined, he was already panty dropping sexy but seeing his bare muscular torso made my clit throb. I've gotta get myself under control. But Grayson was built nothing like I had pictured while I was relieving myself. I had the strong urge to rip Cassius’ shirt off of him and compare the two. Yes, I played with myself most nights thinking about them and I would fess up to it but only if they ever asked.

"Morning." I finally looked Grayson in the eyes. He had a huge grin on his face and wiggled his eyebrows. He caught me staring and I didn’t shy away from it. Instead I let my eyes wander lower to the waistband of his joggers.

"Would you please stop looking at him like that? It's disgusting to watch my little sister get turned on.” He visablely shuddered in disgust. My jaw almost hit the floor at him calling me his sister. We had barely said anything to each other and I was not expecting him to call me what I was to him.

"Awe you do have a heart.” I gushed and rushed over wrapping my arms around his torso. He froze and softly shoved me off. Looks like I wasn’t the only one who hated being touched. I looked up at him and he had a tight lip grimace.

“Don't do that.” I rolled my eyes and went to slap his chest to which he grabbed my wrist before I could like I expected him to. I quickly grabbed the pressure point on his neck and twisted his arm bringing him down to my level. He shoved me back but wasn’t annoyed like I had expected him to be. Instead he had a small smile stretched across his usually emotionless face.

“That was good.” He praised as he rubbed his neck. Wow a smile and a complement all in the span of thirty seconds. It was unbelievable but it was progress so I didn’t make a big deal about it.

“You should see what else I can do. My parents put me through Martial arts when I was little and eventually I went into wrestling, boxing and they insisted on sending me to self defense classes. I ended up getting into knives and guns shortly after.” They had an obsession with making sure I knew how to take care of myself but it was also a way for me to work out my anger so I didn’t try to kill everyone who looked at me wrong. It made since why they wanted me to know how to defend myself now. Back then I just thought that they were being over protective but I enjoyed it so I didn’t make a fuss about it.

“Don’t be cocky, you're still a tiny woman, I doubt you could bring down one of our men.” I took that as a challenge.

“Why don’t we find out?” I saw a spark of excitement in his eyes and knew at that moment that he was definitely going to put me to the test.We continued eating our breakfast until someone walked through the back doors. The man, well he looks more like a teenager, his eyes landed on Ace.

"Boss, we found someone lurking by the gates. He's currently in the basement." They all get up and head to the back yard. I jumped on my feet and chased after them.

"Wait where are you going?" Grayson turned and that mischievous smirk had been transformed into a malicious smile.

"Gotta question the prisoner." I wonder who would be stupid enough to come this close to their house. If it was someone that they saw as a threat and not some random hiker who wandered too far into the woods.

"We'll be back soon, gorgeous." Cassius sends me a wink and walks out the doors. There was no fucking way I was missing this.

"Wait, I wanna go!" I yell after them, causing a pause in their long strides. Stupid fuckers had some serious long legs compared to mine.

"You do realize that we're gonna go torture this person for answers, right?" Ace looked at me like I was some naive child. Great back at square one when we were finally making progress. I don't know why I wanted him to approve me worthy to be his sister but I couldn’t help it.

"Well duh. That's why I wanna go, to watch." They look at me like I'm crazy. Sure I'm the crazy one for wanting to watch but they'll be doing the actual torture. Grayson's lips turned up into a grin.You know the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' well I believe that the cat was already dead.

"Ok fine, you can watch but since this was your idea you're not allowed to leave until we finish. Got it?" Ace's words were a warning. If he thinks I'm gonna miss out on seeing what Mafias do to get their reputation, then he's stupid.

"Great. This is gonna be fun!" I said excitedly as I started to basically run to keep up with their fast pace. Grayson comes to my side and throws his arm over my shoulders.

"You're insane." Grayson whispers not so quietly so the other two could hear him but not the boy.

"Yeah I'm the insane one but you're gonna be doing the deed while I watch. So what does that say about you?" He laughs and we continue toward the side of the house. I didn’t know what to expect but this was going to be one of the best experiences in my life.

"Psycho's" I muttered. Ace opens a door and walks in, it was really dark down there. Stupidly I was afraid of dark rooms but I followed Ace and Grayson down the steps as Cassius was behind me anyways. Ace flips on a light switch and a man is hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. He was angry, but you could see the fear in his eyes. It was a beautiful sight. I found a seat on the back wall and plop my ass in it ready for the show to start. Ace walked around the man lifting his shirt, checking his skin. I guess he found what he was looking for when he came to a stop at his side.

"Russian. Let me guess Petrov sent you?" Ace walks in front of the man and he spits in Ace's face. Ooh he’s a dead man now.

"I ain't tellin you shit." He looks over at me. I'm gonna need a shower after this and scrub the feeling of his gaze off of me as he’s practically eye raping me.

"Well you're a pretty little thing. I can't wait to have a taste of your pink pussy before I hand you over." I scoffed, leaning back in my seat. I watched as Ace grabbed a pair of brass knuckles but the man was oblivious to his actions as his eyes were trained on my breasts in my low cut shirt. I didn't cower away, this man didn’t scare me, especially because he was there hanging and I was sitting here happily enjoying the sight.

"As if I would ever let your slimy hands near me." He smiles at me, his rotten teeth were a dark mustard yellow with a few missing. He was older, probably around early fourty. A disgusting round bellied, short man.

"Who said anything about consent?" His eyes trail over my body and I suppress any reaction of disgust. I won't give him the satisfaction. Ace reared back and connected them with his face in a hard punch that echoed through the room. This is gonna get good.

"Who sent you?" Ace begins his questioning.

"I knew your mother. She was... weak." Ace cut open his shirt and sliced the man's chest slowly from his collar bone to the side of his ribs. He tries to hold in his screams but fails half way through. My eyes are glued on the man's face as sounds of agony escape his mouth. That’s what he fucking gets.

"Who sent you?" Cassius asks. His voice was dark and dangerous. To anyone else it would sound terrifying but I find myself enjoying the sound. It reminded me that even though he was a sweet and caring man he was still a ruthless killer. They all were, a normal person would run away in fear but not me. My crazy ass wanted to stay and play in the sandbox with them.

"Did you know that I was there the day that your sister was raped and killed? I sat back and watched it all. She screamed and cried the whole time. It was annoying hearing her voice and I was glad when he slit her throat." I suppressed my giggle at his desperate attempt to rile him up.

“Shock, shock. I’m sitting here, very much alive.” I smiled and wiggled my fingers at him. His eyes widened as he looked between the two of us. We looked similar with our blue eyes and black hair but I apparently didn’t get the tan gene.

“Asena, shut up. Sit quietly and watch before I make you leave.” He looked at me with pure boredom, not amused at my antics. I rolled my eyes and guesterec for him to continue.

“I’ll be quiet.” I leaned forward placing my head in my hand and propping my elbows up on my knees. Ace goes back to the cart and grabs some pliers. He clamps them on his nipple, pulls, takes his knife and slices it off his chest. The man cries and wallows in pain.

“I should’ve grabbed some popcorn.” Ace turned towards and gave me a working look.

“Sorry, I’ll shut up.” I hid my smile and pursed my lips not meeting his eyes.

"Who sent you?" He was still crying and Ace was getting frustrated. It was partially my fault and didn’t work out well for the guy. Ace continued on like this for at least an hour as they all took turns asking him the same question. They pulled off all of his nails, they took turns stabbing him but avoided arteries and vital organs. He was covered in blood and every once in a while they would glance back at me to see if I flinched. I just smiled at them which they thought was amusing.They were currently holding his legs still as Ace used an electric saw and began sawing off his foot.

"Ok! Ok! I'll talk! Stop! Please!" He cried and they stopped. Ace grabs a chair and brings it in front of the man.

"Talk." He demanded. The man tried to calm down enough to speak.

"Petrov sent me to find Francis and the girl. We haven't heard from him in a few weeks and have been tracking him since. We knew he had the girl and Roman wanted her." He takes a deep breath trying to control his sobs.

"I found him in the woods dead. The girl wasn't there. I found blood in the spot next to him but no body. I knew those woods belonged to you. I followed a trail of blood and it led me here. Your men got me before I could leave and report back." He stops and looks like he's gonna pass out. Shit. I can't believe they didn't think about moving the body, that was reckless. Cassius slaps his face and he wakes up. He was deathly pale and covered in sweat and blood.

"That's all I know I swear!" Tears were streaming down his face and you could see the fear written all over him as his body trembled.

"If you answer my next questions truthfully, then I'll let you live." He looked relieved. There was no way he was making it out of here alive.

"Who are you?"

"Alec Romero."

"What does Petrov want with Asena?" He was hesitant to answer.

"You could either tell me or we can continue sawing off your foot. Maybe your dick will be the next part to go." Cassius threatens angrily.

"Don't, please, I'll tell you! Don said to kill the wife and husband but she ran away before anyone could grab her. They were given specific orders that no harm should come to her but the moment we killed the couple she bolted. A few weeks later all the men that were there that day started to drop like flies. Roman sent Francis out to find her and to not come back if he didn’t have her with him.” He looked over at me and took a deep breath.

“He wants her to marry his son as a final act against you. He wanted your mother and was going to have her until Giovanni backed out of it because she met your father. Roman paid off Sebastian to take her the second she was born but they had already sent her away before he found out Antonia gave birth.”

"You're not telling the whole story." They all turn towards me at the angry tone in my voice. One they had yet to hear.

"Tell them the truth." He looked down like he was ashamed. Rage bubbled in my veins.

"TELL THEM!" I yelled and he looked at me.

"The reason Asena got away was because they got distracted by raping the wife, they thought that she would be upstairs asleep and they had time to spare to have some fun with the woman. Asena came into the room when she heard her screams before they killed her. She saw them and ran.” I felt my blood boiling by the time he finished. I've never heard someone tell the story of their deaths. I stood and grabbed the gun off the cart.

"Anything else you wanna say......" A bullet landed between his eyes. The guys looked back at me. The gun was still raised in my hands. I lowered it and placed it back on the cart. Well he's dead now. I look at Ace and see he has a grin on his face. Be looking like Cheshire the cat. They were genuinely surprised. I couldn’t even enjoy their reactions with the all consuming rage that rushed through my body.

"I need a drink." I turned and walked away, leaving them behind as they stared at me.

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