
Chapter 6

Mahima's POV

He looked at me casually, and then he turned towards her and looked at her tenderly.

" Hey, you must be very tired after the hard and fast quick round, we had in my office. Would you like to have a drink and snacks here or in my bed? " He asked her caressing her sleek arm.

" It's so nice of you to ask that, I would like to have them in bed if you don't mind. It will be much more relaxing and romantic. We can feed each other the way we want, I am sure you will enjoy them more. " She said in her seductive voice.

" Sure!! Good suggestion. Mahima, do you mind, bringing these things to my room, and joining us to watch the show? " He asked me as if he was inviting me to watch a football or cricket game with him.

" Tell your secretary to take the drinks and snacks to your room. I hope she is not too tired to take a tray to your room as you are planning to have an eventful night. Isn't she here to please and serve you in many ways and as it is she is quite used to of taking good care of you. So use her services to the fullest, I was in the middle of a very interesting movie. Please tell her to help herself. " I said and settled myself with a fresh lime soda and popcorn in front of the huge LED.

He made a face that I didn't do what he wanted but I ignored him and started the comedy movie, I was watching earlier. By chance the next scene was hilarious so I laughed out loudly. And enjoyed till they poured drinks and served snacks. I was laughing like a Lunatic by now.

When they went upstairs, I placed a note for him to read near the dishes.

Everything is ready, you can heat the food in the microwave and eat it. Since I already had my plan for the night out, I am going. Please don't bother me. You enjoy the food and... Company.

Then I picked up my handbag, phone and car keys and I went to his parents' place.

They were surprised to see me but I told them that he was having a night out with his friends and I was alone at home so I came here.

Mom and dad were happy and satisfied with the explanation but Dheer looked at me as if he was trying to read my mind. He even raised his eyebrow to ask me silently. But I smiled and shook my head.

I could see very well that he was not at all convinced but kept quiet. We all had dinner together band then after some time mom and dad retired to their room.

My phone rang once and I saw that Dhruv called up. I ignored it.

" Why didn't you pick up the phone? " Dheer asked me.

" He must have called by mistake. Let it be. " I said.

" Are you hiding something from me? " He asked.

" No!! Why would I? "

" Why are you here all of a sudden at this hour? Did anything unpleasant happen since yesterday? " He asked.

" No! Why are you asking it? " I smiled.

" Because all of a sudden you are behaving in the same way, you used to, when we were in school and others used to bully you. You used to give the same expression and smile to hide your pain so that we didn't fight or scare them. " He said looking into my eyes.

" Dheer, I have grown up, I don't get hurt so easily now. " I said.

" Wrong !! You are still that young Mahima who had a tender heart but now you have made a wall around it. " He said.

" You are thinking so much, there is nothing like that. " I assured him.

" Ok, if you say so... Are you too tired to watch a movie with me or let's just talk. " He asked.

" No, but I have been watching movies since morning. " I said.

" Why?? Are you trying to distract your mind from something or someone? " He asked looking into my eyes.

" No!!! I was getting bored. My college is also over. Just have to submit my project... "

I was talking to him when he started calling again. I was so annoyed with him that I ignored it again.

" Why don't you talk to him? Maybe he is back and looking for you. " Dheer said.

" Why would he?? He is not bothered where I am concerned." I said shrugging my shoulders.

" Then why is he calling? If you are not picking up the call, I will." He said. I shook my head but didn't want to involve Dheer in all this, so I got up, excused myself and went away to pick up the call.

" Hello? " I said.

" Hello?? Where the hell have you gone at this hour of night, without even informing me? " He asked me in an angry voice.

How can he do that while he is with someone having fun?

" You were quite busy with your friend, I didn't want to disturb you. So I left the message. You got it, then why are you reacting like that? " I said casually.

" Just tell me where are you? Who is with you? " He asked impatiently.

Of course, his time is getting wasted talking to me when he should be... With her.

Shit, I can't even think of saying the word in my mind and he is doing it shamelessly and inviting me to watch them in action.

" Oh, my God!! Don't talk like that, I might faint. Are you getting concerned for me, Mr Dhruv Goyal? " I asked and my every word was dripping with sarcasm.

" Only in your dreams... I am asking as I should know where is the very nice and responsible daughter-in-law of my dad, in case he asks. " He said immediately.

" I have already told, dad. You may not agree with me, but I am quite responsible. " I said.

" Anyway, you know where I am and with whom, then why can't you

tell me as well? " He asked.

" Someone please call a doctor, I am having a heart attack. Someone is bothered about me. "

" Ha ha ha! Have you ever seen yourself? I will not be concerned about you in this lifetime. I am asking because it is quite late and if anything happens to you, I should know what to say to dad and the police. "

" How thoughtful of you. Wishful thinking, right? "

" One can always hope for the best. " He said.

" Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but don't be too happy, because I am absolutely safe. Enjoy yourself and let me enjoy it too. " I said and disconnected the call before he could say anything else.

I came back and joined Dheer.

" What was he saying? "

" I don't want to talk about him," I said.

" Ok, fine!! Let's talk about...." He was saying when his phone started ringing.

" Dhruv? " He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and he picked up the call.

" Hello?...... Er...Yes, I know ....... Yes, she is here at home, with me."

" Dhruv??...... Dhruv? Are you listening? " He kept saying.

" He must have disconnected the call. Leave it. " I said.

" You didn't tell him, you were coming here? "

" Good night, Dheer. " I said and get up to go. He held my hand to stop me.

" Tell me, what happened? " He insisted.

" Nothing! "

" I can tell by your body language, I mean, the way you were talking to him, that something happened. Please tell me, you know, you can tell me. " He said.

" Please, I am tired and want to sleep now. Good night! " I said and came to my room.

It was the same room, where I had lived since I came to this house.

This room had seen it all, my secrets, sorrows, tears, struggle, crush on him, dreams, my heartbreak... everything.

I fell onto my bed and hugged the pillow tightly and cried again. Why was I in this situation?

Why couldn't I refuse to marry him when uncle asked me?

What happened to Dhruv, why was he behaving like this?

It has not always been like this we were friends and he used to care for me, just like Dheer does.

But then why does he hate me so much now??

I kept thinking about it for hours but I failed to understand his behaviour.

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