


“Ballocks!!” He yelled and smashed his drink in anger. “How dare those imbeciles belittle and downgrade my princess to a slave!”

"Grandpa, please, you need to calm down. This isn’t good for your health either,” I begged in desperation.

Ever since Liam, my cousin, brought me home, the entire household has been in an uproar. Well, not everyone, but then...

“You should have seen how they looked at her when I went to pick her up; only heaven knows what Val endured in that family!” Liam added furiously.

“She herself decided to go there, didn't she?" Liam's mom walked in. "I thought you found the love of her life.” She taunted, her voice dripping with scorn.

“Youngsters and reckless decisions, where’s the undying love you wouldn’t shut your mouth about now, huh? Her husband added with a chuckle.

I hate to admit, but their jabs did hit a spot—a very wounded spot at that. But I can’t continue with that; it was high time I moved on.

Three years was more than enough. “Yeah, very funny, Uncle. I was stupid, but I’m home now, aren’t I?” I shot back with a straight face.


“Enough! She’s home now; that’s all that matters." Grandpa cut him off, taking my side.

Just then, the doors of the mansion banged open, “HELLOOOO Family!”.

"Argh, not these two,” Liam’s mom groaned.

"Good morning, ma'am Patricia, ma'am Barbara." Their pointy red heels clacked against the tiles as they swayed in perfect rhythm with each other, almost blinding everyone with their ridiculously gold accessories.

"Duh, it's Pat, not Patricia." Aunt Patricia reprimanded the staff with clear irrigation, and almost immediately she smiled brightly.

"BARB! not Barbara Moron," Barbara added with disgust.

"C'mon, sis, don't let her ruin your mood," Patricia said cheerily as she walked into the luxurious living room.

“Aaah, don’t you just love the air?” Patricia sighed while she took off her glasses. “I know, right? Perfect day for witches to bring out their thorns,” Barbara spat out, and shot Liam’s mom a glare that she equally dished out right back with hers.

And there we have it: the twins of the Hernandez family. Or the "disasters,” as Liam's mom loved to call them. Both were my direct aunts as they are siblings of my late father. Okay, let me break down for you. There is Papa, my grandpa and guardian. Then there is, Uncle Davis, Liam's father, and second child of Papa, Aunt Barbara and Patricia, the last of Papa's children and Marcus, my late father and first child of Papa.

Susan, Liam's mom, Liam, Uncle Davis and Jessy(Liam's stepsister) are under one umbrella. Aunt Patricia and Barbara had each other and then there is me, alone and both parents dead.

Suddenly, Patricia gasped loudly and ran towards me. "Oh, my precious Valerie, so sorry about what happened.”

She gushed out and pulled me in for an awkward hug. "Uhm, thank you, aunt?" I managed to get out awkwardly.

I know you might be wondering why I was being this way when she was just trying to be nice, but then...

"Out of the way, bozo," Barbara roughly pushed us to the side and went to hug Grandpa. "Hello Papa.”

"Ouch! Don't be mean to Val; she's all we have left of brother Marcus and his lovely wife," Patricia said meekly, emitting a few knickers from Liam's mom and a disgusted reaction from me.

It was fine if she wanted to play her nice lady card whenever she liked, but what the hell has that got to do with my dead parents? May their souls rest in peace.

“Are we here to talk business or listen to some meaningless sorry tales?” my uncle interrupted with clear irritation. “We were called here at midnight; let’s get to it, please!”

“Relax, will you? You didn’t have to catch a 6 a.m. flight!” Barbara shot back.

Before they could get into it, Grandpa interrupted, “I called you all!"

Everyone immediately quieted down and took their seats. It was rare to see him raise his voice; he was mostly calm and observant.

"I called to inform you about the new family structure.”

“Structure?” Aunt Patricia shot up in alertness, completely forgetting her soft lady demeanor.

Luckily, Grandpa shot her a look, and she immediately composed.

“Toberto? Read it,” Grandpa commanded the chief butler.

“All accounts, both business and personal, branches, and every other asset under the name of De Hernandez Dreamz will be accorded to my grandchild and sole owner, Valerie Anne Hernandez.”

"What!" Liam's mom yelled.

I just sat frozen in my plush chair. "Are you drunk, Papa?" Barbara asked with a bored expression.

"Just what are you reading, Toberto?" Patricia asked in an exasperated, childish tone.

"I'm not drunk, and what you just heard was indeed written and signed by me."

"What nonsense! You will not give everything that I have worked for to this ignorant child that cut off from her family to go marry some fool!” Uncle yelled.

“She’s no child! She is my granddaughter, the first legitimate granddaughter of Henry Hernandez! And she will run my assets,” Grandpa growled out in anger.

“Shoot Papa! Le-gi-ti-mate” Barbara jabbed in a mocking tone that was obviously directed at Uncle.

From the daggers Liam’s mom threw at Barbara, I was sure she had not yet gotten over the fact that Uncle brought his mistress's daughter for her to raise.

“I say Valarie is up for it; she is qualified and has trained for the position for a while now. It’s time I step down anyway,” Liam chipped in, and his mom shot him a murderous glare.

I looked at him like he had grown three heads, but he just flashed me a comforting smile. “What nonsense are you saying, Liam? Pa, you cannot just brush Liam to the side after all his efforts for the business all these years!” Liam’s mom yelled out in anguish.

“Valerie is not qualified! She knows nothing about business; she should stay home and nurse her unwanted pregnancy!” she yelled.

That immediately fired me up. “DON’T. YOU. DARE.” I warned her directly, “Don’t you dare! Call my unborn child unwanted. What makes you feel I am not qualified, huh? Because I am pregnant? Or divorced?!”

“You! Cannot run a business! You couldn’t even keep your husband or your sanity! How can a young girl who claims to see her parents, who died almost 16 years ago, in broad daylight run De Hernandez Dreamz!?” Uncle roared.

Unconsciously, I took a step back in fear, and my heart hammered loudly in my chest. And then a hot rage surged inside of me.

What’s with people thinking they can walk all over me?

First it was Hudson and his evil family, and now it was my own family members that were supposed to be my shield.

How could they be so cruel? I looked between them all as tears stung my eyes. Only the soft gaze of Grandpa and Liam welcomed me; the rest were monstrous.

“AAAAH!!” Patricia screamed like a crazy woman, tugging at her hair roots.

Everyone just stared at her. “How can you say something so ruthless, Papa? You want to make Valerie the head of everything? She’s a nobody!”

“I won’t change my mind, no matter what. First thing tomorrow, Liam, hold a shareholder meeting. Let’s make this official.”

“Noooo!” Patricia screamed.

“Do something!” Liam’s mom yelled at Uncle, but he stood still, staring daggers at me.

“Now, Pumpkin, can you handle it?” Grandpa asked me softly. “Anything you decide, I will respect it.”

Barbara smirked. “I knew this would happen.”

Everyone stared at me in apprehension, the air thick with tension.

I thought of everything that had happened in my life these past years. I always had to suck up to everyone, despite coming from such a respectable family. I did all I could to fit in and be accepted as part of the family.

It was the very reason I had agreed to marry Hudson, a new family, that I could fit in, but that turned out to be a disaster.

Now, I am done sucking up to anyone. I’m done letting anyone belittle or downgrade me.

It will be me and my baby; the rest can burn in hell for all I care. With a surge of determination, I made my decision. “I will take your offer, grandpa; I will become the head of De Hernandez Dreamz.”

“Splendid! It’s settled then.”

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