
On your knees

"Apologize for hitting my son now!” Anselm's father ordered and I blew out from my mouth, turning to him.

What's it with these people and thinking they can hit me however they want?

“Mr Kingston. I wouldn't tolerate you hitting my student however you wished. We would punish her according to the school guidelines. But hitting her is something we wouldn't condone,” The director said, but Mr. Kingston ignored him.

“What are you waiting for? Get on your knees and beg!” He yelled at me, dropping spittles on my face.

“Are you going to apologize to me too?” I asked coldly, glaring at him.

His mouth opened and closed in shock, a vein on his forehead popping in anger.

“How dare you?!” he raised his hand to hit me but I caught it, pushing him away.

Anslem immediately stood up to catch his father, preventing him from falling.

“Ruelle, are you insane?! You're going too far!” Anslem growled at me.

I lazily shifted my gaze from his father who was red in anger to him.

“Nobody said he was going too far when he hit me without asking what happened. And now I'm the one going too far?” I asked with my brow going up.

My cheek was stinging and I could bet that there was a red palm print on my cheek.

“Who are your parents? Call them right now!” Mr Kingston ordered.

He held his chest as he heaved, his fat hand wrapped around his tie.

“You should calm down sir. If not you would die of a heart attack.”, I said without batting an eyelid.

Mr Athanas wouldn't bother coming here that was why I wasn't bothered. The school had called him for many things relating to me and he never once showed up for it.

The door burst open and I turned around to see the angry stare of the man I called my father.

His eyes went around the room frantically until they landed on me.

“You!” He yelled. He stormed to me, raising his hands and bringing them down on my face.

The entire room turned silent when my cheeks turned to the side. I could feel it throbbing heavily and I tried to ignore the pain.

“All you ever do is bring shame to the family,” Athanas growled at me.

“That was not why you were called here!” The director couldn't help but scream at Mr. Athanas.

I glared at Mr. Athanas with my eyes brimming with tears.

.I fought back the year drop that threatened to fall, giving away my facade of being strong.

“You could have asked what had happened before you hit your daughter. Don't blame her for something you have no idea about,” The director scolded him and I scoffed. It wasn't the first time.

“What else could she have done? She's always in the wrong,” Mr. Athanas spat out with disgust.

“Oh? So you're her father?” Mr Kingston said. When Mr. Athanas saw him his eyes widened in shock and he blinked back a couple of times.

“How did you train your child that she refused to apologize when she's in the wrong?” Mr. Kingston asked in annoyance.

Mr. Athanas eyes snapped to me in rage, he grabbed my arm pulling me to him immediately.

“Either you get down on your knees and fucking apologize. Or I force you to do it,” He whispered harshly to me.

“Mr Athanas, I know that you're her guardian but that is no way to talk to her. She's an adult and she can think for herself. Ruelle has never done anything without any reason and I think you should ask what happened before you make judgments,” The director pushed to his feet. He knew that he couldn't do much but yet still tried all he could to help me.

My phone rang at that moment and I looked at my screen, it was Killian calling.

I raised my eyes to glare at Mr. Athanas, pulling my arm away from his grip.

“Don't call this man for my affairs again, I have a different guardian,”

I picked up the call and Killian's cold voice came after

“Where are you?” He asked lazily. I didn't know if to tell him about the situation I was in or just play it cool.

But I had already told them that I had another guardian so it was best to tell Killian.

“I got into trouble with the director and–”

“Give him the phone,” Killian didn't even wait for me to explain myself. He cut me short and I immediately complied.

“He wishes to speak to you,” I said calmly.

I had no idea what Killian wanted to say, but I trusted him. He wouldn't attempt to do anything if he couldn't.

“This is unbelievable,” Mr. Kingston said, shaking his head.

“Do you want us to lose an important investor?” Mr. Athanas hissed at me, pulling my arm to turn me around.

“Us? We're not family Mr. Athanas. So there is no us,” I hissed at him, pulling my arm away once more.

The director was still speaking with Killian, no that wasn't a conversation. He was only nodding his head and agreeing to whatever Killian was saying.

Making me wonder what they were talking about about.

“Mr. Kingston,” The director turned to Anslem's father, handing the phone to him.

“This is Mr. Kingston speaking.” He said arrogantly, looking at me in disdain.

I watched as the colors in his face drained off immediately, the arrogant look being replaced with fear.

He instantly sat up straight, “I'm sorry, I..” He started but he was cut short.

His eyes kept darting at me from time to time, and he nodded his head.

I could see beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

Immediately after the call ended he handed me my phone and went down on his knees.

“Please forgive me, I was wrong,” he cried.

I took a step back in surprise, everyone else mirroring the look on my face.

“Dad, what are you doing?!” Anslem cried, trying to raise his father.

This earned him a slap on the face, “you foolish boy, quickly get on your knees and beg too!” Mr Kingston said.

I looked at my screen which was turned off and looked back at them in surprise. What did Killian say to make him beg this way?

“I should have asked for what happened before I decided to blame you, forgive me,” He begged, slamming his forehead against the floor.

I turned to look at Mr. Athanas, he looked shocked with his mouth open.

“You wouldn't apologize too? You hit me,” I said coldly.

His eyes dart to me immediately, filled with anger

“I'm your father, don't I have the right to hit you!” He yelled at me, fisting his hands by his sides.

“I hope you won't regret it when it's too late,” I said then walked out of the room.

My phone rang once again, and it was Killian calling too.

I had a lot of mixed feelings as I stared at my screen.

I finally answered it, raising my phone to my cheek.


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