
Chapter 67

Sebastian POV

I had been feeling slightly off for the last couple of days but today this feeling had completely overtaken me. It was as though something terrible was going to happen, I could not concentrate on my work.

A few hours later I had attended all the important matters that required my attention and was just about to start working on one of the contracts for a meeting tomorrow when suddently my PA Lauren rushes in without knocking,

" Mr Agreste, I've just received a call from the hospital, your cousin has been admitted, he is in a critical condition". She tells me with panic written all over her face.

I was about to arrange for my private jet to take me to the UK when she completes the last part of her sentence,

"Dr Simmons has been called to attend to him". Dr Simmons was our emergency family doctor who worked at the private Agreste hospital in New York.

" He is here in the US".

" Yes". she was confused at my question. I disconnected the call and grabbed my suit jacket an
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