
Chapter 17


I always felt a bit out of place working the dinner shift at the packhouse. Not only did being near Gabe make me smile uncontrollably, but the weird way Tyler had been acting made me uncomfortable. Aside from the constant bullying at school, he watched me like a hawk at the packhouse, always finding ways to subtly touch my hand when I’m placing down plates or pouring his drink. Tonight was no different. 

As I walked into the dining room, I froze at the sound of my name, and the pitcher I was carrying slipped from my grasp, crashing to the floor. I had been trying not to listen from the kitchen, but these walls apparently aren’t wolf proof. Even the kitchen staff had thrown sympathetic glances my way before I came out. 

“I…I’m…sorry,” I stammered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I’ll clean it right away.”

“Mila…” I heard Gabe’s concerned voice as he moved to help me, but Luna Emily stopped him.

“No,” Luna Emily said coldly. “Let her do it alone. It’s her job, Gabriel.”

Gabe reluctantly sat back down as I continued to clean. I was glad he didn’t help. I didn’t want him to see the tears running down my face. I don’t know why I expected anything different from these kinds of people. Someone like me would never be good enough for them, no matter how hard I tried. As I cleaned, I glanced up briefly to see Gabe staring at me with a sorrowful expression. Even as awkward as this was, Gabe always made me feel welcome. 

Just as I started to leave the room, Luna Emily called me back. “After your duties here, I would like you to clean the fitness room,” she said. “I want it to be spotless. You can do it by yourself right?”

I couldn’t hide the shock on my face. The fitness room was a whole nother building and usually took four people to clean it in a day.

“I want to make sure every single piece of equipment is wiped down,” she added.

“Mom, that place is huge to clean for just one person,” Gabe complained, coming to my rescue. “She’ll be here all night.”

Luna Emily narrowed her eyes at Gabe before turning her piercing gaze at me. “It’s not like you have school in the morning. Besides, if this task is too much for Mila, then I can always find someone else to–”

“No,” I quickly interrupted with a bow of my head. “I…I can do it, Luna.”

I didn’t want Gabe to try to stick up for me. It would only make her hate me more.

“Good,” Luna Emily smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “The warriors from the Mountain Claw pack will be here tomorrow for training and I want everything to look brilliant. Apparently our gym is the best in the west.”

I exited the room, catching a glimpse of Gabe’s solemn expression. I tried giving him a reassuring smile, but I knew he was going to try to help anyway he could. After dinner, the head housekeeper let me go early to get started on the fitness room. I put on my headphones and quickly got to work. 

A few minutes in, I got a text from Gabe telling me he was forbidden to help me clean. She even had the nerve to have someone guard him. I rolled my eyes and texted back for him not to worry. He sent a comic strip of him cutting down ‘elite’ girls Luna Emily wanted him to date. I couldn’t help but laugh and daydream about kissing him in the closet. Gabe was literally the best person in my life. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. 

The work was tiresome and all I could think about was the awkward conversation I’d overheard at the dinner table. Gabe was so sweet to think of me as a mate. It was true that we didn’t know if we were mates or not, but if I could have one wish, that would be it. I mean, who wouldn’t want someone who was caring, supportive, creative, and found ways to make me laugh whenever I had a bad day? I honestly thought I was the best choice for him. I couldn’t believe Luna Emily thought Julie or Amber could be better. Just the suggestion made me sick and angry. 

I absentmindedly hit the punching bag I was wiping off, surprised at how good it felt just to hit it. I kept hitting it, thinking of all the people that have pissed me off lately, starting with Luna Emily and her classist ideals. Then I just imagined punching all my bullies faces, starting with stupid handsome Tyler. I gave it a hard punch just thinking about him, but the punching bag came back faster than I expected and knocked me to the ground.

“You’re doing it wrong.” Someone laughed and I looked up to see Tyler, half-naked, standing in the doorway. 

I turned my gaze away, my cheeks burning hot. The faint smell of chloramines told me he’d just come back from the pool, his body was dripping wet. Who comes from the pool like that? That’s why we have towels. I thought, trying to remain calm in his presence.

“I…can I help you with something?” I asked, avoiding his eyes. “Like maybe a towel?” 

I grabbed one of the towels from the shelf and handed it to him. He ignored it and walked about the room. The water dripped off his body and onto the floor. A floor that I was going to have to re-mop now.

“Maybe I like being wet,” he said in a husky tone that made me bite my lip. 

I ignored his behavior and kept my eyes low to the ground. It was expected of wolves with a lower rank to submit to those higher than them. Maybe if I ignored him long enough, he would go away and I wouldn’t feel what I feel right now. 

He walked around the punching bag as I glanced at him briefly. Tyler was evil, no doubt, but I wasn’t blind to the fact that he was gorgeous. He stood tall, his skin glistening from the water droplets reflecting the fitness room lights. His muscles, sculpted and defined, rippled with every step. Drops of water trickled down his forehead, tracing the contours of his strong jawline. He was an epitome of a wet dream.

I slapped myself mentally. I do not find him hot. I kept repeating to myself, though the heat of my body begged to differ. There had to be a way to categorize whatever he was doing as an assault. Just go away.

“You know, I could show you,” he said, gesturing towards the punching bag, “how to really throw a punch.”

I looked at him shocked that he would even suggest spending any time with me. “Why?”

He laughed. “I was impressed with how you dealt with Ari.”

I scoffed at him. “Yeah, you cut it quite close. You could’ve forced her to shift earlier.”

“Maybe,” he said, walking around me. “But I wanted to see what you would do.”

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the show,” I said, balling my fists.

“Well it could’ve done without the vomit, but I wasn’t worried,” Tyler said with certainty. “I knew you would deal with it and I came in at the right time,  which is why I’m willing to give you a few pointers.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but he was already behind me, running his hands down my arms and grabbing my wrists. Oh shit. There goes my heart!


Looking like something is cooking up. Do you think Tyler's going to tell her now that they are alone? I guess something could possibly happen.

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