
3 - The Contract Luna

[Rosie's POV]

Hesse's attitude towards me confused me. A dozen horse-drawn carriages were prepared to carry my luggage to the palace. The maids dismounted and changed my clothes. This dress I'm wearing, isn't it too luxurious for a slave?

“This way, Miss.” Hesse opened the carriage door, accompanying me into it.

Hey. This kind of treatment, almost makes me think Alpha Charles is a good person. But just thinking about it, already makes me almost laugh. 

There was no way Alpha Charles would go to such lengths, ordering his subordinates to serve me, without an ulterior motive? No shit He would do that.

“We have arrived, Miss.” Hesse referred to the palace gates that had opened to welcome us.

The sun had already risen when our carriage arrived, so I could see a grand feast being held on the palace's front lawn.

My father's words were no exaggeration. Alpha Charles truly lived in a different world from me.

The palace that stood in front of me seemed to have been born from a dream world. What a pity that such a beautiful place should be led by a cruel Alpha like him.

As soon as I got off the carriage, a horde of uniformed servants ran into the center of the party. They were busy carrying Alpha Charles' clothes and belongings, preparing for the party that was about to begin.

Instantly, I was reminded of my duty. Wasn't I also a servant like them? I'd better join them before Alpha Charles punishes me, right?


Just as I was about to follow the horde of servants, I felt something cold and hard touch the back of my head. My eyes squinted slightly, and widened at the long-barreled rifle pointed at me by someone.

“Who are you? I've never allowed a servant to be dressed this luxuriously,” the figure said, his voice full of charisma, yet also cruel. Like a prince who could kill his queen with his charm.

I couldn't fight back. Move a little, and the rifle bullet would pierce my head. Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, I saw Hesse running towards me.

Come on, quickly help me from this psychopath Alpha! He's gone crazy and almost killed the person he just met!

“Lord Charles! Stop it! She's your mate!” he screeched from a distance.

My eyes and his were both wide-eyed. So, this Alpha who almost killed me is Alpha Charles!?

“What? She's my Mate?” he said incredulously. His eyes looked at my body like a predator. Not with lust, but the opposite. Hatred.

As if inside me, lived someone he hated so much. This was the first time we met in person. And just one look, I already knew how much he hated me.

“Then kick her out,” he said without thinking. “If she's my Mate, all the more reason to expel her. Hurry up. I don't want the guests to see me with a lowly Luna like her.”

My blood boiled at his insult. I couldn't believe he could so easily insult a living being! Just because he was an Alpha!

“But, she is the Luna chosen by the elders, my Lord,” Hesse said timidly. “And it is the order of the elders to bring her into your chambers.”

“I don't care! Throw her out now!” he snapped angrily. “Explain to the elders, that I reject the Luna they chose. I already have my choice, a Luna I would not be ashamed to walk with.”

“And you.” Alpha Charles pointed at me with his firearm. “I, Charles Vermilion, reject you from my Mate. Now, accept that. And get out of here before I blow your head off.”

The two of us stood facing each other. This close, I could finally see so clearly how hateful his face was.

'Wait a minute.' Suddenly, his expression made me think of Chandite's last words before her death.

'Pretty face, tall body, dragon tattoo. That's right! He's the Alpha that Chandite was talking about! He's the one who killed my father!' I screamed inwardly. Regretfully realizing it now, Chandite wasn't talking nonsense.

He was mentioning the characteristics of the Alpha that attacked our mansion last night. There was no mistaking it. Alpha Charles, he’s the killer!

“Alpha Charles! You fool! You're forbidden to tamper with the sacred ceremonial order!” The feeble and decrepit shrieks of the elders came towards us after being notified by the servants. 

Charles looked so panicked at their arrival. His face was full of fear. And suddenly, a crazy idea popped into my head.

“I, Rosie Mauvelous, do not accept rejection from you, Alpha Charles. Instead, claim me now as your mate,” I said loudly.

Alpha Charles was so angry that he slammed his firearm down. “What did you say!? How dare you not acknowledge my rejection? In front of the elders? Do you want me to kill you!?”

“Alpha Charles! Stop it!” the Elders chanted.

“Rosie Mauvelous, good job. You are already bonded. I chose you from among the many Luna's in this world.” Elder of Vermilion smiled proudly, praising my bravery in front of Alpha Charles.

But not Charles. He was so angry, he pulled me into the palace. More precisely, dragged me away from the elders.

“Argh! It hurts!” I complained as he slammed me against the wall. “Let go of me!”

“Listen to me. While I'm being kind to you, you'd better accept my rejection,” he said right in front of my face, his hands gripping my shoulders as if to rip them off.

“I don't accept it,” I said, not changing my mind. Making him even angrier.

“How dare you!” he snapped in disgust. Perhaps in his entire life, I was the only one who dared to go against his orders. 

If my body hadn't been protected by the elders, it's not impossible that he would have destroyed me by now.

“Alpha Charles. Make a deal with me. Find out who killed my mother, and I will give you this blood and body.”

He was silent. Not understanding the meaning of my words. “What nonsense are you saying? Do you think I need your damn body?”

Suddenly, his fierce eyes widened, at my finger pointing at the red liquid coming out of his nose.

Alpha Charles was caught off guard. He immediately grabbed something, anything, to cover his nosebleed. Seeing him in disarray, I couldn't help but laugh.

“It's true what the legend says,” I said with smile of satisfaction. “You're on the edge. Without a Luna, your control will be lost and your power will consume you.”

“My mother should have been sacrificed for you. But ever since her death, you've rejected all your mates. Is that why you're weak now?”

“SHUT UP!” he growled. He smashed every item in the room. “You damn Luna have no right to say on my decisions! You know nothing!”

“Make a deal with me,” I said loudly. “This power, this blood, this body, all of it is yours the second you catch my mother's killer. For a dying Alpha like you, I'm sure this negotiation won't hurt.”

“The Contract Luna.” 

“What?” I heard him mutter something. That sacred word... it seemed to come out of his mouth. But there's no way he could know it, right? That something is hidden inside my womb.

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