
Is he my father?

          Donald's pov

I removed my lips from Sophia's as soon as she coughed out water.

She weakly opened her eyes and stared intently at me, looking rather confused.

I stood up and helped her seat up.

"What happened to me? Why am I drenched?" She asked as she stared at her wet clothes.

She was all soaked and her hair was plastered all over face, making her look like one of those possessed people in movies.

"Well, you dumbly fell into the pool." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at her.

"Huh? I didn't fall into the pool myself. Someone pushed me." She creased her eyebrows.

"Wait, what? Someone pushed you?" I asked and scoffed.

"Yes. But I couldn't see the persons face. The persons face was covered." She groaned lightly.

"That's unbelievable. It's just your imagination. You fell into the pool and you assumed someone pushed you." I huffed.

"I'm not assuming, I'm very

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