
Chapter 4


“Ma’am?” Rob, my assistant, called out for the third time since we arrived at the building for the signing. We are currently in the underground parking lot kept specially for VVIPs.

It's been almost 30 minutes and I still couldn’t find it in me to get down from the car.

Trust me, this was not the first time I had to come for a partnership signing, but this was the first time I would be seeing Hudson after our divorce. If I said I wasn’t tense about it, I would be lying.

It’s been 5 years already, but it still seemed like yesterday. The memories of him and his family are still fresh on my mind. And especially today, it felt more like an open wound.

Liam had repeatedly offered to come on my behalf, to save me the heartache, but I refused.

This was my fight.

After my experience with them, I fought constantly to be who I am today, building up my walls and confidence that they had trampled upon so ruthlessly. And I most definitely cannot let one meeting shatter all my efforts.

I was no longer that girl living as Hudson’s wife as her only identity, I was now Valerie Ann Marie Hernandez and the youngest female CEO of the number one leading brand in the city.

With that, I opened the door. “Let’s go.”

“Oh, yes ma’am” Rob quickly closed the door, flustered by my sudden announcement. Within minutes, we were in the elevator and waiting for it to open up at the very top floor of the building which was used for the event.

Sounds of soft classical music could be heard as we got closer. I bet the designs of the hall would be exquisite. Hudson had always been one for peculiarities and excellence.

Less than a minute later, the doors opened, and we stepped out. “The CEO of De Hernandez Dreamz is here”. Immediately, numerous camera lights started clicking at me. It was so bad that my men and a few shareholders that came with me had to form a shield around me to stop the reporters.

With a deep breath, I walked confidently into the hall.

Mumblings of me being the CEO of such a huge business at 26 filled the air. But I didn’t give a shit, I was used to it by now.

The hall truly was exceptional, with a red carpet at the center separating several sets of glass round tables and chairs that were already served with champagne. Several crystal lights hung from the ceilings that gave the imitation of a lit up sky.

The stage, right in front, seemed like it held a thousand crystals that were constantly reflected in the bright colors of the chandeliers in the hall, paired with a dignified podium at the center.

It was breathtaking.

The crowd parted as we stepped deeper into the hall, silent whispers following us. Every step I took brought me closer and closer to Him, until I was finally standing right in front of him.

Hudson was suited in a well tailored dark blue suit, that seemed to make his dirty blonde hair brighter than I remembered. His broad frame and painfully chiseled jawline was now framed with a little mustache, that somehow enhanced his gorgeous features. I immediately reminded myself of his disgusting character before finally stopping in front of him.

His musky scented cologne was so strong, and it filled my lungs as we stood within radius of a handshake. The same electrifying blue eyes that I used to love now held every atom of disbelief a human being could possibly muster.

I bet he never expected this. I had imagined this very moment, over and over. But now I was here? I felt nothing but hatred “Nice to meet you Mr. Rodriguez”, I said sternly, and stretched out my hand for a handshake.

He just stood still; eyes wide as he took in my appearance. After about a minute, his assistant nudged him a bit, and he immediately took my hands, caressing them a little before letting go.

His palms still held that soothing warmth that I used to crave, and I silently cussed myself for remembering such a detail.

Before he could get a word out, I spun on my heel and greeted other important guests. For the rest of the evening, Hudson repeatedly tried to get my attention or talk to me, but I made sure not to give him none.

This was strictly business, as far as I was concerned, I didn't know him at all.

“Congratulations Miss Hernandez”

“Thank you” I said softly with a smile to at least the 100th person I had greeted today. “You should make an introduction, you’re the star of the event.” One of the men suggested with glee. “As well as Mr. Rodriguez, of course”, he quickly added, smiling sheepishly after a glance behind me.

I looked behind and the deadly stare from Hudson at the man said it all. As if on cue, he turned to me, his lips paused in an underlying annoyance at my attitude towards him.

Without a word, I walked calmly to the podium, my heels clacking on the white tiles of the stage. The gathering grew quiet as I adjusted the mic, many took their seats and with a quick sweep of the crowd with my eyes, holding Hudson’s burning gaze a few seconds longer, I began…

“Good day ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for making time to bear witness to this partnership between Greenland Holdings and De Hernandez Dreamz.” I smiled softly as they clapped. “I am Valerie Ann Maria Hernandez, Granddaughter to the president of De Hernandez Dreamz, and I am the CEO of De Hernandez Dreamz.”

A series of ‘wow” filled the air and claps resounded everywhere. On cue, Rob offered me a glass of champagne. “A toast! To a new season and growth. A toast! To every one of you and a toast to you, Mr. Rodriguez, my partner. Cheers!”

“Cheers!” they chorused.

Holding Hudson’s burning gaze, in the gathering I took a sip, the look of disbelief on his features boosting my growing excitement.

“Have a wonderful evening ladies and gentlemen”, I concluded with a bright smile and walked elegantly to the table of documents that required my signature.

A series of claps and camera flashes followed my every step. “That was wonderful, ma’am”, Rob whispered, less than a step behind me. His eyes shunned with an undiluted support and pride.

He had been an unwavering support system throughout these years. “Let’s leave immediately after this.” I whispered back with a small smile. He gave a curt nod in confirmation and stepped aside as we approached a waiting Hudson at the table.

After about an hour or so, “Done?” I asked Hudson, with an eyebrow arched. "No," he said, narrowing his eyes. "Actually long time no see, Valerie", spitting out my name with distaste.

I looked at him quizzically," I'm afraid you have the wrong person, Mr... [pretending to scan the documents] Rodriguez. I'm Valerie Ann Maria Hernandez, CEO of De Hernandez Dreamz."

Hudson's mouth parted in disbelief "Valerie you..." he paused and released a breath before speaking lowly, hands in his pockets and venom lacing his every word "I have been watching you all evening, you're seriously going to pretend you don't know me?"

My eyebrows furrowed in fake confusion" I'm afraid I don't have the pleasure of knowing you, Mr. Rodriguez." The muscles in his jaw ticked in annoyance and I smirked, enjoying his displeasure. "Though I must say, you do seem quite... familiar."

"Familiar?" he repeated, his voice rising in outrage." You're playing dumb, aren't you, Valerie? Think you can just dismiss me?" taking steps closer to me.

Narrowed my eyes at his display, "Mr. Rodriguez." my voice firm and measured "I'd advise you to tone down the aggression - you're speaking with the CEO of Hernandez Dreamz after all."

Hudson's blue eyes literally went a shade darker, and he leaned in to my face, his voice dripping with malice "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots. The little gold-digger is trying to act tough." he sneered, "You're nothing but a pretty face, Valerie. Do you think you can just waltz in here and pretend to be a businesswoman?"

Anger boiled inside of me at those words, but I clenched my fists, my voice low and even as I closed the distance between us, "That's enough, Rodriguez." my gaze never leaving his," I suggest you focus on the contract at hand, rather than making baseless accusations." Casting a glance at a reporter taking pictures of us from above his shoulder, I added "You're the one that wanted to sign a partnership with De Hernandez Dreamz, Not the other way around, remember that"

I smirked as he clenched his jaw in anger, his electrifying blue eyes shooting daggers at me. If any of the guests were looking, I'm pretty sure we looked just about close enough to be kissing. "Fine!" he spat with a growl "But this isn't over, Valerie. I'll make sure everyone knows the truth about you and your little company."

"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots", I taunted him with a mock smile, slanting my eyes to the signed documents on the table beside us, and back at him, straight in the eyes, enjoying the fact that he mirrored my movements.

“It’s clear you lack apt knowledge of the contract you just signed." I whispered. "Be careful though, I might just end up with everything you have when I sue you for damages” His eyes widened a bit at my words, but it only made my smile bigger.

Mission accomplished. “Enjoy the rest of the evening, Mr. Rodriguez,” I taunted and joined Rob, who was less than 4 steps behind us struggling to contain his laugh after a glance at Hudson’s face.

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