
Chapter 5

Mahima's POV

I was still sitting there when after about an hour, I heard him coming. He waited outside my room and then went to his.

My heart was filled with resentment. I wanted to divorce him right away but I could not. Uncle had shown so much trust in me, I needed to give some time to Dhruv, after all, he had to marry me against his wish.

He said that he would never accept me as his wife and would ruin my life. I could understand that he said all that as he was agitated.

But how could I overlook what I saw?? No !! I could not... So I decided to keep away from him.

I would let him do whatever he wanted for the time being as I didn't want to let down his uncle. So I would wait for some time till he became normal and understood that we were married now.


It was morning and I was coming from a walk when I saw him standing beside his car. I didn't want to see his face so turned and started doing something random in the pathway, wanting him to go away so that I didn't have to see or talk to him.

But it seemed that he had something else in mind. He came towards me and asked.

" So, did you like what you saw yesterday?? " He asked with a smirk.

" What? " I asked as I was shocked.

Did he really ask me that??

How could he be so insensitive?

" Did you like what you saw in my cabin? " He asked with a sarcastic smile as if he was getting sadistic pleasure in talking about it.

" I d.don't know what you are talking about. " I said as I could not think of anything that could answer that question.

" Oh, how innocent !! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that if you ever want to see all that again, please be my guest. I won't mind it. " He said with that smirk.

" Thanks, but no thanks. I am not as vulgar as you. " I said immediately.

" Vulgar?? I was just enjoying good sex. There is nothing vulgar about it. In fact, it is the most blissful thing in the world... Did you come to my office to be with me? Why?? You wanted to seduce me? Awww... It won't work on me. Try someone who is blind. " He said laughing at me.

I was hurt by his words but would not give him that pleasure.

" Don't flatter yourself... I just came to give you the food your mom prepared so lovingly and forced me to take it to you. " I retorted.

" Oh, shut up! I know about your cheap plans. But let me tell you that you will not be able to have that pleasure as I am not even going to touch you with a pole. " He said with a disgusted face.

I would not have the pleasure to have him?? As if, I was dying to have him...

" I don't even want you to touch me. I don't want to be touched by a man who could be infected with some fatal STD. I request you to stick to your plan of staying away from me. " I said and he glared at me for a few seconds and then he smiled.

" Awww... The grapes are sour... Isn't it? Because you have been trying to seduce me by wearing sexy clothes, but let me tell you that you can't look sexy just by imitating other girls. In fact, you can never match the look of even my secretary, you look like a cheap... " He was saying but I did want to hear his cheap talks.

" Shut up!! I have no intentions to wear them. But your mother thinks that all you can appreciate in a girl is her body clad in scrapes. She forces me to wear them. And by the way, you noticed me wearing them which means, you were checking me out, right?? Then why were you pretending that you don't even want to look at me? " I asked.

" Oh, you were looking so bad in them that in spite of me trying not to look at you, I could not avoid after all you are too big not to notice. I know that you were trying to seduce me wearing those dresses. " He said.

I was getting even more hurt and humiliated with every passing second.

" I don't have any intention of seducing you. Your secretary seems to be doing a good job. " I said.

" Getting jealous of my secretary?? Well, the offer is still open. You can come and watch me in action if you want because that is all you are ever going to get from me. The show will start at 7 sharp, come and enjoy. Bring food if you want to eat while watching, as that is all you can think about. " He said with a smirk.

I wanted to wipe it off his face.

" Do whatever you want... I don't care. I am not interested in anything you do or whom you do it with. Rest assured! Your virtue is safe with me. " I said with a smile.

" Oh, how sweet!! As you wish... But I am going to love it. Like we had the food you left, after... You know what I mean... We were very hungry after so many rounds. " He said with a lustful smile.

" Oh, I will tell our cook to send food for you and your companion. Enjoy yourself, don't wait for me, I am very busy. Now can you please excuse me I have far more interesting things to do than talking to you?" I said with a sweet smile which irritated him. He glared at me and went away.

I took a deep breath and shook my head to get all this out of my mind.

I went back to my room, closed the door and leaned against it.

Oh my God !! Why am I in this situation? What have I done to deserve all this??

I behaved confidently in front of him but I was really hurt by what he said. It was so filthy... How could he say such things? It is not my fault that I was married to him. But I could not give him the satisfaction that he could hurt me.


I had no one to talk to, as if I had told all that to dad or Dheer, there would be a big clash at home. I didn't want that, as it is there was no future in our marriage.

Dhruv had already told me that he would make my life hell, I will tolerate it till I can. I must not bother his dad or Dheer.

There was no point in sulking, so I thought of distracting myself and binge-watched many movies.

It was evening and I was preparing the dinner when my phone buzzed. It was Dhruv.

" Hello? "

" I called to inform you to prepare food for my guest as well. " He said.

" How many guests are coming? " I asked.

" How many do you want me to bring? " He asked.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" I was thinking of bringing my secretary home so that you don't have to take extra effort and enjoy the show by sitting. On the couch of my bedroom. And we don't have to use that hard table, instead, we can have the luxury of my soft bed. Would you enjoy it more if I call more girls? " He asked.

" I don't care even if you call the girl's cricket team or the whole battalion. I told you, I am not at all interested in your cheap lifestyle. Do whatever you want. The food would be ready. " I said and disconnected the call.

The whole day was wasted distracting myself and just when I had started feeling light, he called me to remind me of everything.

I prepared the food for him and his... whatever. Served them in serving bowls, covered everything and laid them on the table.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw my husband standing there with his arm wrapped around his secretary. Her hand was on his chest.

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