

Why the hell did I start to cry? Maybe it was because Ronan’s face was so sympathetic and he talked to me so softly, unlike his usual booming tone. The next thing I knew I was in his embrace, and he stroked my back to comfort me. It didn’t feel the same as when James held me, but it felt good. He was so solid.

“I’m sorry, so sorry. I didn’t mean to bawl like this. It’s just…” I tried to pull away from him, but he wasn’t letting me go.

“Shh, it’s okay. It’s been too much. You can cry on my shoulder any time, honey.” Ronan petted my head. He was so tall I couldn't reach his shoulder even if I stood on my tiptoes. That made me smile.

“I would need a ladder,” I said and chuckled. He handed me a serviette to wipe my nose.

“See, now that’s better. You have a stunning smile.”

“Destiny?” James came rushing up to us. “What the fuck?” he scowled at Ronan who had his arm around my waist. “Why are you crying, Sugar?” he pulled me away from Ronan.

“You should know, daft fucker.” Ronan spat at him.
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