

"Did the matter get resolved?” Killian asked and I nodded my head.

When I remembered that he wasn't with me here, I had to speak up.

“Yes, thank you,” I said softly.

He was the first person to ever take my side. And even if I didn't know what he had done, I appreciated the fact that he stood by me without knowing whose fault it was.

“You can do whatever it is you want to, I'd always back you up,” He said, and then the line went dead.

I clutched my phone in my hand, a smile breaking out on my face.

“Sister, what happened to you?!” Eileen said with a gasp, wiping the smile away from my face.

I turned to her with a blank look, a brow coming up.

“Did someone hit you?!” She gasped. At that moment, Mr. Athanas stormed out of the office. He turned to me with a glare and then stormed past.

“Sister, what happened?” She asked but I pushed past her too, heading for the art room.

I had a lot of things to do.

“You're here again?” The art teacher said, a warm smile on her face.

I smiled back at her, heading for an empty canvas.

I've been coming here for a while now, it was a way for me to de-stress these days.

I picked up my paintbrush, staring at the empty canvas as I wondered what I would draw.

With a final stroke of the brush, I took a step back, letting out a breath as I stared at my painting.

“Dear, the school has closed already, shouldn't you be on your way– oh my. That is beautiful,” The art professor gasped, staring at my painting.

I clicked on the shutter, taking a picture of the painting.

A call came through my phone and I answered it without hesitation.

“I'm outside,”

I immediately grabbed all my things, walking out of the door after saying goodbye to the art professor.

I was walking down the hallway when a door pulled open, and Eileen stepped out with a boy from her class.

Oh?! What's this? Is she cheating on Gabriel already?

But I thought she really loved Gabriel.

She pulled down her skirt as she tried to fix her shirt, pausing when she saw me.

“Sister?!” She asked in fear, I could see the fear written all over her face as she looked at the boy who had fixed his belt turning to me.

“Sister, why are you still in school at this time?” She asked me, grabbing her fingers.

“I could be asking the same to you, what are you doing with him?” I asked, nodding my head at the boy.

He scratched his hair with his hand, and I raised a brow when he said goodbye to Eileen, leaving with a smug look on his face.

“He was just helping me with an assignment, I was unable to understand something,” She lied, fixing the back that was slung over her shoulders.

My eyes caught the red mark that was on her neck, an obvious hickey.

Not wanting to bother with her affairs, I turned around and started walking off.

“Sister, by any chance would you be picked up by the car that dropped you off in the morning?” Eileen asked, rushing to catch up with me.

“I have no idea,” I answered without even bothering to look at her.

Eileen followed me silently out of the school, the black car parked at the distance was a clear sight.

“Sister, whose car is that? You didn't tell me you had any rich friends,” Eileen said, increasing her pace and walking to the car.

She bent over and tried to peer into the car, knocking on the glass with her knuckles.

I let out a breath in annoyance, grabbing her hair and pulling her back

“You should know how to behave in public,” I warned, opening the door and sliding in.

You would think that my behavior would tell her that she wasn't wanted.

I turned in surprise when Eileen followed after me, sitting down next to me.

Her face fell when she saw that it was Killian who came to pick me up, but she immediately fixed her face.

“Hello Killian, sorry for being here. Can you please drop me off at my house?” She faked a smile, fixing her loose hair behind her ears.

Killian ignored her, placing his hand on my leg.

“Our wedding date has been fixed,” He said and I nodded my head.

I was already wondering when our wedding was going to be and it would be better if it happened soon.

I had a lot of things I had planned, and for it to be set into motion, I needed to be free from that family once and for all.

For the rest of the ride, Eileen tried make talk with everyone but each person ignored her.

The car stopped in front of the Athanas mansion and she got down. She raised her hand to wave goodbye but before she could say anything, I slammed the door shut and the car sped already.

“I hope they didn't cause much trouble for you?” Killian asked me and I shook my head.

“I'm fine,” I said softly.

The palm print on my face had turned to a duller shade, but it was still evident that someone had hit me.

“Did he beg?” Killian asked after a few minutes and I nodded my head. “He got on his knees too,” I replied, remembering what had happened in there.

I wanted to ask Killian what he had done to make a man in like that to beg, but I decided against it.

“If you think he needs to beg more, let me know,” Killian said coldly and I nodded my head.

I caught the driver's eye from the rearview mirror but he said nothing to me.

It felt like there was more to Killian than he let out, he seemed to be more than just the broke blind son of the Lexington's but no one knew about it.

If he had a secret he wanted to share with me, he would do so when he trusted me

Asking him about it now wouldn't be necessary.


The next few days passed by in a blur, everyone had been busy with the wedding preparations.

When Killian told me that this wedding was going to happen really soon, I didn't expect it to be this soon.

It was already the morning of the wedding and I was getting dressed.

I reached for the zipper at my back, trying to pull it up but was unable to.

I groaned in frustration when my arms ached but I still couldn't zip my dress.

There was no one to help me get dressed for the wedding. I refused to let Eileen and her mother anywhere close to me, Killain's mother refused to come for the wedding and even if she was here, I wouldn't have let her anywhere close to me.

No maid was assigned to help me, leaving me frustrated.

The door was pulled open and Killian wheeled himself in.

“Are you okay?” He asked, stopping close to me.

He was unable to see what the problem was, but I was supposed to be out by now

“I'm unable to zip my dress up,” I said, still reaching for the zip.

Killian wheeled himself to me, asking me to turn around.

I bent till I was at his level and he reached out to zip me.

His cold hands on my bare skin sent shivers through my body

My clothes zipped shut and I stood to my full height.

“I'm sorry you're alone on this day,” Killian apologized but I waved him off.

This was exactly what I expected when I made up my mind to get married to him.

“Come down when you're ready, the guests are waiting,” He requested, pushing his wheelchair out.

I took a few minutes to calm myself down before I followed after him.

With no one to walk me down the aisle, I clutched the flowers in my hands tightly, ignoring the whispers from the guests.

I could see their looks of pity and they even shook their heads.

I had no one to walk me down and my groom was crippled.

Talk about bad luck, right?

The wedding started immediately and soon we were required to say our vows

“Is there anyone who's against this wedding? Speak now or forever hold your peace,” The priest said, and at this point, it looked as if he felt pity towards me for even saying that.

Who would be against a wedding like this?

He turned back to us about to continue when Erika pushed up from her seat.

“I am!” She announced and the hall is thrown into turmoil.

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