
Chapter 12


“Go after her,” my inner beast, Declan, urged as I watched Mila disappear around the corner with Jenna.

Four fucking months of training to learn how to control my werewolf, and one encounter with her completely dissolved it. She didn’t even have a wolf. Hell, she might not even get one, but here I was, ready to claim her and take her as my own. How could I be pinning after a weak, orphan she-wolf? I punched the locker in front of me, creating a huge dent.

“Damn, man. I said I was sorry,” Leo whined, stepping away from me.

“Just go to class, you idiot!”

Leo grumbled as he walked away, and I leaned against the lockers, trying to control Declan. He was waging a war inside my head, nagging and growling about his stupid mate. I knew Mila was my mate two months ago when she came to clean my room. Her voice was the first thing that caught me. Goddamn music to my fucking ears, but her scent did it. Wild berries and lilacs. It fucking drove me mad and I…couldn’t get enough. The only thing that kept me from taking her right there was my stupid brother. He followed her around like a goddamn puppy. Honestly they deserved each other.

I tried not to let it bother me, but there were some things even I couldn’t control. A mate’s bond was like a powerful drug, and the only way to get over it was to claim my mate or reject her. But was that what I wanted? There was power in having a true mate. A sort of boost to the Alpha and his pack. That I knew since my parents were true mates and we had one of the strongest packs here. Still, if my dad found out Mila was my mate, he would probably force me to reject her anyway. So why was I holding on?

The past few weeks passed by, and I did everything I could to avoid that little she-wolf. The temptation slowly ate away at me. I needed more time to learn how to control Declan and his crazy desire. Even now, in the chaos of the lunchroom, thoughts of her since the hallway incident clouded my mind 

Everyone was talking, but I could barely listen in. My whole being was focused and pining after Mila. She was only a short distance away, and even in the midst of everything, I could still pick up her laughter. I resisted the urge to see who was making her laugh, but I knew it had to Gabe. This shit was going to fucked with me all day. To everyone around me, I probably looked cool and collected, but inside Declan was biding his time to be let loose. I needed to go.

“Fuck Declan,” I muttered. “You need to chill.”

“But she’s right there. Our sweet innocent beautiful little mate,” Declan preened. “Ripe for the taking.”

“Dude, no one says that.” 

I closed my eyes and focused on pushing Declan to the back of my mind, but he was fighting back. So I tried focusing on Ari’s and her little posse. Now, Ari was the kind of girl for me. Beautiful, fearless, and definitely on my level. Our fathers had already planned for us to marry when we graduated college, and I didn’t mind much. We practically grew up together and understood each other on a deeper level. Mila couldn’t come close to Ari’s level. So why the hell couldn’t I get her out of my mind!

She is our true mate,” Declan growled in my mind. “She is perfect for us.”

“No, Ari is perfect,” I retorted. “So stop thinking about Mila.”

I growled and realized I did it out loud. Everyone was looking at me now. Even her. Our eyes locked on each other, and for a moment, all I could see and hear was her racing heart. I held Mila’s gaze until she quickly turned away to speak to my brother. Of course, Gabe took her attention. I wonder what he would say if he found out she was my mate and not his. 

I turned to see Ari smiling at me. She moved from the table and sat in my lap, leaning back so she could whisper in my ear. “Don’t tell me you have a thing for Mi–”

I grabbed the back of her neck to make her look at me. “Don’t make me hurt you, Ari. I don’t.”

Ari laughed before removing my hand. “Fine, you don’t have to go all Alpha on me. Anyway, I think we should throw a party for you making it through the Alpha’s trials.”

“Yeah, I heard it was brutal,” Randall said.

I laughed. “It was, but ya man made it through just fine.”

Ari laughed, stroking my chest. “Good. This pack needs a strong Alpha and a strong Luna as well. I’m sure I can make the cut.”

“What if he finds his true mate?” Amber asked, clearly jealous of her sister's future position. “It’ll be funny if she turns out to be a normal wolf and she replaces you. Better be–”

In a split second, Ari had Amber’s hair twisted in her fingers before Amber could finish. “Maybe you should watch your mouth, dear sister,” Ari said, her voice as cold as ice. “You’re insulting the future Luna and I don’t forget those who speak ill of me. Got that?”

Everyone was silent, watching the little show. Amber was pissed, but I knew she wasn’t going to do anything. Instead, she slowly nodded before Ari let go.

“Good, then apologize to me properly,” Ari said, eyes indicating the floor.

“Ari, this is Marc Jacobs,” Amber complained, pointing to her dress. “You can’t be–”

“As serious as a heart attack,” Ari interrupted. “You should hurry before the bell rings.”

“You do that and I’ll tell Mom th–” Ari slapped Amber across the face and everything went still.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Ari stared at Amber with a fierceness that almost took my breath away. 

Amber looked shocked, glancing around at everyone before slowly dropping to her knees and submitting to Ari. Damn this girl was fierce. She was going to make the perfect Luna. I just knew it. There was no way Mila would have the gall to do something like this. To show dominance over others.

“Alright, the drama show is over,” Ari addressed everyone before sitting back on my lap, and the sounds of the lunchroom began like nothing happened.

I glanced over to Mila and saw nothing but empathy. Weak. Then she bit the corner of her lip which I knew she only did when she was contemplating something. She looked down and a loose strand of her hair fell across her face. Dammit! She looked fucking irresistable. I wanted to grab her and take her on the table. Just the thought of how it would feel to touch her nearly had me pushing Ari off my lap.

“What the hell?” Ari looked at me before looking down, and a smile spread across her face. “Oh, didn’t know I was turning you on?”

I laughed it off. “Well, maybe I need a little afternoon delight,” I whispered in her ear.

A distraction would be a blessing. Ari looked away, rolling her eyes.

“I guess I could help,” Ari smiled, which only meant she wanted something in return. “If we can have the end of school year party at your house?”

A party might be good. Spending more time with Ari might help get Mila’s off my mind or maybe having a lot of people over might be just the distraction I need to forget about these feelings.

“Sure, let’s go.”

Ari shrilled and started to kiss me, much to Declan's displeasure, but I welcomed it. It wasn’t until her scent got stronger, and I heard her voice over all the noise, that I pulled away. Mila stood right in front of us, which only made Declan more excited. I could feel my body heightened with her closeness and my nails started to elongate.

“Fuck, Declan. Calm down.”

I hid my claws behind the chair, digging into the metal to keep from grabbing her.


It's nice having a friend like Gabe. Hopefully his courage rubs off on our little Mila. She might need it.

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