
Chapter 7

Mahima's POV

It has been fifteen days since we got married and he had not even looked at me once for more than a few seconds as if he could not bear to do it.

Last week when we had been married for just a week, our family was invited to a business party, uncle suggested that we both should go and represent the family, but he refused to take me with him.

Uncle got furious and insisted that he has to take me with him and Dhruv had to agree.

Well, he took me to the party but left me the moment we entered the party hall.

" Listen to one thing and once for all, don't even bother to come near me at the party. I don't even want to be seen with you. So go and merge yourself into something like a wall, tree or furniture... I don't care what it is. Just stay away from me. " He said bluntly.

" But Dhruv, we came together as a... " I was saying but he glared at me.

" Don't dare to complete this sentence, we are not a couple. I don't think of you as my wife and would never give you any right as my wife. So go and eat as much as you want, but just stay away from me. As it is, food is the only thing you are interested in. " He said.

I felt so bad but didn't say a word and kept sitting in one corner and following him with my eyes, it hurt me to see that he was smiling at all the girls as if he was the sweetest man around.

Girls were flirting with him as he was very good looking, tall dark handsome and rich.

I was feeling jealous but didn't know at that time that I would see something like what I saw in his office in near future.

After the party was over, I saw him looking for me with a frown on his face. The moment he saw me, he turned without saying anything as if he was telling me silently to follow him discreetly to our car. I felt that he would have left without me if I had not followed him.

We came back and went to sleep in our separate rooms like every day. He kept ignoring me.

The next day he called his friends at home and as a good hostess, I prepared snacks for them. And sent them with a servant but he didn't even touch them. His friend praised the snacks and asked from where he ordered them and he just said that some maid must have cooked them.

I was hurt at that time too but it was nothing as compared to how hurt I was, seeing him having rough sex with his cheap secretary.

I was feeling frustrated and suffocated in this marriage but there was no way out of it. I came to live here with them about eight years ago when my parents died in an accident.

My father was uncle's best friend and partner, the most trusted person. He was uncle's financial advisor as well and looked after everything regarding finance and accounts of his whole real estate business.

Goyal's also owned a production house, they were in the business of making movies and advertisements. My father looked after the finances for that as well.

So when my parents died, my world shattered as both of them were gone leaving me alone in this world. I was so lost without them and had no one to look at who could shelter me. I was barely fourteen and was too young to support myself.

Uncle became my guardian angel, opened the door of his home for me and took me in. He provided for my education and all the other expenses.

Slowly, I started getting comfortable with them as they all took special care of me like I was one of them. Their sons also helped me and I became friends with them specially, with the younger son. He was very friendly and was just two years older than me. While the elder one was four years older than me.

My height had always made me feel vulnerable as I was almost at tall as the younger one at that time.

I had been the butt of cruel jokes at school till now as I was always the tallest girl in my class and they used to treat me as if I was a giant, because of which, I was being on the way to developing a complex till I met those brothers.

Even Dhruv was very nice to me in the beginning, all three of us used to enjoy ourselves as a family and both of them were protective towards me as we were in the same school.

They both used to scold the guys who used to tease me because I was taller than most of the boys in my class and they used to tease me by calling me names such as giant, A****n, Godzilla, and skyscraper, camel, giraffe etc.

All of them used to ask me, " Hey, how is the weather up there?? " I used to get hurt.

I remember both the brothers scolding them that they will break the jaw of the boy who will tease me. Gradually they all stopped teasing me. Both of them were my best friends at one time.

In fact, a few older boys also tried to talk to me as they were taller than me. But the brothers told them to back off.

I still remember that I realised that one of Dhruv's friends was looking at me discreetly. He used to come to our place to play with both the brothers along with other friends.

Being used to of, laughed at by others, I could not even believe it when he started paying attention to me.

I definitely liked the fact that he didn't tease me but was looking at me with a different kind of expression in his eyes. His eyes used to follow me everywhere.

Gradually, he started smiling at me and it seemed rude to me if I didn't smile. So I just gave him the faintest smile. I thought that he liked me. Apart from Dhruv and Dheer, he was the only one who didn't look at me as if I was from some other planet, so I guessed that maybe he liked me.

God, how naive I had been... I found out the truth quite by accident. Once, I was passing in a corridor when I heard some voices. I would have ignored them and gone my way but they happened to talk about me.

My feet were grounded there, I peeped into that classroom and saw that boy with his friend. I was really excited to know what was he talking about me?

" She is not even your type, you keep staring at her, but have you ever noticed, she looks like a boy, tall and broad. Are you really interested in her?" His friend asked.

I still remember how embarrassed I was by what his friend said. But was not prepared for what he was going to say about me.

" Who cares? Yes, she is definitely not my type. I prefer my girlfriend to be small and cuddly. But it is easier to make this girl fall for me and I am just enjoying making her feel something for me. She is living with such rich people, and those Goyal brothers are overprotective about her. I think it will be good if she becomes my girlfriend. They would favour me too. And how does that matter how she looks, I can have another real and sexy girlfriend at the same time to keep myself happy. Who can stop me if I want to enjoy my life with another woman? " He said to his friend and they both laughed.

I didn't stay anymore to hear all that, I felt very bad to hear all that, no doubt about it. But it gave me a different kind of strength to remain cool and aloof from random boys.

This incident made me understand one thing only Dhruv and Dheer were my friends and I decided to ignore the rest of the boys.

I stopped even looking at him. One day he came to play with them and when he saw me going to my room, he followed me.

" Hey, Mahima... How are you? " He asked.

" I am good, thank you. " I replied.

" Will you not ask about me? " He asked when I didn't ask him back about his wellbeing.

" How are you? " I asked.

" Miserable... " He said. I was getting annoyed with him.

" Ok, see... I have got lots of assignments from school. I don't have time to talk to anyone. Please, leave. " I said.

" What happened to you? " He asked.

" Nothing! Please leave. " I looked away.

" No, first you tell me, are you angry with me? " He insisted.

" No, why would I? I don't even know you. " I replied in a cool manner.

" Something has changed, l can feel it. You don't smile back at me, don't even look at me. " He asked.

" How does that matter to you? " I counter questioned him.

" How does it matter? I am miserable since you don't even look at me. I like you a lot, we need to talk, can you come with me, please. " He asked very tenderly to come for a walk or a date.

I was not interested in any such thing so I refused him.

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