
Chapter 76 - Angeline is dead, but Angelica is alive…


I woke up soaking in my own sweat.

I looked around checking if I was still in the cottage that Raja asked me to go to, only to find myself in my own room, at the house I have in Stefan’s pack.

The room was dark which tells me that it was nighttime.

Sitting up took a lot of effort as my body ached everywhere, not to mention the headache I was experiencing right at that moment.

Aside from that my throat was so dry that I started coughing non-stop because of the dryness.

“You should drink,” Fiona said as she walked inside my room surprising me. She was trying to hand me a glass of water but when she saw that I couldn’t even raise my arms she sat on her legs and helped me drink.

“What happened?” I asked, my voice sounded like I was grating a piece of metal.

“Raja has applied the strongest glamour that she knows to help you with your…,” Fiona paused as she looked at me but I couldn’t quite place the emotion that she had in her eyes. “Revenge.”

I look at my friend. The only fr
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