
Chapter 23: Dinner

I busied myself in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and stirring pots. Cooking had always been a way to distract myself, and tonight was no different. As I set the table, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of loneliness. But I pushed it aside, focusing on making everything perfect.

As I carefully arranged the roasted chicken on the platter, the front door creaked open, a sound so rare it made me jump. Regan stood there, framed by the evening light, looking more surprised than I felt. My heart skipped a beat. It was the first time he had come home this early in a long while.

"Regan?" I said, trying to keep the shock out of my voice. "You're home."

He offered a curt nod, his gaze going to the laden table. "What's for dinner?" 

The question felt so foreign after so many evenings of empty chairs and silent meals. It was the first time he had shown interest in having dinner with me.

"Oh! I, uh, made roasted chicken with vegetables and mashed potatoes

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