
88: Annie's POV (SCW)

I grab one of the throw blankets to cover myself just incase someone else comes in the room before Ansel does. But I don't need to worry, I am only waiting for a few minutes before Ansel walks in the room. He freezes in the door way, stairing at me. His eyes move up and down my body, as he bites his lip, but he doesn't move.

I hear footsteps coming up behind him, causing Ansel to growl so loudly it makes me jump. Suddenly he slams the door shut, locking it at the same time, and then he is on the bed over me. Stairing deep into my eyes, a low rumbling growl leaves his throat in the most seductive way, making my pussy flood instantly. 

I lean up and kiss him, hard. Ansel kisses me back, as he grinds him hips into mine, making me moan in a low voice. I reach up and unbutton Ansel's shirt, he kisses my neck as his hand trails from my knee, slowly up my thigh, bringing my shirt up with his hand, to my hips. His fingers tighten, squeexing my hips as he pushes his pelv

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