
5 - The Curse

[Charles' POV]

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Who dares to disturb me!?” The sound of a servant knocking on the door forced me to stop what I was doing. My temper had been boiling since that damn Luna's arrival. 

“You! Come out! How dare you touch my chamber door with that rotten finger of yours!” I growled at the door as it opened on its own. 

Whoever it was, I would kill anyone who deliberately played me. Unfortunately, the door opened and revealed the face that had been filling my head.

“Hey. Isn't she Rosie? How dare she set her face here.” Darwin, my Wolf, laughed at my misfortune of being visited by that Luna on this hot night. When I wanted to avoid her.

“Are you looking to die?” I snapped angrily at her. “Have you forgotten that I rejected you? How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to see you in my room?”

“S-sorry, Alpha Charles. It's just that, I was ordered to come to your chamber tonight.” Her voice fearfully trembled with my anger. But, fear is not enough. I wanted her to look miserable with my anger.

But this Luna, she had courage. Out there, all of Female Alphas would kill each other to get my attention. But this Luna, Rosie Mauvelous, she even dared to return my gaze with her innocent face!

“I'm sorry, Alpha Charles. I didn't know you were busy,” she said, her eyes casually looking at the naked Beta beneath me. She's my concubine. Shouldn't it bother her to see me with another woman?

All Luna's are the same. They're cunning. Witches. My heart has no more room to trust them.

“Hey, you should learn to open your heart, you know? It's been 10 years. Do you think the same thing will happen again? Rosie is not Delancy. Even though their faces are the same, they are two different people.”

“Shut up, Darwin, I don't need your advice,” I snapped at my wolf, habitually meddling in my past.

“Hey, who is she?” asked Alexa who was sleeping next to me. “She's pretty. Is she the lucky Luna everyone talks about?”

“What lucky Luna? She's a witch,” I snapped distastefully. “And I need to get rid of her. I won't let the same thing happen again.”

“Hesse! Get rid of her now! Take her to the detention room! She must be punished for daring to flout my orders.” I called my servant to get rid of that Luna.

“Your Highness, she is your Mate. The Elders will not be happy if they see this...” Hesse seemed to be trying to protect Luna. It made my blood boil even more.

“I already rejected her!” I snapped back. “And I don't care. Until she understands manners, don't let her out of captivity!”

That's right. This was for the best.

Luna, they are cunning creatures. I'm different from my father. I won't let the same mistakes happen again.

Luna's face always manages to open old wounds in my heart. Instantly, my sex mood was gone. I kicked Alexa out in the middle of our game. Instead, I called all the servants I'd ordered to keep an eye on Luna.

“How are Rosie Mauvelous's exams going?” I asked them. “The report?”

Each one of them had an unpleasant look on their face. I read the test and practice reports I'd ordered them to do for Rosie with great anger.

“Fool! I told you to increase the difficulty level of the test! She can't get a perfect score!” I scolded them.

“But... My Lord, we already gave her the hardest test. But, she's really smart! We've never seen such pure talent before!” they retorted.

“That's not what I want to hear!” I snapped. I threw the test paper in their faces. “Rosie, she can't win the hearts of the Elders! You must make her fail!”

“Very well, my Lord!” they replied with great fear.

“Damn it. If the Elders see the perfect result of the exam, they will marry me off immediately,” I growled, ruffling my hair in frustration. 

“What are you going to do, Charles? The sacred ceremony is just days away. If you want to get rid of her, you have to fight more,” Darwin said, responding inside my head.

“You're right,” I agreed. “Guards! Send three Mafia to Rosie's room right now! She should know the consequences of messing with me.”

“Oi, Charles. You're crazy. You're not going to make them rape her, are you?” Darwin sounded scared of his crazy plan.

“No, I did,” I quickly denied. “If I can't get rid of her, then I just need to destroy her.”

Hesse, was the one I chose to send the 3 Mafia into Luna's room. He looked like it was very hard for him to do, yet he couldn't refuse. I knew se was my most loyal servant. I sent him on purpose, so he would know. No one can go against me here.

“Didn't you make a contract?” Darwin asked. Really, when did my wolf become this chatty? Why has everyone suddenly changed since Luna came?

“What about the murderer of her mother that she mentioned? Are you going to look for it?” he asked.

“What? Of course not,” I said with a laugh. “Her mom wasn't murdered. That stupid Luna, she doesn't know. Her mother cut her hand on purpose because she didn't want her power sucked away by another Alpha.”

That's right. From the beginning, I was never interested in that contract.

It was just my plan to get her out of this castle. The Elders wouldn't like it if I refused the ceremony, so I'd make it look like Rosie Mauvelous had mysteriously disappeared.


[several hours later]

“Charles... Hey, Charles. I'm here.”

“No! You're not real! You can't control me!”

“Hey... I know you don't want to do it. How about just letting it go?”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut your mouth!”

I said. But in reality, I was the one covering my ears, from the strange voices coming into my head.

It's only been an hour since I sent three Mafia to Rosie's room. And my feelings are already mixed up like this.

What is this? I've never felt this way before. It's uncomfortable, uneasy. I want to get it out of my head. I felt something I didn't feel even when I was with Delancy.

“Charles... She's your mate.” That voice, there it was again.

“Shut up, Delancy! You're dead! You have no right to interfere in my business again!” I snapped at myself.

My feet moved on their own. In the middle of the night, the servants were astonished to see their master topless, leaving the room and running somewhere.

My hand moved without anyone ordering it. I broke the door of the locked room, shocking everyone inside.

My blood boiled, watching as a Beta tore Rosie's dress until she was half naked.

“My mate...” “No, this isn't what I want! This isn't me! This isn't what I want to say!”



No one could resist my rage, not even myself. When the Mafia was dumbfounded at me who had just disobeyed my orders myself.

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