The Unwanted Wife

The Unwanted Wife

By:  Avvi Keller  Updated just now
Language: English
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Anastasia Montreal had it all. As the youngest daughter of two influential families, she lived a life of luxury and privilege. But one fateful night changed everything, leaving her known as the fallen pianist prodigy. Despite the setback, she found hope in her life after marrying the man of her dreams—the renowned billionaire Regan Del Valle. The man she thought would love and support her unconditionally. She was a devoted and faithful wife, but few knew she was an unwanted wife. … She loved him. He loved another. She gave everything. He gave nothing. She begged to stay. He begged to be free. She wanted him. He never wanted her.

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38 Chapters
Chapter 1: Anastasia Del Valle
A mountain of presents, wrapped in shiny paper and tied with extravagant bows, threatened to topple over on the far side of the room. On the mahogany table, a sea of cards gleamed under the soft light. I picked one up, its edges embossed with a delicate silver pattern. The familiar, pointed handwriting of Vivienne, one of Regan's business associates' wives made me almost sigh in dismay."Dearest Anastasia," the card gushed, the words shimmering with fake sincerity. "Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the joy and fortune you deserve. Perhaps we can schedule that charity luncheon we discussed? Regan mentioned such a wonderful idea..." The card fluttered from my grasp, landing face down on the floor. Charity. Luncheon. Always something they wanted. “As expected,” I muttered.The silence swallows the room, the only sound is the relentless ticking of the clock. My fingertips painted a crimson danced a nervous rhythm around the stem of my wine glass. The heavy damask drapes, a deep sha
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Chapter 2: Happy Birthday To Me
With shaky steps, I left the dining room behind, my wine glass clutched tightly in my hand. The familiar path to the piano room seemed longer tonight. As I pushed open the door, the soft glow of moonlight illuminated the grand piano sitting majestically in the center of the room. With a heavy heart, I crossed the threshold, the cool air of the room wrapping around me.Sinking onto the chair in front of the piano, I reached out to press a key, but my trembling fingers betrayed me. Tears blurred my vision as I wiped them away, the ache in my heart threatening to consume me once again.I was once a pianist prodigy but after witnessing my mother die in front of me, in my piano room, I cannot press a key ever since. I can clearly remember that day like it happened yesterday. It was raining so hard and my mother jumped on the balcony just the time a clash of thunder echoed in the room.“Why would you even do that, Mom?” I raised the glass to my lips and drank deeply, the warmth of the wine
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Chapter 3: Here Comes The Stepmother
As I made my way to the kitchen, I tried to push aside the lingering sense of hurt and betrayal that lingered in the back of my mind. With weak hands, I set about preparing the table for breakfast.Susan approached me with a concerned expression etched on her face. "Miss, you should really rest. You've looked not okay.”I offered her a weak smile as I focused on the breakfast table, "I am fine, Susan.”When I heard Regan's footsteps descending the stairs, I plastered on a cheerful smile. "Good morning. I've made breakfast. Won't you join me?"But he merely stared at the spread before him, his expression unreadable as he brushed past me without a word."Not hungry," he muttered, his tone dismissive as he made his way towards the door.Desperate to reach him, I seized the coffee pot and held it out to him. "Please, just take a sip,"But before I could react, his hand collided with the coffee pot, sending scalding liquid splashing towards me. I cried out in pain as the hot liquid seared
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Chapter 4: Meeting With Grandpa
I walked into the cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixing with the sound of chatter and laughter. It was one of my favorite spots in the city. Include her long floral dress with red heels, red nails, and red lipstick. I wore a long floral dress that fluttered around my ankles as I moved, paired with red heels that clicked softly against the tiled floor. My red nails and matching red lipstick completed the look, a stark contrast to my black hair, which framed my face like a dark halo. My green eyes scanned the cafe, taking in the familiar sights and sounds.The door chimed as I entered, and a familiar security guard snapped to attention. "Welcome, Ma'am," he greeted me with a respectful bow.With a small smile, I thanked him and made my way towards my usual table in the corner. The booth, nestled against a bookshelf overflowing with travel guides and well-loved novels. Today, however, the table wasn't empty. My grandfather sat there, his back ramrod straight despite his age, a
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Chapter 5: Shopping Gone Wrong
As I waited near the entrance of the mall, a familiar figure approached with an energy that could rival the sun. Sheila practically bounded towards me.Her curly hair, a riot of chestnut curls, framed her face in a wild halo, bouncing with every step she took. Her eyes, a warm shade of hazel, reflected the joy she found in even the simplest of moments. Sheila was like a ray of sunshine."Hey, birthday girl!" she exclaimed, as she linked her arm through mine. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be here on your actual birthday. I had that seminar; you know how it is.""I understand. Doctors are always busy"She grinned. "Today, I'm buying you a new dress to make up for missing your birthday!""Really? Anything I want?" I teased, knowing full well she wouldn't back down from the challenge."Anything!""Alright then, I'm choosing something ridiculously expensive.”To my surprise, she merely pouted. "Fine, be that way," she huffed, before breaking into a giggle. “But not ridiculously expensive, okay?
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Chapter 6: There Were No Tears, Not A Single One
As Zarina and Regan glanced in our direction, panic shot through me. My stomach churned, churning so violently I thought I might vomit. Without a second thought, I grabbed Sheila's arm, my grip tight and desperate."Come on," I hissed, pulling her away from the scene with a force that surprised even myself.We weaved through the throngs of people, my legs moving on autopilot. I just needed to get away, to escape before I crumbled. Once we were safely hidden behind a pillar, out of sight from the escalator, I finally stopped, my body trembling uncontrollably.Sheila turned to me, her eyes wide with concern. "Did you know they were seeing each other?""No," I croaked, the single word scraping raw against my throat. As we hurried out of the mall, my steps pounded against the floor. My breath hitched in my throat. Hot tears pricked at the back of my eyelids, threatening to spill over. But I wouldn't allow it. Like an instinct, I blinked back the stinging moisture, forcing my vision
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Chapter 7: I Can't Leave Him
Sheila’s gasp was a sharp intake of breath. “Are you crazy, Anastasia?! He betrayed you, and lied to you! How can you even think about protecting something so rotten?”“Maybe I am,”“Tasia, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. You deserve so much more than this. More than a love that makes you feel like this, more than a man who doesn’t cherish you.” She took a deep breath, her voice dropping to a low growl. “You should leave that bastard right now! Pack your bags, walk out that door, and never look back!”“I can’t leave him, Sheila. Not now. I still love him.”“Did you know he was cheating on you?” Sheila asked, her voice laced with a quiet fury.I met her gaze with a heavy heart. “Yes. I knew there might have been someone else, but I never imagined it would be Zarina.” “I can’t believe he did this to you,” Sheila gritted in anger. “That bastard. I swear, I will kill him if I ever see him!”When I remained silent, she sighed, the sound heavy with disappointment. “So, I guess
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Chapter 8: Are You Cheating On Me, Regan?
With a forced smile that felt brittle on my lips, I walked to my designated seat at the far end of the table. The vast expanse of mahogany between us felt like an insurmountable distance. We ate in a tense silence, the only sounds were the clinking of silverware against China and the labored breaths I couldn't quite control.My appetite was nonexistent. But I forced myself to pick at my food. Halfway through the meal, I could feel Regan's gaze burning into me. In the past, I would make any remark designed to draw him into conversation. But tonight, the words wouldn't come. The image of his hand intertwined with Zarina's, the warmth in his eyes that had been absent for far too long, choked the words back down. Finally, he cleared his throat. "Anastasia,"I ignored him, staring intently at the floral pattern on my plate. The urge to scream, to throw my wine glass across the table, warred with the strange paralysis that gripped me.Regan cleared his throat again, louder this time. "A
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Chapter 9: Promise
Days passed in a blur of empty routines and forced smiles. But as the sun rose on another day, I pushed aside the memories of what I saw in the mall. Of what I and Regan talked about. I promised myself I would try everything I have on this marriage.And that involves staying and giving everything I have. Including chances.As I stirred from my fitful slumber, the weight of exhaustion pulling at my limbs, I found myself greeted by the sight of Regan still sleeping beside me. It was a rare occurrence.His features softened. With each rise and fall of his chest, I couldn't help but admire the sculpted contours of his physique, the gentle curve of his jawline and the way his tousled hair fell in disarray across his forehead. Regan slept with a sense of ease, his chest rising and falling in a steady. The absence of a shirt allowed me to appreciate the taut muscles of his torso. As I watched him, a sense of admiration washed over me. I couldn't help but be drawn to him, to the man who is st
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Chapter 10: Lunch?
As lunchtime approached, I happily packed the food I had lovingly prepared into a lunchbox. Today is a special day.Susan stands beside me, “I think you should just ask Marlon to send it, Miss Anastasia”I shook my head, "It's been a long time since I've done it myself. And I am sure Marlon must be too tired and sick of delivering lunch for Regan. It is his day off today."But Susan still looked concerned for some reason. “Why? Is there something wrong?”“No, nothing, Miss”I nodded and carried the lunch bag. “I should get going.”“Take care on your way, Miss”I walked out of our house, my house clicking on the garage. I don’t ask for drivers. For me, it was nicer to drive on your own. I entered my Red Mercedes-Benz and sped off the Dynastar Enterprises. It is a billion-multinational company owned by Regan.As I parked my car, I looked at the towering building in front of me. Then I walked inside. The guards greeted me with a polite nod, but I couldn't help but notice the unease that
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