
The Rejected Mate's Revenge
The Rejected Mate's Revenge
Author: Quay

Chapter 1


Sophomore Year

“Hi! I’m Mila Davis. I am a strong, beautiful, black girl and I don't need…” I looked down at the text message from my friend, Gabe, who hasn’t been to school all week. Affirmation for the day he texted. I cleared my throat and looked back into the mirror. “...and I don’t need validation from anyone but myself.”

Don’t get me wrong. I think I was pretty cute. Frizzy afro that I have given up on taming, pleasantly plump cheeks that grandies loved to pinched and small freckles that I think added a little flair to my face. Framing my face were thick, rounded glasses that magnified my light brown eyes, and honestly made me look smart. Who didn’t want to look smart? 

I took pride in dark brown skin, not a single blemish in sight. Well aside from the vitiligo in certain spots, but those spots were in places that only my beloved would be able to see. Still, despite societal stereotypes, I was determined to be seen. Just maybe after I graduate highschool.

I took a deep breath and squeezed my mom’s necklace for courage to not make today suck. It was the only thing I had left from them. They died in a boating accident and apparently I was the only survivor. The pack found me washed up on the shore and I couldn’t remember anything that happened except for the sound of fireworks. Even now, I could barely stand the sound of fireworks.

I left the girls’ bathroom and entered the hallway. I kept my head down as I made my way to my locker to get my books for today. I wanted to make it to class earlier to get my usual seat. Otherwise, I’ll be walking into a ‘roast line’ in which everyone has a stupid joke to say. I’ve heard every fat joke in the books.

“Mila is the true meaning of the word plus size.”

“Mila steps on a scale and it reads ‘to be continued.’”

“Mila, can you only see your feet when you’re sitting down?”

All these jokes used to bother me when I was freshman, and sent me down a dark path. I became fixated on losing weight. I spent hours at the gym, cut most of my calories, and scrutinized every inch of my body. I lost some of the weight but my health was not good. I had anxiety about everything and felt more tired than before. Gabe was the one that pointed it out but I ended up lashing out at him and fainting in the gym. I woke up the next day in the hospital with the doctors telling me I was dehydrated and malnourished.

It was the wake up call that I needed. With the help of a therapist and nutritionist provided by the school, I started on a path of healing. The weight came back and I was back to being happy. I decided to ignore the bullies and focused on my schoolwork. I actually liked school and was a great student. All I needed to do was survive two more years before I could leave these horrid people behind. 

I took out my books for today and hurried towards my first class. All of a sudden, I tripped over a well placed foot and crashed to the floor. My things scattered across the floor as I used my hands to keep my face from hitting the floor.


Laughter erupted in the halls as I got to my feet. I looked up to see Tyler and his stupid friends, Leo and Randall, leaning against the lockers.

“I think we might have to call national security if you keep falling like that, chipmunk,” Tyler laughed. “You could bring this whole place down on top of us.”

Like I haven’t heard that one before. I ignored him and picked up my things that the others thought it was fine to step on. I don’t show any emotions or reaction from their taunts. I knew the moment I did they would never leave me alone. Tyler was one of the sons of the Alpha and one of my constant tormentors. Though some might say I deserved it. 

Last summer I started working at the packhouse for extra money and discovered Tyler liked wearing rubber ducky theme briefs. One thing led to another and the whole school found out. So of course he blamed me and decided to make my life a living hell. It sucked since I had the hugest crush on him.

When he wasn’t around his stupid friends, he could be sweet and caring. In his own special way. I remember the days at the orphanage when he would help his Nanna with some of the tasks. When he talked with her, he was always so patient, explaining complex things when it came to online stuff. Then when he smiled, like a genuine smile, it sent a flutter through my chest every time. Why couldn’t I get that Tyler at school instead of this?

“What is going on with this hair?” Tyler asked, giving a strand a little tug.

“Maybe she can’t afford a stylist,” Leo chimed in, pulling my hair the other way. Leo’s dad wasn’t rich but he owned majority of the cleaners in the area. If you needed something pressed, cleaned, or repaired, Leo was the one to go to. How he got into this group was a mystery to me? 

“We could give her a trim,” Leo suggested.

I gritted my teeth and moved away from them. I didn’t care for his words but I hated when anyone touched my hair without permission. Why couldn’t they just leave me alone?

“Look at that, boys,” Tyler continued. “I think she’s trying to ignore us.”

The bell rang and I almost sighed out loud. Saved by the bell or at least I hoped. I moved toward my class but they blocked the way. “Please, just let me go to class. I don’t want to be late.”

“She might need to, Ty,” Randall smiled. Randall was the anger management guy. He would likely inherit his family’s business of ski resorts all over the world. Though, his dad probably spent a fortune keeping Randall out of jail.

Randall walked around me. “Poor, fat and ugly girls like her need to be smart to make it in this world. Right?”

“I think you’re right about that, Randy,” Tyler said, moving out of my way. “I’ll give you a break for now.” 

I quickly moved past and tripped again. This time I expected this and fell towards the lockers, catching myself. 

“Look at that. She’s already learning fast.” 

Tyler laughed as they walked past and I couldn’t help the glare this time around. I hated them and not just them three, the whole classist system. Just because their families were rich and they were a higher rank than some of us didn’t mean they could treat everyone else like trash. I wasn’t the only one getting bullied but for now I seemed to be in the crosshairs.

I hurried to class, making it just in time. I liked to make it to a seat earlier than most students. There was something visceral when you walk in late and everyone’s eyes are watching you walk to a seat. Besides, the front chairs are usually the first to fill up with people like me. The closer you get to the back the more likely you are bullied by the rich kids. I walked in and of course the only seat was right by Tyler and his gang. A slow smile spread across his face as his foot tapped the chair in front of him. I was really considering pulling the ‘period’ card and heading to the nurse’s office.

“Mila, hurry and seat please,” the teacher said as I made my way towards the back of the class. “Alright everyone. I want all the problems on the board solved and turned in by the end of the class.”

I buried my head and got to work, praying the class goes by fast and I could get out of the hot seat. I felt a tug on my hair and ignored it.

“Hey,” Tyler whispered with another tug, a bit harder than before. 

When I didn’t answer, Tyler proceeded to grab a fistful of my hair and tug me back until my head hit his desk.

“Isn’t it rude to ignore your future Alpha?” 

“What do you want?” I asked through my teeth and he pulled my hair tighter. “Alpha?”

“That’s more like it,” Tyler smiled, releasing me.

I looked up to see the teacher obviously ignoring us as they always did. They knew people like Tyler could make them lose their jobs and who would want that. Three packages fell on my desk.

“You might want to hurry and finish those before class ends,” Tyler said before turning to his friends to talk.

I felt the tears building up in my ears but I refused to let them out. I fucking hated them but I kept it to myself. I was going to get them back. I just had to bide my time.


Welcome to my first exclusive book on Goodnovel. I'm excited for this journey and hope you like my story. This will be part of the She Strikes Back competition, so please comment, like, share, and vote. Positive or negative, all is welcome. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading.

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