
Chapter 6 Convenient Arrangement

Alessia stormed into Lara Morris’s office, her eyes burning with frustration.

‘Why is the article under your name, Lara?’ Alessia questioned, her tone firm and accusatory. ‘I’m the one who took the photos and wrote the initial draft. We worked on the revisions together until late last night.’

And then Lara sent her home, saying her son probably needed her.

Alessia had been grateful.

But now she realised her gratitude was misplaced.

Lara leaned back in her chair, her expression cool and calculated.

‘Alessia, you’re not officially on the staff yet,’ she replied, her voice tinged with condescension. ‘It’s only natural that my name was used.’

Alessia’s eyes narrowed as she clenched her fists.

She knew Lara was playing games, using her position to take credit for Alessia’s hard work.

This wasn’t the first time Lara had taken advantage of their working relationship.

Alessia refused to back down. ‘This isn’t fair, Lara. I deserve recognition for my efforts. I won’t let you diminish my contributions.’

Lara smirked, a self-assured glint in her eyes.

‘Listen, Alessia, if you go along with this, I can talk to the chief editor about offering you a full-time position,’ she offered, her voice dripping with false generosity. ‘A generous contract, a chance to establish yourself in the industry. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?’

Alessia hesitated for a moment, weighing the tempting offer.

This could be her ticket to securing a stable job and making a name for herself.

But deep down, she knew that compromising her integrity wasn’t the path she wanted to take.

Before Alessia could respond, her phone buzzed with an urgent notification

It was a summons to the chief editor’s office.

Her heart raced with anticipation and nervousness.

Could this be her chance to set things right?

Taking a deep breath, Alessia squared her shoulders and strode out of Lara’s office, determined to face the chief editor head-on.

The chief editor’s office, the largest one on the entire floor, was adorned with sleek furniture and framed accolades lining the walls.

Alessia knocked and waited for a reply before walking in.

Jeramy Chavez’s displeased expression confirmed her suspicions.

She was on thin ice, her probation period nearing its end, and her lack of ‘buzzworthy’ articles hung heavily in the air.

Jeramy wasted no time in reminding her of her shortcomings, his voice laced with frustration. ‘Alessia, your probation period is almost up, and we haven’t seen the impact we expected. Where are the headlines that will make waves?’

Alessia’s eyes darted around the room, searching for a lifeline.

She pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. ‘Please, Mr Chavez, just give me one more chance. I know I can deliver a headline that will captivate our readers.’

Jeramy gestured towards BuzzBeat’s website, where Lara Morris’s article on the A-list actress and the city’s wealthiest billionaire CEO dominated the page, garnering attention and boosting sales.

He made it clear that Alessia should learn from Lara’s success.

‘I’ll try harder,’ Alessia said. ‘I promise.’

Jeramy’s gaze shifted towards the closed office door, a wicked smile forming on his lips as he shamelessly appraised Alessia’s youthful appearance and alluring figure.

His words oozed with an unsettling suggestion. ‘You know, Alessia, maybe there’s another way for you to secure a full-time position at BuzzBeat.’

Alessia’s disgust welled up within her, her young spirit recoiling from the lecherous implications.

She stood her ground, determined not to succumb to his advances.

Jeramy’s age, at least fifty, made him old enough to be her father, his thinning hair adding years to his appearance.

She fought to maintain her composure, pretending ignorance of his insinuation.

Impatience tinged Jeramy’s voice as he pushed the boundaries further. ‘Come on, Alessia. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. Let’s discuss it over dinner.’

Alessia’s stomach churned with revulsion, her thoughts racing.

Resignation seemed like the only viable option, an escape from this compromising situation.

Just as she was about to decline, a knock on the door shattered the tension.

Lara entered the room, her presence a welcome interruption to Jeramy’s advances.

The man scowled. ‘What are you doing here, Lara? This is a private conversation.’

Unfazed, Lara stated coolly, ‘Sorry to interrupt, but I think Alessia deserves some credit here.’

Lara held up a print copy of BuzzBeat. ‘She played a significant role in the article, including the photos. She deserves recognition. I only omitted her name due to her non-staff status, but I felt it was important for the chief editor to be aware of her role.’

Alessia’s surprise mingled with a glimmer of hope.

Lara’s sudden change in attitude caught her off guard, and she couldn’t help but wonder about her intentions.

Yet, before she could voice her thoughts, Lara surprised her further by speaking up on her behalf.

Lara addressed the editor. ‘Jeramy, Alessia has potential. She deserves a chance to prove herself. We shouldn’t overlook her talents.’

Jeramy, unable to contradict one of his most seasoned reporters, reluctantly conceded to Lara’s point.

He said begrudgingly, ‘Fine, but this better be worth it. Alessia can come on board at BuzzBeat full-time.’

Alessia was overwhelmed by a surge of gratitude. ‘Thank you, Mr Chavez! I won’t let you down.’

She turned to Lara. ‘And thank you, Lara.’

Once they left the editor’s office, Alessia couldn’t help but question Lara’s motive for speaking up on her behalf.

They walked briskly down the hallway, their high heels clicking against the polished floor.

‘Why did you stick your neck out for me, Lara?’ Alessia asked. ‘You didn’t have to do that.’

Lara smiled, her perfectly manicured nails tapping against the strap of her designer handbag.

‘Oh, darling, it was just a part of our little deal,’ she explained with a mischievous glint in her hazel eyes. ‘Remember? I promised to put in a good word for you if I got the exclusive byline for that article.’

Alessia stopped in her tracks, her expression a mix of surprise and gratitude. ‘But the public already thinks you wrote it, not me.’

Lara shrugged, dismissing the issue with a wave of her hand. ‘Which means I got what I wanted, and it was my turn to give you what you wanted.’

‘But Jeramy now knows I share some of the credit.’

‘It’s the readers’ opinion that matters to me, not Jeramy’s. Besides, you did a great job, and I’m more than happy with the arrangement.’

What Lara conveniently left out was that with Alessia onboard, Jeramy would direct his lascivious energy towards the new recruit instead of Lara herself.

She wasn’t lying when she said she was happy with the arrangement: she got the recognition she wanted, Alessia got the job, and Jeramy got a new toy to play with.

Thinking of this, Lara smiled.

Alessia returned the smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

She thanked Lara for her help in securing the employment contract, knowing she wouldn’t have made it this far without her.

With the contract signed and sealed, Alessia officially became a full-time staff member at BuzzBeat.

The clock struck five, signalling the end of the workday.

Lara, always the centre of attention, gathered their colleagues and made the announcement.

‘Everyone, I have exciting news!’ Lara’s voice rang out in the bustling office. ‘Alessia is now a full-time member of our team!’

Applause and cheers erupted, congratulating Alessia on her achievement.

They all agreed that it called for a celebration.

After all, BuzzBeat’s print edition and online subscriptions had hit a record high, thanks to the scandalous story of Olivia Anderson and Logan Wilde.

Lara, basking in her success, received a hefty bonus from the chief editor and generously decided to treat her colleagues to dinner.

They made their way to a trendy restaurant conveniently located next to a lively karaoke lounge.

Alessia quickly texted her sister, letting her know she would be coming home late.

As the evening progressed, the team dined together, indulging in delicious food and trading life stories.

After dinner, the group decided to continue the celebration at the karaoke lounge.

Alessia, fuelled by the excitement of her new job and the drinks flowing freely, found herself consuming more alcohol than usual.

Her inhibitions began to slip away, making her heady and reckless.

Feeling the need for a break, Alessia excused herself from the raucous atmosphere and headed towards the restroom.

She took out her phone, checked the time, realised it was way past Milo’s bedtime, and had to abandon the idea of calling him and wishing her son sweet dreams.

As she turned the corner, with her eyes glued to the screen, she walked straight into a wall of solid muscle, making her stumble backwards.

‘Ouch!’ Alessia exclaimed, rubbing her forehead.

‘Are you all right?’ a man’s voice asked as a pair of strong arms caught her shoulders just in time.

Alessia couldn’t help but notice his hands—strong and elegant, a striking contrast against the softness of her own.

And the voice sounded familiar.

Alessia squinted her eyes in the dim lighting, her heart skipping a beat as she recognised the face of Logan Wilde.

Her mind raced, trying to find an escape route before Logan connected the dots and realised her involvement in the scandalous article.

Guilt gnawed at her conscience, but she couldn’t bring herself to face his anger and disappointment.

‘Um, thank you, and sorry for bumping into you,’ Alessia stammered, her voice tinged with unease.

She hastily straightened her posture but kept her head low. ‘Thank you for catching me.’

Logan released his hold on her but remained close, his presence both intimidating and alluring.

‘You’re welcome,’ he replied, his voice low and husky. ‘Be more careful next time.’

Alessia tried to slip away before the man realised who she was.

But Logan did recognise her.

He recognised her from the same citrusy shampoo she used, and the fact that he wasn’t repulsed by the brief physical contact with a woman.

Then he smelled the alcohol on her breath, which somehow irked him.

He furrowed his brows, his piercing gaze cutting through her like a knife.

Alessia swallowed hard, bracing herself for what was to come.

‘I know who you are,’ Logan stated, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance. ‘You’re the reporter who took those d*mn photos last night.’

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