
Chapter 22: Condition

A nervous tremor ran through me as I reached for my teacup. “You seemed to know my name”

Alex shrugged. "Well, let's just say powerful names tend to stick in your memory, especially at your status. Anastasia Saavedra Montreal – even before you married into the Del Valle family, that name carried a lot of weight.  And now….well, let's just say marrying Regan Del Valle only amplified that power."

"Are you a fan, then?  You seem to know quite a bit about me."

"A fan, you could say.” He chuckled a warm sound that filled the room.  “I actually saw you perform once, way back when.  You were 14, and I was 16.  You were incredible on the piano, by the way."

A soft gasp escaped my lips.  "You saw that?" I breathed in disbelief.

"Yep. You were a prodigy, everyone knew it.  But then, you just... disappeared.  There were a few sightings here and there, but nothing substantial.  Then, boom!  The news of your wed

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