
Chapter 2


“Hi, I’m Mila Davis. Welcome to Grand Mountain High.” I turned to my classmate, Jenna. “How was that? Too preppy?”

“Does it matter?” Jenna sighed heavily at my concern. “No one cares about high school. They’re all the same and everyone is just trying to survive long enough to graduate.”

I brushed it off, knowing the importance of a first impression. I continued to fix my unruly curly afro in the mirror, frowning when the hair tie popped out of my hand. I walked to retrieve it from the floor.

“I know Jenna, but I’m part of the student council, and things like this matter when you need references for college. Besides, if I do this, it could get me closer to getting the Aliz Women in Arts Scholarship. They only give it to one student a year, and it's going to be mine before I graduate.”

“Slow down, Mila,” Jenna urged. “You’re a sophomore. College is so far away and besides I think everyone should take the first year off to decide if they really need unnecessary debt.”

“I can’t afford to wait. The school year is halfway over,” I countered, securing a headband amidst the chaos I called my hair. 

“I’m glad I wasn’t this stressed as a sophomore. I’m more of a relaxed thinker.”

“Yeah, it shows in your grades,” I laughed. “Besides, if I want to open my own fashion store I need to start now. It’s what my parents would’ve wanted,” I said, clutching my mom’s necklace. “Maybe I can team up and work with one of the fashion stores in the Aliz company or run one of their magazines.”

Jenna laughed, pushing my shoulder. “You only want to work there to be close to Gabe Aliz. You know you don’t have to do that. That boy is already in love with you.”

“Hush, Jenna,” I blushed, running to look under the stalls to make sure we were alone. “Someone could hear you.”

Gabriel Aliz was the Alpha's second son and my close friend. I met him at the orphanage that the Alpha gave to his old housekeeper we called Nanna Gertie. Though he said we met before then, I couldn’t remember. I started getting even closer to Gabe when I started working at the packhouse this year. He was a coder and loved playing games. It wasn’t my creative outlet but I loved seeing all the characters and their outfits. He even taught me how to create my own fashion app. It was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. 

“See, this is why I like older men,” Jenna remarked with a playful smile. “They don’t have time for drama. Only time to spoil little ol’ me.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Disgusting.”

“What?” Jenna countered with a laugh of her own. “They’ll take care of me and I won’t even have to lift a finger.”

“So,” I teased, flashing a mischievous grin as I reached for her designer bag, “is this person your benefactor for this Burberry? I know you can’t afford this with your paycheck.”

Jenna gasped dramatically, snatching the bag away with false annoyance. “That’s my secret and you’re going to have to do more than that to get word out of me.”

She stuck out her tongue and ran into the hall with me laughing behind her. As we navigated the bustling halls of Grand Mountain High, the entrance of two girls brought a momentary halt to the chaos. Everyone stopped and stared as the Mora sisters stepped into the hall.

“I’m guessing that’s them,” Jenna whispered as the girls moved through the crowd.

“Yup,” I swallowed, already regretting my decision to volunteer. 

“Well, you’re going to need more than a blessing from the Goddess to deal with them. Have fun,” Jenna laughed before disappearing into the crowd.

“Wait,” I said, grabbing her arm. “You’re leaving me?”

“Trust me when I say this is a good thing,” Jenna said, casting another glance towards the new girls. “I have bad blood with them.”

Jenna quickly disappeared into the crowd. My attention went back to the new girls. Arianna and Amber Mora, daughters of the Alpha of Crestwood, the neighboring pack. They were a vision of elegance with their light tan skin, piercing green eyes, and statuesque frames draped in the latest designer fashion. 

Arianna had long, black flowing hair that looked like a waterfall of silk while Amber took a bolder more colorful look. With their father being a fashion icon, it was no surprise that they inherited his impeccable sense of style. He wasn’t as big as the Aliz family, but he was in the same circles. It was enough status to go on trips with the Aliz family every holiday. The family pretty much grew up together, though this was my first time meeting them.

When they moved through the hall, I could tell Arianna was the one with all the confidence. With every sway of her hips, she exuded an aura of undeniable allure, drawing attention from everyone without even trying. I would die of embarrassment if I tried that.

Determined to make a good impression, I stepped forward, only to be met with Arianna’s sharp interruption.

“You’re showing us around?” She didn’t even look my way and her dismissive demeanor sent a chill down my spine, but I pressed on.

“Yes, I’m Mi–”

“Let’s just get started,” Arianna interrupted, finally looking at me with a smile. “Wow, nice outfit. Is that Dior?” I smiled, excited that someone complimented my outfit. “No. I would know if it was. What brand is this?”

“Actually, I made this myself,” I said, running my hands nervously down my skirt. “I’m trying to submit a full wardrobe for the Aliz Scholarship.”

“I see,” Arianna smiled before crossing her arms. “Hear that Amber. Looks like we have a bit of competition then.”

They both smiled and stared at me long enough to make me feel uncomfortable. I cleared my throat to cut the tension.

“Well, we can get started. Are you both sophomores?”

Amber scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Yes we are.”

“Oh, so–”

“Yes, yes, we’re only six months apart,” Arianna waved dismissively. “We have different moms, so don’t think too much into it.”

“Wow,” I remarked, ignoring their disdainful looks. “It must sucks to transfer during the last year. You must miss your friends.”

Arianna smiled coldly. “Thank you for reminding me. Can we get this started now or what?”

Someone didn’t have their morning coffee. I thought as I led them through the halls with a forced smile. I pointed out various classrooms and facilities with a warm smile. Every once in a while, I would check on them, both aloof and disinterested. As we rounded a corner, I bumped into a group of girls. The movement made me fall to the ground, knocking my things all over the place.

“Watch it, you fat loser,” one of them said, stepping over me as the others did the same. 

I laughed to cover my embarrassment as Arianna and Amber watched me pick up my stuff. 

“Did you see that, Amber?” Arianna asked. 

“Uh-huh. Some people don’t know their place yet. Maybe we should show them.”

Arianna let out a short laugh. “I think this day just got a whole lot better.” Arianna’s icy observation hinted at something malicious as she grinned.


Someone is giving those 'Mean Girls' vibes already. Why are the pretty ones so mean sometimes? Guess we're going to find out. Happy Reading!

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