
Chapter 4

I was sitting in their library staring at the flames when Ace walked over and handed me a drink. I sipped it thinking about my parents. They were amazing people, non confrontational and always happy. They didn't deserve to die the way they did. I remembered that day vividly but never looked back so I could focus on living.

"They were so scared that day." No one said anything. They sat on a couch slightly behind me on the left. I had moved the chair to face the fire in front of the table when we walked in here. I say I did but Grayson had to help me. It was made out of solid wood and really heavy.

"I'm not sure if they were afraid of dying or if they were afraid I would get hurt. They always knew how I was. They feared me at times but I loved them and they loved me. That's what kept our family together. I was always getting into fights at school with people bigger than me. Never ending well for myself. I'd come home bloody and beaten. They would clean me up and ask how and why I did what I did. That’s when they put me in all those classes, said that I needed a proper way to deal with my emotions." I chugged my drink and held it out for someone to grab it.

"I could never give them a reason, because I still don't know why. Maybe it's just the way I'm wired? I'm not sure." I let out a breathy laugh as a tear made its way down my cheek. Grayson brings me my glass. I sip on it realizing I don't plan to stop drinking until I forget.

"I apologize in advance, I'm a lightweight and I plan on getting drunk." I down the glass again. Relishing in the burn anything to distract the pain I was feeling in my heart.

"It's okay we will take care of you and make sure you don't do anything stupid or get yourself hurt." I look beside me and see Grayson there with the bottle of whisky. I take it and thank him, handing my glass back to him.

"Here I'll just keep the bottle so you don’t have to keep getting up." He nods and goes back to his seat. I took a swig from the bottle of whiskey.

"I know I wasn't the daughter they wanted or deserved. I tried to hide it from them but it never ended well. When they would ask me what happened I lashed out on them and in those moments I wanted to kill them. Roman saved me from the guilt of doing it myself.” I laughed as I started to relax from the buzz I was getting but needed to slow down a bit so I could get all of it out before I can't remember if I did or not. Just once that's all I needed.

"Funny how that turned out. They are still dead and for years I didn't care, I only cared about my own survival. They didn't deserve that, I don't know what happened to their bodies as I kept on moving." Screw slowing down. I tilt the bottle back and take two gulps. I waited for it to kick in and when it did I knew I still had control.

"Fuck. I didn't even think of them. It was like their deaths didn't matter to me. I just moved on from them and even now I'm not mourning them. I'm mad at myself because I can't feel even the slightest bit of remorse. That's the part that sickens me." I look over at them for the first time. Their faces were neutral, like they weren't disgusted by my confessions.

"If it makes you feel any better, I killed our father because he killed our mother." I laughed at Ace. He was actually trying to make me feel better and I did. Knowing that it wasn’t just me anymore and finally having someone who knew exactly what it felt like was more than I could’ve hoped for.

"Good. I would’ve done it if you hadn’t.” He smirks at me, we were the same in a way. Cassius and Grayson were right when they said I was the girl version of him.

"Anyone else have a confession?" I placed the bottle down on the side table and stood wobbling on my feet.

"Or better yet let's play a game." They looked at me amused. I know I looked insane right about now.

"What kind of game, gorgeous?" Cassius had a devious smile on his face. I wonder what he was thinking about but my brain was cloudy from the whisky.

"Confessions. Let's go around and confess something terrible you've done. Ace already did one so I'll go." I thought about it for a moment as I sat on the floor in front of them. I sat sat but fell was a more appropriate word. There were a lot that I’ve done but one stood out the most. My first rage fit.

"Okay I got one. When I was ten my neighbor's dog would always bark throughout the night keeping me awake. One night I wasn't in the mood to listen to it because I had a bad day. So I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and snuck out the front door. I went across the street and stabbed the dog in the eye. Killing it. Then I went home and went to sleep." I was laughing by the end of my story and they were too.

"Okay. Next." Grayson sat forward, that smirk returning.

"One time Cassius pissed me off and I mean really pissed me off. So I hired a bunch of men to beat the shit out of him." Cassius glared at him as I laughed and the liquor was really starting to get to me.

"Yeah and they broke my ribs." Looked like he was still angry about it. That anger… I almost moaned at the sound of it in his voice. I want to see Mr. Tall, dark and handsome mad again. So I stood up and walked around the library touching things. I came up to the liquor cabinet. I opened it and looked back at Ace looking at me with confusion clouding his features.

"Would Cassius be mad if I smashed his prized positions on the floor?" Ace laughs, like full hearted laughs at me.

"Asena, don't. I know what game you are playing and you don't want to piss me off." Cassius warned me, I giggled as I picked up a bottle of vodka and tequila.

"But that's exactly what I want. I want to see if you're as sexy as I think you'd be." I throw the bottles to the ground. Grayson looked amused while Cassius was glaring holes into me. Ace was sitting back enjoying the show.

"You're playing a dangerous game." Ace warned me, grinning. I just bit my lip and turned back to the cabinet.

“I like danger.” I glanced between the bottles trying to decide which one would piss him off the most.

"The top shelf." I heard Grayson's voice from behind me. I reached for the top shelf but it was hard to reach. I used the tips of my fingers to scoot a bottle to the edge and it fell. Soon after I was pushed against the wall caged in by Cassius’ arms.

"Why?" He was mad but trying to control it. I wanted him to lose that control and show me the monster lurking in the shadows.

"I told you. I want to see you angry." His anger leaves him and he laughs. I pouted as it didn’t work.

"No fun. Why didn't you get mad?" His laugh was like music to my ears. I went back to my seat and grabbed my whisky again. I wonder what kind of trouble I could get into.

"Okay that's enough for you." Ace takes the bottle out of my hand.

"What why?" I was in disbelief. I never thought they would stop me from drinking.

"Because we told you we wouldn't let you hurt yourself which includes getting too drunk." I huffed out a breath and yanked the bottle back.

"Well too bad. I wanna drink so that's what I'm going to do." My words were starting to slur and the room was spinning. I chug the rest of the bottle and collapse on the floor. Looking up at the ceiling. I stretched out my limbs and looked over at them as they just watched me.

"Y'all are no fun." I was a little annoyed and slightly wasted.

"You would think that y'all would know how to let loose like normal humans but no y'all are all 'I'm a big scary man who doesn't have time for childish games'. Except Grayson." I did my best at deepening my voice. My head started spinning and I choked down the feeling of acid in my throat. I looked back at them and stood up so fast that I wobbled and stumbled. I walked up to Cassius and poked his chest. I got distracted and forgot what I was going to say.

“Fuck, you're really hard." I realized what I said and burst out laughing. I walked over to Grayson and touched his chest too.

"Oh and so are you. But you…” I walked up to Cassius and placed my hands on his chest moving them up to his shoulders and down his arms.

"You are more defined. Looks like Grayson is going to have to spend more time in the gym to get as big as you. I wonder what else is bigger." I flirted and teased Grayson. He looked at me and smirked. I bit my lip and I stepped closer to him. I was extremely horny, his body was hard against mine. I wanted to be crushed between him and any surface in this room as he fucked me. I went back to laying on the floor by the fireplace instead. I had to remember that my brother was currently in the room. What I would do to get him to leave.

"Ahh this is the life." I lay like a starfish.

"A comfy rug next to a fireplace with two sexy men. Zero fucks and zero worries and I can just let loose. Only thing that would make this better is if Ace would leave." I closed my eyes for a minute and I felt myself trying to slip off into sleep. My eyes sprung open. They were all standing around me.

"I’m not going anywhere Smalls. You’d force yourself on them if I did.” I gasped offensively, I can’t believe he said that I would take advantage of them.

“It’s not like I would have to do much convincing to get them fuck me.” Ace pinched the bridge of his nose, tired of me talking about fucking his friends.

“She’s not wrong but it ain’t happening while she’s drunk.” Grayson taunts.

"I got your back Princess." That's caught my attention.

"Princess!?! Can I have a tiara? A real one? That would be so fucking awesome." I bounce up and down but lose my balance and fall back to the floor but Grayson catches me before I could. I burst out into laughter but sober up I feel his hard body pressing against mine with his hands on my waist. I press my body against his harder.

"Man this is the most fun I've had in my life!" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm glad you're having fun and if you really want a tiara I will get you one and you can wear it all the time." That made me smile as I looked over at him but it instantly dropped.

"Nooo. I don't want you to do that, they are expensive and you are not spending that much money on me, end of discussion." I stepped out of his arms and crossed my own over my chest. That feeling returned to my stomach as he smiled at me so I did what I wanted to and walked to him again. I licked my lips as I trailed my eyes over him, I realized just how much I wanted him. But it was wrong for me to want him. Still I didn’t try to hide the hunger I was feeling. I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him to me. He could’ve easily stopped me but he chose not to. I gazed into his eyes and wrapped an arm around his neck playing with his short brown hair at the back of his head. He placed his large hands on my hips and tightened his grip on me when I pulled him down closer to my face. I wanted him more than anything. He pulled our bodies flush and I was about to connect our lips when a moan came out of me from the feeling of his cock against my stomach.

"Okay that's enough. Off to bed." Ace grumbled out annoyed.

"Not happening, big bro." I lay back down on the floor and close my eyes again. My mind races through the possibilities of what I could do with either of them at my bidding and I loved the idea. I was starting to get whiplash from me switching between wanting him and Cassius.

"Do you think she's asleep?" Cassius asked.

"Nope." My eyes shot open.

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing." I sang out and ended up laughing. Then I feel a rush of shame.

"Am I being annoying?" I asked worriedly.

"A little but it's ok. You're okay. I'm actually enjoying seeing you like this." Cassius sat down on the floor next to me.

"Really?" I sat up and jumped in his lap so fast, almost head butting his chin.

"Yes. It's fun to see you in this state." I wrap my arms around him and hug him.

"Awwe, you're the best." I pulled back and squished his cheeks together.

"Little Cassy doesn't know what he just got himself into does he? You're gonna have to take care of me like a good boy." I talked in a baby voice. He pushes my hands away from his face.

"1. Don't do that again. 2. Yes I'll take care of you and hold your hair back while you puke your guts out." I squealed. I bounced on his lap in excitement and he quickly grabbed my hips, keeping me still.

"Besties forever!" I got over my excitement quickly and got serious.

"Thank you for everything. I really appreciate y'all taking me in. I have no place to go. For the longest time it was me and my lonesome self against the world." I lay my head against his chest and start to fall asleep but I feel him standing keeping a hand against my back. I wrap my legs around him and open my eyes and meet his green ones. They were so beautiful.

"Where are you taking me?" Cassius looks down at me in his arms.

"To bed." I bite my lip glancing down at his.

"Are you going to sleep with me?" I asked seductively, well what I hope was.

"No Little flame, not tonight." I look around trying to find the other two.

"Oh there y'all are! Cassius is taking me to my room and imma try to convince him to stay so I'll see y'all tomorrow then." I waved at them as Cassius walked away with me in his arms. We reach my bedroom and he lays me on my bed. I sit up and remove my shirt.

"Fuck." He turns away from me.

"What?” I asked and he turned back around. Lust was swimming in those deep emerald eyes of his. He opened his mouth to say something but paused, contemplating his next words.

“I just wanted you to know that I’m here if you need someone to help relieve that aching between your thighs. You don't have to scream my name while playing with that pretty pussy thinking about me when all you have to do is ask.” He kissed the top of my head and swiftly left before I could say anything. Shit! He heard me, I only let it slip out once. Damn, he just offered himself to me. I might have to take him up on his offer. But I can’t, I’m attracted to Grayson as well. Then there’s the problem of them being Ace’s best friends. I couldn’t do that to him, especially since our relationship is new and definitely unstable. I’ll just have to invest in a vibrator as I wont be getting dick anytime soon.

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