
The Stranger in 15B
The Stranger in 15B
Author: S.S.


“Did you talk to Robbie?” I asked my very tall, very blonde beautiful cousin Whitney.

“Yes,” she says, not looking away from her locker. 

“Well? What did he say? Does he like me?” Robbie, the most popular guy in school. A basketball player. The guy I helped pass English and Math even though he was two years older than me.

“Lauren, the thing is—“ Whitney started but got interrupted as Robbie with all his muscles picked up my cousin and swung her. She giggles mercilessly.

“Hey L.” He said after releasing my cousin.

“Hey Robbie,” I meekly said. He always did call me L—it was probably because he never remembered my name. 

“Hey,” Whitney also adds, making googly eyes at him.

“Hey hot stuff—“ he was obviously now talking to Whitney. “Be ready this Friday. Our first date! Wear something hot. Revealing.” He winks at her, kisses her cheeks, and leaves.

I am furious. “What the hell was that?” I yell.

“Lauren. He doesn’t like you. He didn’t even remember your name.” She sighed.

“What does that mean? I’ve helped him all this year!”

“Sorry, he thought I was hot, and honestly, I think he is hot too. We both look like a better match then you two!” She proudly said.

“So you're going to date him?” I could hit her. 

“Yes, yes I am! I know, it’s against the girl code, but sweetie, you never really had Robbie in the first place. Maybe you should try dating in your own league.” 

“What’s that supposed to mean Whitney?”

“You know, maybe one of the nerds you always hang out with. You're too smart to be pretty, and right now Robbie likes pretty girls.” She flipped her soft blond hair off her shoulders as she walked away from me.

I am left alone, my eyes blurry with tears as I vow to exact my revenge on Whitney one day!

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