
Chapter 97


As I approached the door to Luna and Nikita's quarters, my heart was pounding with worry. The news I had received from the Beta warrior sent to find Eva was not what I wanted to hear.

He told me that Eva had left Alpha Ambrose's mansion already, and he also told me about what he overheard from Alpha Ambrose's pack members about Alpha Ambrose and Xerxes cooking up a plan that would destroy our pack. And worst of all, Geneva was helping them out.

My thoughts raced with anger.

I knocked firmly on the door, and after a moment, Luna answered. She looked surprised to see me, but her expression quickly turned serious as she took in my tense posture and furrowed brow. "Zayn, what's wrong?" she asked, ushering me inside.

"Mother, we need to talk," I said, turning to face Nikita as well. My words were clipped and urgent.

"Of course," Nikita said, rising from her chair. "What's going on?"

I took a deep breath, struggling to arrange my thoughts. "I spoke with the Beta warrior, and he t
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