
The Feeling Of Heartbreak

Adrianna's joy knew no bounds when she discovered what had happened. She might have cut ties with Ergon, but at least she didn't lose out as well in the end.

Now she would do everything to get Noah back. Now that the bitch was out of the way, it was time for her to stake her claim.

"Adraina, can you tell me why someone would forget the person they claim to love just like that?"

The sudden question from Noah took her by surprise. She wasn't expecting him to ask her such a question.

"Uhm, well,maybe because they don't live the person anore, I guess?"

Adraina replied with a shrug. Though she knew what was happening, she couldn't bring herself to tell Noah the truth. What if he tries to take Valeria by force or tries to help her regain her memories?

She watched Noah as he drank more beer. This was her set time and she wasn't going to miss it for the world.


While Noah was drinking, he was taking note of Adrainna and her reactions. From what he observed, he could tell that Adra
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