
Chapter 4

Peter was too nosy, but I have a knack for crafting believable lies on my behalf.

“Personal reasons” he didn't blink, “very personal, Peter.”

“You tell me or I won’t be able to access your account.” she blackmailed her.

“You are not involved.”

Don't bother anymore.

“I'm going to violate your privacy, believe me, I'm already deep into this.”

I snorted, “I mistakenly sent a very embarrassing message. I need to delete it before I read it.”

“A nude?” he asked, smiling amusedly and raising his eyebrows.

I denied until my neck hurt.

“No, love letter to the wrong email.”


“Peter, about yours, okay? Look, if he reads…” I cover my face, “I don't even want to imagine.”


I knew he was smart.

He entered the email, typed countless times, opened and closed operating systems, and after about fifteen minutes we had accessed his account.

“You are such a genius!”

“Let's go to your G***l.”

Oh no, not that.

“I do it,” I snatched the laptop from him, earning his doubtful look, “it's a very painful thing for me, Peter, can you give me privacy?” I pouted, “please.”

“As you wish, I will be in the wing cubicle.” she warned and left, leaving me alone.

Let's see, let's see what I can find.

Eliécer's G***l was exploding with notifications, but in his sent inbox there was a common denominator, all his messages were from one recipient: Monicagriffin@g*** .

Very loving messages, in fact, very saccharine.

Focus, Rose, on what we came for.

In his inbox there were a few other emails, plus one that caught his attention, it came from a user with no consistency in his name. It was very strange so he decided to give it a look. And to my surprise there were the photos that Eliécer mentioned.

Negative, they were not photos; They were captures from a security video.

The witness had a particular way of expressing himself. He enjoyed writing this email:

«How good you are at hiding things and burying crimes, I admire you, I must admit that being your witness will be a pleasure, I saw what you did, I don't consider it cruel, not at all, it was... entertaining? Let me be clear, I want to have fun and you be my puppet. Will you do what I want?

Where did everything happen? Where was an innocent soul lost?

You and I know it perfectly.

Where the sun does not shine and the shadows do not even darken.

Att: Enigma

In the captures it wasn't much appreciated thanks to the poor quality of the camera and since it was night the poor lighting didn't help either.

The images disconcerted me a lot, because it was not Edrien, but Eliécer. My eyes traveled from the dark walls of what appeared to be an alley or the back of a store, on the wall there was striking but worn graffiti, on the ground or sidewalk; I don't know very well; they were there. Three people: Aly lying on the pavement gloomy and lifeless, Eliécer next to her in a fetal position covering his seriously upset head, and another person standing in front of them, but his back was turned to the camera as if to detail or know who it was. Maybe it's Edrien as it also couldn't be.

I didn't understand why Enigma

I forwarded that email and Monica's to my email, along with the backup copy of her W******p that was linked to her email, there I could find material to use at my convenience.

“Ready,” I whispered to myself, “That's it!”

“Issue solved, love letter deleted and life resolved.”

I laughed, “I swear to be more cautious when sending my love confessions.”

“It was fun helping you.” She made a strange grimace with her thin lips, it didn't look like a smile.

“Believe me, the pleasure was mine.” we laugh.

We talked a little and I was surprised by how nice Peter could be, in the end I said goodbye and went out to the parking lot in search of my bike. My cell phone vibrated as I crossed the Institute exit. It was Abby.


“Holmes, do we have any news?”

I looked behind me to make sure no one heard me.

“Yes, you have to analyze well and carefully. What about Gus?”

“He's in something shady, it's going to take me longer to know exactly what that airhead got himself into.”

“How shady?”

“Drugs.” she whispered confidentially.

“Does it consume them?” She stopped shocked.

“No,” I breathed out in relief, “distribute them.”

“But if not, there is a need. His parents are in the best financial moment. For God's sake, they just gave him a Ferrari! A Ferrari!” I snort stressed.

“We know very well that it is not about money.”

“I don't know, we'll have to investigate. “Will you come home today?” she asked, overwhelmed.

“I don't think so, I'll stay up all night spying on our fool Gus.”

Then someone stood in my way, I saw his Gucci sneakers, his dark ripped pants and tightly buttoned blue shirt.


“You keep me informed, okay? I must hang up."

“Her name is Abby, right?” he smiled mischievously.

“Say what you want, look I don't have time to waste rambling on with you.” I crossed my arms, hostile.

“What news do you have about the witness?” He crossed his arms too.

What do I tell you, Lord.

“I know he's leaving disparaging notes in your locker.”

“What a novelty, if I didn't find them every day I would be dazzled.”

I rolled my eyes, tired of his ironies, “Give me a note.”

"Why do that?"

Because I'm trying to save your ass, asshole.

“If you give me a note, I will be able to see if he is right-handed or has personality traits based on his handwriting. Ok? It's called graphology, you can search for it on G****e.”

“I don't think it will work.”

“There could be a hidden message or some clue. Believe me, the witness is very bold.”

He stopped his opposition and took out a folded sheet of paper, the note, from his back pocket.

"That's all?" He said, dissatisfied with my job as a private investigator.

“Be patient, Eliécer, this is not easy.”

“Good, I expected more from you.” I whisper with the intention of leaving.

“Eliecer, wait,” I grabbed his arm stopping him, “I need to be in your group.”

He squirmed with laughter, taking deep breaths to recover, “Are you crazy? “That will never happen.”

“It will have to happen.”

“The group won’t want you in.”

“I know you have a secret relationship with Monica, the director's daughter.”

“You don't have proof?” he smiled victoriously and cockily.

Oh yes, your messages, what do you think?

“I don't need them, you just confirmed it to me.”

His smile faded, “I'm not the one who decides who gets in and who doesn't. You'll have to talk to my brother. “He is a leader.”

“Persuade him to accept me.” I reinforced my crossing of my arms, angry.

“I don't know if you're ready to enter our world.”

"I am." assure determined.

Eliécer thought about it for a few moments.

“I will give you an answer tomorrow.” and she left like the wind without giving me time to refute.


“Because everything has to be so complicated.” I rubbed the bridge of my nose, relaxing a little, a giggle and voices that approached, becoming audible, coming from a trio of girls who were passing behind me.

World, shut up a little. 

“…Are you going to Aly’s funeral?” I heard one of them ask.

Ok, World, don't hold back.

“…I don't think it will be something private, you know, family and close friends.” answered another.

“…I hope he captures the culprits, just thinking that he is loose and between us makes me panic.” she commented in an unsteady, frightened voice.

“…We all know who they were, silly, the FourShadows.” the other girl insisted confidently.

“…They are suspects not guilty.”

“…You'll remember me when they arrest them.” That girl said, as she heard her footsteps walking away from her.

Well, I think someone is going to Aly's funeral looking for answers... or suspects.

“Mom, I'm going to the cemetery.” I shouted leaving my room after a long and intense struggle with my chemistry homework.

Who invented nomenclatures? Maybe the formula was not enough, but you also have to guess what the whore's name is. I snort.

Chemistry: science that studies chemical compounds and aims to destroy my peace of mind.

"To the cemetery?" She narrowed her suspicious gaze, putting her arms on her hips, “What are you up to?”

"Nothing." I shrugged, neutral.

“Uh-huh and I was born yesterday.” She crossed her arms.

“I'll visit grandpa.”

And it was not an excuse, honestly, I would go see his grave and talk for a while with the wise maternal grandfather and my father figure.

My mother lowered her arms and changed her face to a nostalgic one.

"You miss him?"

"Too much."

My relationship with my grandfather was the best I had in my life, I found everything I needed in him, I grew up listening to his spooky stories and playing with creating shadows by the light of a flashlight. I needed advice, Grandpa. I needed help, grandpa would give me his hand. Right now I needed to see it, but that's impossible. But it comforts me to believe that he hears my thoughts.

“Go and clean his grave, put flowers on it.”

“Yes, I'll steal some daisies from Mrs. Miller's garden.” our unbearable and annoying neighbor.

Mom smiled knowingly, “Your grandfather would be proud of you.”

It should be noted that my grandfather hated Mrs. Miller, our pranks were based on playing pranks on her or raiding her garden.

“He would be with everyone.” I smiled, giving her a hug and it passed quickly, I left my house straight to the garden fence, sneaking my hand taking about four flowers and when she saw the lights of the house being turned on, she took it away from there with a free bouquet of daisies. Around the corner I hear Mrs. Miller's loud and dramatic scream:

“MY FLOWERS!, NOOOOOOO…!” I laughed mischievously looking at the bouquet, remembering that I used to steal them with my grandfather.

“They take time to grow, Old Dad.” I complained seeing the ungerminated seed still in my school seedbed.

“Patience, little one, they will grow, you just have to wait.” she advised, silently laughing at my bad face.

“I WILL NEVER BE A GARDENER.” I shouted, stepping hard on the ground and leaving, hearing her laughter.

“If you want to be happy for a lifetime, plant a garden!” she said ruffling my hair.

"NEVER." I roared and snorted, fulminating the jar with my seed.

“Someday you will understand, little one.” I whisper, laughing lightly.

Wow, I was right.

“We never created our own garden, however, the best of springs was in you.” I caressed, shaking off the dust on her tombstone.

“Better late than never, right?” I dug a small hole to plant the flowers right next to her grave, “They are daisies from the Millers' garden, and yes she is still quite a grump... I need you, you know?... I'm sure you know that” I laughed at my words. , “Nothing has changed here since you left, that should comfort you. Mom is still the same, she misses you too, especially on bingo Wednesdays. Abby also misses your fascinating stories, although she won't admit that she's afraid. And I, “I shook the dirt in my hands to see her name on that piece of cement” I am a nosy person without gossip.

I sat on the grass, comfortable to continue talking, why; without explaining it; I felt calmer and lighter, releasing a little of what I kept.

“I still collect secrets, but I have discovered a very big one that is getting me from trouble to trouble, making me lie and deceive at the expense of justice” I closed my eyes and breathing in the refreshing evening air, relieved, “I don't want to let you down” a tear cold down my left cheekbone, “I can't fail you, that's the truth.”

I opened my vision, wiping my cheek. Throughout my entire life I have cried rarely and it is not that I considered crying to be a weak gesture. But because I have promised myself to shed tears for the right people.

Tears are not always synonymous with sadness, because even when we are happy we cry, thanks to them we know that we are alive and that we have feelings. Tears are the manifestation of the soul through the eyes.

“Big dad, if you can hear me, I need you to tell me if I'm doing the right thing, send me a sign.”

I looked at the cloudy sky, it was beautiful in its briefly blurred grays. As something had to ruin the moment, a pigeon overshadowed me in the most pathetic way, pooping me and using me as its toilet.

“Ah!” I was disgusted, glaring at my grandfather's tombstone, “be more subtle for the next sign.”

I cleaned my hair a little and the stench of poop was extremely unpleasant, I had retching and impulses to vomit the Chinese noodles for lunch, but a gloomy and sad music began to play, being my distraction from my fatal hair situation, it was a funeral limousine, Two more vehicles followed behind him, cars he knew. Edrien's Bugatti and Monica's Lamborghini.

“Well, Old Dad, I have to go, it was nice talking to you, I'll come visit you more often.”

I walked away from the vehicles and saw a very jovial couple get out of the limousine, maybe not so jovial, broken, the man was holding and helping his wife walk, who could barely stand, both of them mourning their daughter with tears in the eyes without sparkle or shine.

The brothers Peck and Monica got out of the other vehicles, just as bad as Aly's parents.

The mass took as long as it should, and the few people said their final goodbye to their loved one, leaving flowers and offering comfort to one another. He couldn't accept the level of cynicism of those kids. They were involved and are not sorry to see the suffering they caused. Would they have a conscience? I doubt it.

I found some very large bushes that would be my ideal hiding place to spy on what was happening. It was five in the afternoon when the father finished his blessing and prayer to bury the coffin.

"Amen." I said in the silence entrusted to his soul.

Aly's parents were the first to leave, after her mother's heartbreaking screams of pain. The rest of the family members left, leaving Edrien, Eliécer and Mónica alone, who they left alone so she could say goodbye to her best friend.

“You were always loyal, friendly and even stubborn, you were supposed to be my bridesmaid, the one who would catch me if I fell, the one who no matter what happened would be there for me” hiccup sniffling, “I don't know what to do without you, Aly. You were right when you said that without you my life would be a disaster,” I exhale, trying to calm his sobs, “Without you my life is disgusting… Forgive me, okay?” I'm sorry” he sobbed, backing away and shaking his face full of pain and tears, “I'm so sorry, Aly, I really am.”

Poor Monica, I really loved her.

She clumsily took hurried steps to her car to escape from the cemetery, influenced by her pain.

The next to say goodbye was Eliécer accompanied by his brother who gave him support by squeezing his shoulder, “I'll wait for you in the car, be strong, Hercules, remember that it wasn't your fault that it ended like this.”

What did he mean by it's not your fault?

Eliécer was everywhere except in his body. Edrien took his silence as a yes and left him alone, giving him space.

Eliécer let out a very loud sob and covered his mouth with his fisted hand, looking at the result of; until now; his biggest mistake. I inhale and exhale, gathering strength to say something. He tried, I swear, he wanted to speak, but another sob came out.

A few minutes passed when he calmed down and could say what hurt.

“Wherever you are, I wish you didn't hate me,” his voice broke, “you knew me better than anyone, you know what I am, you saw me as I was without judging me,” he paused, looking for the courage to continue, “And that made you valuable, Aly. You always looked beyond the flaws, looking for the good side in everyone. I will be honest, I will not miss your screams that left me deaf, but I will miss the person who believed in me” she looked at the sky; perhaps to avoid tears, “Don't hate me, what happened was disastrous, but... Sorry, it wasn't my intention and you know it. “I will never forget you, Aly, I promise.”

With that he ran to his car without looking back.

I don't know what happened that night when Aly's life was taken, but I was sure she took a part of the blame with her.

I thought a little and almost fainted when I saw the time, seven in the afternoon and the sky was beginning to get dark so; fearful; I decide to leave for my safety. Don't criticize me, cemeteries at night are not pretty.

I don't believe in ghosts or spirits, but I didn't want to check their possible existence either.

Stop thinking about bullshit, Rose.

“It's not my fault I have such a stupid conscience,” I said in a one-on-one conversation, “Ouch!” I winced with fright; Well, I clearly heard footsteps and dry branches being broken.

I was not alone and I confirmed this by seeing a tall and burly figure, he was dressed in black because he was lost in the middle darkness of the night, it was a man, he was about three meters in front of me, I decided to observe him deliberately and my eyelids opened wide and My eyes popped out, the strange guy turned to look behind him, luckily he had run behind a tree, I saw him clearly.

Glasses, brown hair, brown eyes, medium complexion, sweet face with boyish features.


He didn't see anyone snooping around and continued on his way to Aly's grave.

What was Richard doing going to Aly's grave?

What are you hiding, Richard?

Do you have one more secret for my collection?

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