

Valeria and Fed both visited Mrs Valeria together. Ergon would have come with them, but he sends his regards to his mom and promised to visit her with them some other time.

"Mama, who are we actually going to see at the hospital?" Fred asked curiously.

"We are going to see your grandma's son. I'm sure your Grandma will be glad to see you for the first time."

"Really? Will I finally get to see my grandma?" Fred asked happily.

"Yes, my love," Valeria said, ruffling her son's hair.

"Hold the flowers tightly, when we get there, don't forget to give them to your grandma, okay?"

"Yes, mama."

When they got to the door to Mrs Shiella's room, Valeria quickly turned the door knob and gently walked inside with Fred in front, carrying a bouquet of roses.

The moment they got in, Mrs Shiella, who seemed to be watching the news from her bed, slowly turned her gaze towards the door. Seeing that it was Valeria, her eyes went wide with surprise.

"Oh my God, Valeria, you're here!" Mrs Shiella said
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