
Chapter 3


After showing the Mora girls to their lockers we ran into Gabe, who had a bouquet of flowers in his hands. His gaze met mine, a smile illuminating his face until he noticed the company I was with. Amber greeted him first, her playful banter revealing a history between them.

“Grubbs, it’s been a while,” Amber smiled, pinching his cheeks. “Did you gain more weight since this summer?” 

“Stop,” Gabe said, obviously irritated, “and that’s not my name.”

“How can I not call you that with those chipmunk cheeks like these?” Amber joked.

I cringed at that word, chipmunk. I hated it but despite her teasing, I couldn’t help but find Gabe endearing. His rich, brown skin and his rosy cheeks and dimples exude a boyish charm. His eyes, a captivating blend of light brown hues, held a kindness that belied his own struggles. His curly hair, a wild mass framing his face, added to his allure. 

I thought it was always cute the way he constantly had to move his hair out of the way. He might not fit the narrow standards of conventional attractiveness like his idiot brother, but there was no denying the magnetic pull of his presence.

“Where’s Tyler?” Arianna inquired, taking the flowers from his hands. “Did he send these to welcome me here?”

Gabe successfully pushed Amber off before adjusting his clothes. “No, he didn’t,” Gabe said, taking the flowers back from her, “and I’m not his keeper.”

I knew for a long time Tyler and Gabe never got alone. Gabe was a golden child in his parents’ eyes. He brought home good grades, always got praises from the teachers, and has many certificates for winning coding challenges. The only thing they probably didn’t like was his lack of interest in the family's main business: fashion. If he did, my guess was that he would be the Alpha instead of Tyler, regardless of who was older. Business came first in most families and if you can contribute then you have value.

“Whatever, I’ll find him later when I drop by the packhouse,” Arianna said, grabbing her things from her locker. “See ya later, Milan.”

“It’s Mila,” I said to no one since they were already halfway down the hall. “Well, they are…something.”

Gabe laughed and shook his head before handing me the flowers. “Here, these are for you. When you visit your parents.”

See, sooo kind. “Thanks, Gabe,” I smiled, not hiding the blush on my cheeks. “I’m so glad you’re back. School has been hell without you.”

“Oh you missed me?” He asked with a cheeky smile.

“You know I have,” I said, placing the flowers in my locker and we started down the hall. “I hate that you have to leave at all.”

“Yeah, Dad only sends me to Uncle Aaron so I can ‘man-up.’ Little does he know, Uncle Aaron mans up every night with a different man.”

“Ew, leave his business at his house.” I playfully pushed his shoulder as he laughed. “Oh, there’s a bug I found with my fashion app I want to fix, but I need help.”

“Yeah, of course,” Gabe said. “Can we meet after school?”

“Can’t,” I said. “After I visit my parents, I’m going straight to the packhouse to work. Then I have to finish my schoolwork.”

Gabe groaned playfully. “You need a break, Mila. Seriously, do you even leave time to have fun and relax?”

I playfully pushed his shoulder. “I have my weekends sometimes. We can have fun then.”

“I’m holding you to that,” Gabe smiled before it faltered just a bit. “So, there’s a dance next month…and…”

“Yes?” I stopped to look at Gabe, who was fidgeting with his clothes. I’ve been waiting for weeks for him to ask. I would’ve asked him myself but Jenna said boys felt a certain way if a girl asked first. I had no experience so of course I had to believe. Gabe cleared his throat.

“Well, if you’re not busy we can go, you know, like together?” Gabe finished, looking down at his shoes. “But only if you want to.”

The bell rang before I could give him an answer so I decided to plant a kiss on Gabe’s cheek before running off the class. I smiled when I remembered the shocked look on his face but I hoped he took that as a yes.

Later in the day, Arianna and Amber met me at the cafeteria. I walked through the line with them, helping them with their plates since holding them would ‘mess up’ their manicures. It was a bunch of bullshit but I wasn’t the one to complain. I had to make a good impression on the scholarship. Sucked it up, Mila. It’s just for one day.

“We’re going to sit there,” Arianna commanded. 

I looked at the table Ari was pointing at and noticed it was the girls from earlier. Julia’s and her posse’s table was off-limits to all but a chosen few. I’ve already seen what happened to those who were brave enough to even ask. Most of them don’t even go here anymore.

“Oh, are you sure? I mean those girls are very popular. Their families are uber rich and powerful. I wouldn’t–”

Arianna scoffed and walked over to their table without a care in the world. I followed meekly behind, hoping to de-escalate the situation. I knew when it came down to it, I would be the one getting in trouble. Julia watched as Arianna sat in one of the chairs with Amber behind her.

“I’m sorry, but are you lost or something?”

With a voice as sweet as pie, Arianna answered. “Of course not. Mila here tells me this is the popular table. I’m sure this is where I belong. Unfortunately, not all of you.”

The girls looked at each other again, a bit more amused by Arianna‘s declaration.

“What the hell kind of trash did you bring to our table, Mila?”

I stammered forward, looking between the two groups. “Well…I…um…Arianna is new, from the…I was…”

Arianna held up her hand to stop me while keeping her eyes on the others. “Let me try this one more time. This table is for popular people. People who are important and I’m looking at all of you and all I see is trash, except you.” Arianna pointed to Julia, who looked taken aback. “You can stay, the rest of you can go.”

One of the other girls stepped up to Ari. “How fucking dare you bit–”

Within a second, Amber slapped the girl across the face without blinking an eye. The girl fell to the floor as the others took a step back. Now the Mora sisters had the attention of the whole room. Ari looked as if she was bored while the girl on the floor looked surprised. A red handprint started to form on her face. Arianna bent down close to her and spoke loud enough for the ones standing close to hear.

“Wasn’t your father the one that got caught fucking a student here?” The girl’s eyes grew wider. “If I were you I would’ve off him and off myself right after. If you want I can make the last one come true.”

The girl hurried to her feet, looking around before quickly leaving the lunchroom. Arianna turned her head to the others and it only took a second before they ran behind their friends. The only one remaining was Julia, who seemed to be enjoying the show. Arianna’s gaze circled the room, daring someone to say anything before sitting down.

“Hmm, looks like I worked up an appetite,” she said, looking at me. I laid the trays down “You? What does your dad do, um…?”

“Julia Cross,” Julia responded. “My dad owns a few nightclubs here.”

“Ooh, perfect,” Arianna smiled. “You can stay.”

Julia sat down next to Amber as I moved to take the other seat.

“Woah there,” Arianna said, stopping me. “What are you doing?”

I should’ve just apologized and walked away to sit at my usual table, but for some reason, I felt hopeful. 

“I’m sorry, I thought–”

“Amber,” Ari interrupted with a smile.

Amber looked at me with a smile. “Your job is done here. You can go back to your tax bracket, sweetie. So…”

Amber shooed me away as I tried to cover up my embarrassment with a smile and a nod. I don’t know why I thought I was welcomed at that table. The rich had their own posse and loved to remind everyone else of their place. Still, what a bitch!


True to the core. Seems like our girl Ari was fast on the takeover. Wonder what else she's going to do and how Mila's going to deal with it? Also, Gabe is the cutest. Who still like getting flowers as a present? Happy Reading!

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