
Chapter 4


Three weeks was all it took for the Mora girls to seize control over everything. In three months, everyone and their friends were clamoring to be part of their exclusive crew. Requests flooded in, only to be turned down left and right. I even heard a girl donated to their father’s non-profit fund to try to get a seat at their table. Now it was Tyler, Ari, Amber, Julia, Randall and Leo. I didn’t know what the fuss was about. It was just a table like any other table.

“That’s what a loser would say,” Jenna teased me until I saw her a few days ago, hanging around them like a moth to a flame.

I wasn’t that jealous or even that mad. Jenna wasn’t like my best friend. We both grew up in the orphanage and worked together at the packhouse sometimes. Now I heard she worked at the Moras’ residence. It made sense she would eventually hang with them. I’d caught her making out with Randall in the laundry room more times than I could count. It didn’t matter to me, but it sucked when I was on laundry duty and had to wait for them to finish. At least I don’t have to worry about it now.

I actually felt sorry for Jenna. Her dad died from a drunk driving accident a few years after her little sister was born and her mom died a little after my parents. Jenna and her siblings, Alex and Laura, were left behind. Hence why Jenna was working at the Moras’ residence–to support her siblings. She had dreams of landing a rich boyfriend to take care of them, so she wouldn’t have to worry so much about money. I didn’t agree with her methods, but who was I to judge?

I had my own dreams. I saved every penny from working at the packhouse. Hoping to pay for college and land my dream fashion job. All I had to do was make it through highschool without crossing paths with Tyler and his gang of bullies. That plan failed the moment I was recognized for trend-setting designs in class, putting me in lead for the Aliz scholarship. Arianna was livid and made sure everyone knew it.

I managed to avoid most of the trouble when Gabe was around. But I couldn’t expect him to save me every time, though it wasn’t for the lack of trying. I tried getting in with the student administration to make sure Gabe had the same classes as me, but no such luck this year. 

When Gabe wasn’t around, I hid in the sewing room, pouring my heart into my portfolio. I was working on a chiffon dress I planned to wear at the dance next week. I meticulously measured and cut the fabric, knowing I had no room for error–I’d spent a chunk of my savings to get it. I wanted to look pretty for Gabe…and for myself.

“What do we have here?”

I looked up from the sewing machine to see Ari and Amber peering over my shoulders. Their sudden presence gave Tyler the opportunity to take my sketchbook, which contained all my designs.

“Wow, looks like the trendsetter’s at work,” Tyler said as I chased him around the room. 

“Please, just give it back.”

“Damn, Ari. Chipmunk’s good,” Tyler laughed. “You might need to hurry and catch up.”

Tyler threw my book towards Ari, who shrieked and dodged it. “Tyler! That could’ve hit my face.”

I reached for my book only for Ari to swipe it from the floor. “Seriously, do they even make fabric for your size?” she laughed.

Ari shoved me away, sending me crashing into the table. The sharp edge dug into my back before I fell to the ground. Their laughter echoed in the room, and the teacher shushed us. For a moment, I thought I had an ally, but when she saw who was harassing me, she quickly exited the room. My face fell as they all turned their attention back to me, grinning. The smile on Tyler’s and Ari’s face scared me the most.

“Let me guess,” Ari said, leaning down until our faces were close, “you thought you had an ally?”

I glanced around desperately, but there was no help in sight. Before I knew it, I felt a hand come across my face. I grabbed my cheek looking at Ari in shock.

“I asked you a question and I expect an answer,” Ari said, digging her fingers into my chin before roughly letting go. “Randall, why don’t you help her?”

“You’re not much without your chubby sidekick,” Randall said, pushing me with his foot, knocking me to my side. I forced myself not to make a sound or even move, hoping they’d get bored and move on. I wasn’t so lucky.

“Maybe our dear friend, Leo, can give you some lessons in fashion design,” Ari said, picking up a pair of scissors and handing it to him. “You know, since you’re setting trends and all.”

“Yeah,” Leo grinned. “I might not have the old man’s touch, but maybe you can teach me. Should I cut it here?”

He picked up the chiffon and began cutting it in pieces. I watched in horror as all my hard work was being destroyed.

“Stop, please!” I got up and ran towards him, only for Tyler to grab my wrists and pull me against him.

“Come, chipmunk. We’re just having a little fun. You know anything you wear is going to look atrocious, anyway,” he whispered in my ear. 

With all my strength, I yanked my wrists away, cutting one on something he was wearing. I ignored the pain and pulled as much chiffon away from the sewing machine. Ari gripped the back of my head, slamming it against the table as Amber held me down and Julia took out her phone. Ari yanked my mom’s necklace from around my neck.

“This is pretty,” Ari said. “You don’t mind if I take this, do you?”

I struggled against Amber’s hold, trying to grab my necklace. I watched as Ari placed the necklace around her neck. Begging wasn’t going to get me out this time.

“Maybe next time don’t be such a teacher’s pet and get in my way,” Ari hissed in my ear. “Keep her down.”

The next thing I heard was the sewing machine starting up, and I felt a tug on my hair. I screamed, trying to pull it free. Bit by bit, my hair was sewn into the chiffon. My heart dropped as my head got closer and closer to my scalp. I screamed, but I knew no one was coming.

“Who's going to save you now?” Ari laughed, and the others joined in.

“Okay, Ari, you’ve had your fun. Turn it off,” Tyler said. 

I could hear the panic in his voice as the needle got dangerously close. I cursed at the fact the machine was too heavy for me to move myself. This was it–death by sewing machine. Fitting, given my aspirations. Then, miraculously, the machine turned off.

“What the fuck, Jenna?” Ari pushed Jenna away from me as I hurried to untangle my hair from the needle.

“I think she gets it, Ari.”

In a flash, Randall grabbed Jenna by the throat. “Did I give you permission to do that?” Jenna quickly shook her head as Randall let her go. “Next time you do, it’ll be you on the table.”

“It’s alright,” Ari said. “My masterpiece is already done.”

I watched as she laughed with the rest and walked out of the room. Tyler was the last to leave and for a moment I thought I saw pity on his face. Trick of the light, maybe. There was nothing I could do but run to the bathroom and cry. I skipped the rest of the day, not wanting Gabe to see me like this. One look and he would’ve tried to fight them, which would probably end with him worse off than me. Maybe, just maybe, this year will be over fast.


Wishful thinking, Mila. Highschool is a hit or miss for people, and unfortunately, Mila is going to hit. Let's see how she handles it. Happy Reading!

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
yeah that's how it be sometimes
goodnovel comment avatar
Camilita Vargas
Author, 3 chapters full of disgusting scenes of gratuitous and unnecessary violence. I'm tired already. When will it get better?

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