
Chapter 74- Elnora

Chapter 74- Elnora POV

After my coffee this morning, I did the most disgusting thing a human can do; I sat on the toilet and read the journal. I flipped through page after page of the hand scrolled names, addresses, and passwords for each Queen that will be willing to help me in my current situation. My flipping of pages stops abruptly when I see an added note in blue ink that was clearly added well after the book was written. Lifting the book closer to my face, I squint to make out exactly what it says. “If a Witch is needed, find Harmony. She has offered her teachings to any who need it.” Looking over the name and location, I smile instantly.

          Finding the perfect time to tell Lawler that I found someone to help me I know will be difficult. How does one simply state that they found another witch and that I am going to go get help from them? I question myself as I finish my bathroo

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