
Chapter 76 - Reborn…


If there was something good and bad about Ethan it would be him keeping his word.

After what happened yesterday, Ethan did exactly what I asked him to do: stay out of my way and never help me. Well, except for Raja, who is by the way, still furious at me.

“Raja,” I called out her name before sitting on top of the table she asked me to lie in as she applied a stronger glamour this time. “Stop exhaling so loudly and just tell me that you’re not happy with me. You know that stress can make you look older, right?”

“You think this is funny, Angeline?” This was the first time that I saw Raja this furious. And the way she calls me by my real name made my heartache. Raja was nothing but kind to me and seeing her frowning the way she is right now hurts me more as much as it hurts them.

If only there was a way for me to forget about everything in my past in an instant, I would gladly choose that. But there was something, no, someone in my past that I couldn’t really give up on.

Yuri Lee

Hi Guys! :) I want to thank all of you who have been with me from the very beginning and are still with me right now. I hope that you continue to support me and help me grow and be a better version of myself. With that being said, I would really want to hear your thoughts. :) And if you like the story so far, please help me by dropping a review. And if you have a gem or two to send my way, I would really appreciate it. Once again, thank you so much. :)

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